At last we know the truth about death! And knowing the truth changes everything…

After spending decades studying nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent afterlife evidence, in 2010 Roberta published The Fun of Dying: Find Out What Really Happens Next. She has followed that book with further enjoyable and easily understood examinations of what we continue to learn from the dead about the nature of reality, our eternal natures, and how we should be living our lives so we can build a better world now and a happier life forevermore.


For Children

Roberta's Books

Liberating Jesus: Following the Gospel teachings of Jesus is the surest route to your best eternal life, no matter what your religion might be.

Flying High In Spirit: Flying High in Spirit is the personal account of Mikey Morgan, a very advanced being who last lived here in the 1600s but then took another brief lifetime, dying in 2007 at the age of 20, so he could tell us in our own language what really is going on.

My Thomas is the beautiful true story of Thomas Jefferson’s marriage and his life during the Revolutionary War. More than forty years later, he still referred to Patty as “the cherished companion of my life,” and to their marriage as “ten years of unchequered happiness.”

The Fun of Dying: Roberta Grimes studied nearly 200 years of abundant and consistent communications from the dead to give us a better understanding of the glorious eternal lives that await us all.

The Fun of Staying in Touch: From certified mediums through self-induced communications to the soul phone, there are many more ways to stay in contact with our dead loved ones than you know!

The Fun of Growing Forever: Thanks to extensive correspondences between the afterlife evidence and the teachings of Jesus, for the first time we know the purpose of human life! And we are learning how to make the most of our lives, both while we are on earth and forevermore.

The Fun of Living Together: Racial issues are America’s most intractable problem, but they can be largely solved in one generation. Roberta and her friend, Kelley Glover, together explain what we are doing wrong and how we can easily start to make it right. If not us, who? If not now, when?

The Fun of Meeting Jesus: The Gospel teachings of Jesus are the easiest and most effective method for rapid spiritual growth even found, and they are magical for children. In this beautifully illustrated book, young children meet and come to know and trust Jesus as their beloved eternal Teacher.

The Fun of Loving Jesus: Jesus taught us little that was new! For centuries prophets had been bringing God's messages to our benighted world, but in those ancient days what had been divine truths soon were muddled by human superstitions. It was the beautiful mission of Jesus to clear away all that was of man and reveal at last the truth of God!

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Sandra Champlain's We Don't Die Radio
“Thank you, Roberta Grimes, as you have given the world a fine gift, here for the potential deeper understanding of the mysteries of humankind.”—Thelma on
“It will give you a whole new perspective on why we are here and what we will face and it is all good. Highly recommend.”—JaLo, Amazon Review
“Thank you, Roberta, for the many morsels you've given me to enjoyably contemplate. I am much fuller because of your decades-old quest.”—Joel Baehr, Minister, Unity of Mesa

Roberta's Blog

All Reality is Consciousness

Posted by Roberta Grimes • February 08, 2025

… He can turn the tides and calm the angry sea. He alone decides who writes a symphony. He lights every star that makes the darkness bright. He keeps watch all through each long and lonely night. He still finds the time to hear a child’s first prayer. Saint or sinner calls and always finds... Read More

Being Conscious

Posted by Roberta Grimes • February 01, 2025

Whether I’m right, or whether I’m wrong, Whether I find a place in this world or never belong, I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me, What else can I be but what I am? I want to live, not merely survive. And I won’t give up this dream of life that keeps me alive!... Read More

Ours to Do

Posted by Roberta Grimes • January 25, 2025

For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies; Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise. For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, hill and vale, and tree... Read More

Who Is He?

Posted by Roberta Grimes • January 18, 2025

I am weak but Thou art strong. Jesus, keep me from all wrong! I’ll be satisfied just as long As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.  Just a closer walk with Thee. Grant it, Jesus, is my plea! Daily walking close to Thee. Let it be, dear Lord, let it be!  Thro’ this... Read More