Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven…
– Jesus, from The Lord’s Prayer (MT 6:9-10)
All of human history can be broken into just three stages. There are many criteria we might use to carve up humanity’s time on earth, but only one of them measures more than mere adjustments to the décor! Because there is a genuine Godhead, outside of time and outside of history, what matters in the end is whether we are able to find and come to know that genuine Godhead. When we look at what actually matters in the long arc of eternity, here are our three stages:
- Religions. From our earliest prehistory we have been living in the same energy-based reality that is ours today. People back then had spirit guides, just as we have spirit guides; and by middle age, most of us have had some sort of extraordinary experience. We have to assume this has always been true. And yet, until very recently we had no way to understand anything! So very early on, we invented gods. At first they were shorthand explanations for all the things that we couldn’t understand; but over time, we invested our gods with personalities. Soon they were making terrible demands, but fear of gods that we can placate still beats living in uncontrollable terror. And it wasn’t long before our gods and their imagined demands, concocted promises, and dreamt-up powers were being wrapped up in human-made religions.
- Science. Eventually people began to believe they could study and try to understand what they perceived to be a solid reality. So then an informal division began to be enforced between religions and the non-religious study of our earthly environment. That was when the second stage of human history began. We were determined to know the material truth! Not much more than two thousand years ago, we made the study of the matter-based reality around us the exclusive realm of science.
- Energy. Religions are human-made guesses at what actually is going on, while science limits itself to the study of matter. But in the nineteenth century we began to get enough good evidence about what happens after death and how it fits with this material reality that soon it began to be possible for us to study all of reality. And soon thereafter we learned that reality is based in a creative force that we experience in a dim way as consciousness. The scientific gatekeepers soon began to see these efforts to understand the greater reality as incursions of religions into scientific turf, so early in the twentieth century we began the third stage of our effort to study reality, which is the realm of energy.
These three stages of human development are mutually exclusive, and yet now all three of them compete with one another. They give us three incompatible views of what actually is going on, and each insists that the other two are missing something big. Both of the first two stages are sharply self-limited; and now we can see that both are fading:
- Religions are losing adherents worldwide. I hear from many people now who have been zealous lifelong Christians, but they no longer can satisfy themselves with the pap of mere “faith” and “beliefs.” They have been searching to find the truth, so they are happy to learn about the fruits of modern energy research. Why merely believe, when you can know?
- Science is similarly losing steam. I have watched this trend develop over decades in the pages of my beloved Scientific American, from the days when there were articles about how we soon will know how the brain creates consciousness, how we will figure out what drew life forth from some ideal primordial goo, and how we shortly will justify the truth of atheism. But then, perhaps a decade ago, we began to see more and more sad articles about how this or that big aspect of the puzzle begins to seem as if it never will be solved at all.
Until the start of this century, we had to guess at what the purpose of human life might be. But the energy-based study of reality brought us immediate and abundant evidence of what actually is going on, and now we know that we enter bodies as an efficient way to raise our consciousness vibrations away from fear and toward more perfect love. Energy-based research works so well because everything is energy, so we can consider no evidence to be off-limits. It is clear now that over the course of this century our religions will wither even more, and science will blend into and co-opt these first energy-based studies of the greater reality as it becomes ever more obvious that reality is entirely consciousness-based and a great deal larger and more complex than just this limited material universe. By the end of this century we will be down to just one method for studying reality. That method will be based in an understanding first advanced a century ago by the great quantum physicist Max Planck, that what we experience as consciousness is the universal creative force. But until religions lose their fear-based hold on many more individual minds, and science also gives up its ongoing efforts to stonewall the objective truth, it is only this third phase of human seeking that is going to find enough new truths to matter.
It is important to point out here that our energy-based investigation of the greater reality is clearly and demonstrably What God Wants! If it were not for the deliberate thinning of the veil between energy levels that we began to notice in the nineteenth century, we still would be contenting ourselves with religions and science, two mutually unsatisfactory methods for seeking the objective truth. We would still be nowhere! But a century and a half ago the Godhead intervened and began to share with humankind more information about the non-material reality via deep-trance mediums and channels; and soon thereafter, what we think of as the veil between energy-levels of reality perceptibly began to thin. By now, many more of us are in daytime contact with our spirit guides. Extraordinary experiences have become more common.
In truth, the Godhead’s efforts to move us toward an energy-based view of reality began two thousand years ago. When we study the Gospel teachings of Jesus, we can see that one of His major objectives was to do away with our human-made religions. And now we are coming to understand another big reason why our leaving religions behind is so important.
Religions are the source of human evil.
Without religions, human evil as an organized force would not exist. We come here to experience negativity so we can learn to resist it and always choose love, and thereby we can grow spiritually. And there are lots of possible sources of negativity, most of which are adverse life-events like a scarcity of resources, the death of a loved one, illness and injury and superstitious fears. And also, from earliest antiquity, some of our adverse life-effects have come from the non-love-based reactions of others to their own life-stresses. In order for us to grow spiritually, we must have free will so we can choose love over fear, and there always have been those who chose wrongly and made a spiritual botch of their lives. So we always have run the risk of becoming the victim of someone else’s fear-based decisions.
So as our religions developed, some of them spawned a ghastly explanation for what were in fact simple human mistakes. Religions began to include some version of a devil, a creator of everything bad from which the god of that religion would deliver us if we offered it our gifts. So now we had an explanation for whatever went wrong that was a useful additional means of controlling the faithful. Most religions also added to the invention of a devil the concept of religious rules and divine punishments for breaking those rules, so to evil we added the notions of sin and punishment. But the lower a being vibrates spiritually, the weaker that being is, which means that it is flat impossible for a powerful evil being to exist in opposition to the Godhead. So in fact, there cannot be a real Satan. And nothing is a sin in the Mind of God. As Jesus tells us in the Gospels, there is only and always that simple choice between love and fear!
When religions introduced the notion of a powerful evil entity, they actually brought evil into being. Without religions and their man-made devils, there is no evil for its own sake, but there only is the Godhead’s eternal call that despite the challenges we all plan into our lives, we always must choose love over fear and learn to love ever more perfectly. Now, though, evil is loose in the world, and there are malevolent entities no longer in bodies who once were human beings, but who now are vibrating at such a low level that all they can do is feed on human fear in order to remain even barely active. We are told that once we have loosened the negative hold of religions on enough people’s minds, we will loosen the restraints on these beings as well, so then they can be rescued. And then evil as a force will be no more.
The connection between evil and religions is direct and strong. Think of terrorist attacks and the Inquisition. Think of the horrors of an artificial hell that still is prominent in many religions, where mistaken choices made on earth can condemn us to suffer eternally. Think of what is arguably the worst evil ever carried out by humankind, which is the millennia-long torture of the Jewish people and then the Holocaust that killed six million of them. Are you aware that the Protestant reformer, Martin Luther, was a vicious anti-Semite? That some of the Nazi murder-camps had busy churches standing amid the gas chambers and the smoking crematoria? Martin Luther, the German reformer for whom the greatest American champion of human rights was later named, so much hated the innocent people among whom Jesus had chosen long ago to be born that his ideas helped to inspire the Holocaust.
So now we know that the genuine Godhead condemns religions. And with reason! But then, what does God actually want? It is time for us to stop inventing our gods and thinking up what we would want if we ourselves were gods. Let’s step back now and listen to the genuine Godhead….
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom
and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
– Jesus, from The Lord’s Prayer (MT 6:11-13)