Joy to the world! The Lord is come.
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And heaven and nature sing!
And heaven and nature sing!
And heaven, and heaven and nature sing!
– Isaac Watts (1674-1748), from “Joy to the World” (1719)
It pains me to admit that I seem to have been blowing an essential task. My beloved Thomas has shown me that the primary purpose of these posts has been to help you learn the objective truth about a great many things, with one main goal: he wants you to come to know and perfectly love and trust the genuine Godhead. But it is clear from many emails and blog comments that I have long been missing that mark! So today we are going to take a stab at helping you finally understand how you can learn to love as God wants you to love, as Jesus came to teach you to love, and as you will need to learn how to love if you want to make this your last earth-lifetime.
My spirit guide is my lodestar. If he is happy with whatever we write, I consider it to be a success! And as you likely know, for more than a decade Thomas has been using me to demonstrate how the Lord’s Gospel teachings on forgiveness and love are meant to work. Our problem is that Thomas hasn’t been in a body for more than a century. Perfect divine love is where he lives, while we who are in bodies are immersed in a depth of negativity that he can no longer imagine. So it is only now that he is noticing and pointing out to me that some of what we have written has been too vague and mild for an earthly audience. Today we will try again.
After mulling it over, I have come to suspect that the reason why it can be hard for many to learn the perfect love that Jesus taught is that we see emotion as something private that flares and sparks for our own amusement. But the love that Jesus taught is not something that we feel. Rather, it is something that we become. In fact, we begin to internalize God’s divine love fairly early in the process. It then provides a basis for what can be fairly rapid spiritual growth. We need a new word for the love that Jesus taught, and our wonderful friend Father Richard Rohr has suggested one. He says, “The Kingdom of Heaven is really a metaphor for a state of consciousness . . . it is not a place you go to, but a place you come from. It is a whole new way of looking at the world, a transformed awareness that literally turns this world into a different place. . . The hallmark of this awareness is that it sees no separation—not between God and humans, not between humans and other humans. . . . When Jesus talks about this Oneness . . . . what he more has in mind is a complete, mutual indwelling.” So Fr. Rohr calls the divine love that Jesus taught “Oneness,” which is a reasonable description of how it feels as it grows in you. For today, let’s experiment with using “Oneness” to refer to the divine love that Jesus taught.
Here is what the Oneness that Jesus taught IS NOT:
- Personal. If you feel love for some people but not for others, then you are lacking in Oneness. A Course in Miracles calls the love you have for friends and family – the love that differentiates some people from other people – “special loves.” And the Course says that special loves are as counterproductive spiritually as are special hates. If there is anyone on earth you have trouble loving, you are being too personal. It’s time for a reset.
- Stressful. The process of raising your personal consciousness vibration toward Oneness is stress-free by nature, and in fact it requires that you free yourself from stress as much as you can in order for it to work well. If you find yourself struggling to love someone, or gritting your teeth as you try to forgive, you are doing it wrong. It’s time to start over, and practice the basics a lot more closely.
- Enjoyable. Really falling in love feels wonderful! We thrill! We soar! But none of those intense feelings of love is associated with the early stages of achieving Oneness. At first, to be frank, Oneness feels more like a flattening of your emotions, a kind of distancing from actively loving other people. It is only later, from the space of peace and safety that Oneness fosters in you, that your heart begins to swell until it encompass all of humanity.
- Variable. Approaching Oneness creates in you a much more stable mood-base. It makes it so you will less and less feel earth-life’s emotional ups and downs, but rather you are at a little distance from them; and this includes even the great emotional highs and lows like winning the lottery or the loss of a loved one. As Oneness builds, you transcend earthly concerns and always feel a kind of safe happiness, no matter what might be going on.
- Fickle. We think of love as something like a meter that helps us measure how we feel from day to day about the people who are closest to us. We love them more when they are kind and helpful, and less when they do things that annoy us. But Oneness is the opposite of our roller coaster of special loves! As Oneness builds in you, you will be less and less annoyed or elated by those close to you, no matter what they might do.
Please re-read and internalize these points. It will help you to recognize your progress toward Oneness if you know not only what you should be looking for, but also which feelings are going to be dead-ends. The divine love that Jesus taught is technically “love” because it is the highest consciousness vibration that we can experience while on earth. But emphatically, it does not feel like what we usually think of as love! Oneness is instead much more like what the Apostle Paul described as “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” (see Phil 4:7).
The love that Jesus taught is already your essential nature. Your mind is inextricably part of the one Mind which at its highest aspect encompasses the Godhead, so your spiritual growth can be a remarkably self-perpetuating process. And because Oneness is your essential nature, the transformation starts to happen naturally once you have accomplished these three things:
- Convinc yourself that you cannot die. The fear of death is the base fear, so once you no longer fear death you no longer fear anything. And without earth-based fears to trip you up, your spiritual rise can begin.
- Learn prevenient forgiveness. Jesus made a point of insisting that we always forgive and never judge, because otherwise the grievances that continue to plague us will interfere with our spiritual growth.
- Vanquish your ego. Your ego can be the hardest to conquer of these three obstacles to your spiritual growth. If you have trouble getting past the “me-me” grabby nonsense that your ego tends to percolate, you might try an A Course in Miracles study group.
Oneness sounds like something hard to achieve, but in fact it is astoundingly easy. After your many excursions into bodies that were followed by periods of afterlife bliss, Oneness already is who you are. Then as you stripped down to your earth-mind again to enter your present body, you put away your active awareness of your glorious eternal nature, and you added a little gremlin ego whose only purpose is to make you self-protective. As you vanquish your ego and strip away what is not-Oneness, your true and already glorious nature begins to be revealed.
It is only once you banish fear, learn to forgive, and also give the boot to your ego that your genuine spiritual growth can begin. Once you have effectively managed all three of the steps listed above, you will already have fought more than half the battle! And you will find that once this process is well along, it seems to maintain itself with little need for further effort beyond your awareness and enjoyment of the process. I think my biggest failing has been that I haven’t helped you understand how growing into Oneness actually feels. In fact, it soon starts to feel delicious! Here are a few of the changes you should be seeing in yourself within months:
- You want less and less. I loved noticing this in myself! Realizing you would be every bit as happy living in just one room feels fantastically freeing.
- You don’t worry. Whether it’s a money crisis or your children’s safety or which politician might blow up the world, you feel safely removed from all earthly concerns.
- No event has the power to upset you. As A Course in Miracles says, “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.”
- You tend to love everyone. I soon realized I was looking at people passing on the street and feeling warmth and kindness toward perfect strangers.
I know a few people who are so far advanced spiritually that to find them still living on earth is surprising. All the people I know who have best achieved Oneness are mild, kindly, self-effacing, and dedicated to whatever work they do for others. They also are steadily and relentlessly cheerful. Even joyous! And they never get angry, but rather if someone confronts them or disturbs their peace, they withdraw. They make you want whatever it is that they have!
Jesus is still saying to us today, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (MT 11:28-30). Learning to love as Jesus taught us to love does require that we surrender and allow our minds to open completely to the love of God. But everything about this process is joyous! And best of all, when you become the love of God, for the first time you will understand just how completely the Godhead loves you. And you will know only joy forevermore.
Joy to the world! The Savior reigns.
Let men their songs employ.
While fields and floods,
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy!
Repeat the sounding joy!
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy!
– Isaac Watts (1674-1748), from “Joy to the World” (1719)