
Timeless and Spaceless

Posted by Roberta Grimes • July 05, 2016 • 27 Comments
Human Nature, Quantum Physics, Understanding Reality

As we attempt to make ever better sense of what actually is going on, thelarge_6827701945-300x225 hardest concept for most of us to grasp is the fact that in nearly all of reality there is no objective time or space. I’m more used to it now, and I think I begin to understand the science of it, but still the effects of it can boggle!

Those we used to think were dead find their lack of space and time quite freeing. For decades I was mystified by the way the dead could think themselves to the other side of the world, or even to the planet of a distant star, and they would be there in less than an eye-blink. In the afterlife things look and feel solid, our bodies seem to be in every way real, and there is a perception of visual distance… but still, people tell us they can look at a mountain range across what seems to be fifty miles of distance and make out the veins in every leaf on every tree on every one of its foothills. It was really only when we began to get good quantum-physics-for-dummies books in the first years of this century that it was possible for afterlife researchers to begin to make sense of all of this. It’s simple, really.

EinsteinThe only thing that exists is consciousness energy. Even what we think of as matter is just energy at a lower rate of vibration. As Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” And Max Planck agreed. He said, “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Reality is composed of consciousness energy in an infinite range of vibratory rates, very much as if your mind were a television set with an infinite range of channels. It is onlyUniverse-150x150 this material-seeming universe – which exists at what we think is the lowest vibratory rate – that is governed by a mathematics-based, clockwork form of physics. In the rest of reality, which is most of reality, the only physics is consciousness-based. So it is only in this material-seeming reality that time and space seem to exist at all! In all the infinite levels of reality beyond this one, the illusory matter is mind-created, all forms of energy are also mind-created, and time and space can exist or not and in whatever way your mind might like.

You will have to internalize these concepts if you hope to make sense of what is going on. Some of the implications are astounding. For example:

  • There is no such thing as size. The universe is simultaneously infinitely large and smaller than a flyspeck. The attribute of “size” simply does not apply to it.
  • The “Big Bang” is something like a thought. The notion that the universe began when something smaller than a pencil-dot exploded in a micro-instant to large_8382317948become this entire universe is easier to comprehend when we think of that explosion not as anything physical at all, but more like what it is: a mind-created fiction of illusory matter, space, and time. The so-called Big Bang is a thought. And without objective time, the Big Bang is a thought in the continuous now.
  • In fact, all that exists is Now. Without time, that conclusion is inescapable! And beyond this material universe – that is, in most of reality – those not in physical bodies tell us that indeed they perceive their reality in just that way.
  • What we think of as the past is apparently changeable. One of the things that some researchers find confusing is the way that things happening in our future lives can affect the lives that we are living now. Without objective time, the past simply isn’t fixed. The implications of this fact are so manifold and profound that they deserve and have received their own blog post here.
  • You are an eternal being. If you are aware now, then you always have been and Sunriseyou always will be aware. You are an eternal being by your very nature.

To claim and own and stand at last upon your status as an eternal being is the very foundation of human joy. And getting yourself past the notion that time and space are objectively real turns out to be its indispensable beginning!

Roberta Grimes
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27 thoughts on “Timeless and Spaceless

    1. Hello Mike! I’m glad that you’ve found this blog post helpful. I know from the way people’s questions are framed that even those who have done considerable afterlife studies often have trouble really thinking in timeless and spaceless mode. For decades I had the same problem. What I have found, though, is that once we really get it, we get it! And thinking outside that time-and-space box feels to us the way it seems to feel to those we used to think were dead: it is incredibly, immensely freeing. Thank you for commenting here!

  1. Timeless and Spaceless. Two subjects that aren’t easy to get our heads around but you make it easy to grasp. I’ve personally come from an Agnostic background and it becomes more and more difficult to deny the existence of the afterlife, the illusion of time and space and the messages we receive from the other side. Thanks ever so much Roberta for all you do to educate and inspire us all in such a loving and charming way.

    1. And thank you, Jeanine, for writing such a loving and charming comment ;-)!

      I truly do get your having been an agnostic. The God that religions champion is in many ways so unsatisfying, especially if you are a thoughtful, intelligent person and more able to resist the fear that lies at the heart of all religions. If I hadn’t done all this research over decades and been able at last to discover eternal Mind as an empirical fact, eventually I would have had to profess agnosticism as well. What is beautiful about the study of the afterlife evidence is for me not even the certain awareness of the fact that we are eternal beings, although that is so liberating. But the greatest discovery of my life has been the certain realization that the reason we are eternal is that our minds are part of the eternal Mind which is the only thing that exists. In the end, I didn’t so much find God, but it feels more as if once I had put enough of the truth together, all the false human beliefs that come from science and religions and our own fallibilities faded to nothing. And with all of that out of the way, the only real thing left was the genuine God; I felt as if at last God had found me. It sounds as if that is happening for you, too, dear. And I am so glad for you!

      1. There is a Sufi notion that we REMEMBER God and God remembers us. God searches for us as we search for God–the lover and the beloved. Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee’s books explain the lover/beloved bond well.

        1. I think it’s true that we remember being in God, and that is a large part of our spiritual hunger and why we even choose to be born. But God has no need to remember us: we are in God, always have been, and always will be. That is why spiritual growth turns out to be mostly a process of remembering who and what we already are! My next book, The Fun of Growing Forever, will be out next month – it demonstrates how this process works pretty well. Thank you for your thoughts on this. That we search for God as if God were our yearned-for lover is a pretty good analogy!

  2. A Philosophical Critique of Empirical Arguments for Postmortem Survival
    i love your book and zammits but this book is like 1800 pages of every thing evidence thing vs the evidence thing vs the stuff saying the evidence is wrong it cost alot but this book has every thing in the past 200 years put into one thing

    1. Hello Brandon! Thank you for the recommendation. The beauty of it is that there are all different kinds and levels of need for information and ability to understand, so there are a number of different books – at this point, there’s something for everyone! Mine is the simplest. I think I’m meant to teach this stuff at the first-grade level. I’ve heard from people who say that reading The Fun of Dying made it all for the first time make sense to them. I recommend the Zammits’ book because it is more intellectual, and for most people seeing the evidence at that level is necessary. There are some, though, who really need to see it all, and need to see it all critiqued and then the critiques demolished, and so on. And people who have the patience and interest to read 1800 pages of anything! Most of all, I think, the very fact that there is so much evidence of so many different kinds – and it is all consistent – is what really is most compelling. All of this is real. And this is the glorious century when at last everyone is going to know that it’s real!

  3. Interesting that you post this now. I’ve just finished a book by Bernardo Kastrup that has helped me grasp what has been for me the most difficult paradigm shift to make.

    1. Then this post is no coincidence, dear Brian! I was going to write about something else this week, but the notion that it was time to talk about time and space kept nagging at me. Now I know why ;-).

  4. All your blogs are interesting, but I feel that this is the most important one, as it answers many questions that people have had for centuries. Most of us are skeptical about the afterlife due to our limited perceptions of space and time but when we realize that our concepts of space and time only make sense in our material reality, it is easier to realize that it is all normal rather than paranormal, and that what seems miraculous and impossible here is really normal in a non-material reality.. We just have to dispense with our old ideas

    1. Wow, dear, this is beautifully said! Thank you for expressing the problem so well. In my experience, the lack of objective time and space is the hardest concept of all for us to grasp; but once we get it, we really do get it, and forever. I’m so glad to be able to help!

  5. I actually hope you expand on this more down the road, as there is not enough said about it. I find that odd, as without this understanding, as you outlined it, there would be no way to truly answer even the most common questions concerning the afterlife.

    1. Dear Lola, I think your suggestion is a great one! There is a book on the physics of the greater reality to be written; I’m just not sure that I am the right person to write it. At least, not on my own! But as you say this, you make me think that it is likely time to be reaching out to some potential co-authors. Thank you for your thoughts!

    1. Oh my goodness, Brandon, the book being reviewed there is amazing – it must represent a high-water mark of scientific nonsense in any field! To quote just a bit of it:

      “A considerable portion of The Myth of and Afterlife hinges on the brain sciences, mainly in supporting the “dependence thesis,” which states that “having a functioning brain…is a necessary condition (or prerequisite) for having any sort of conscious experiences. And if human consciousness most likely cannot exist in the absence of brain activity, then it must cease to exist when the brain dies.”

      Good grief, how ridiculous! By now there are many and manifold documented examples of consciousness functioning independently of a functioning brain, so for anyone in the 21st century to write a book based in the primary supposition that it cannot happen is the rough equivalent of writing a book based upon the certainty – demonstrated by frank observation – that the earth absolutely must be flat. We are talking literally that level of clueless ridiculousness!

      And no, dear, people won’t be falling for this level of Luddite nonsense for much longer. Those we used to think were dead have run out of patience with humankind’s willful scientific and religious blindnesses, and within the decade they will have established very good electronic communication between their levels of reality and our own. At that point, it will be impossible for scientists to propagate their lies any longer, and the sound that will bring them down to earth will be – sadly for them – a chorus of worldwide laughter.

      Someday there will be established a museum of human folly in this field. I have just read a review of a book that will be a prime exhibit there. Thank you!

  6. There is a brilliant author by the name of Bernardo Kastrup who was mentioned by Brian Smith yesterday (see above) who addresses this issue and presents outstanding research about it, and I suggest that people read one of the several books that he wrote, especially the one called “Materialism is Baloney” (no kidding, that really is the title). He steadfastly believes that consciousness is not dependent upon the brain

  7. A guess it’s an evolution of perception. When I was young I thought I was this separate thing running around like billions of other separate things. Then in my late 30s I had a spiritual crises and out of that came the knowledge that all consciousness is One and there really is nothing separate.
    At that point I thought that maybe consciousness existed outside of time and space and was looking into the 3D/4D universe from that vantage point.
    After a couple of more spiritual crises’ I came to the full realization that everything including the universe, time and space just exist within the One consciousness we all are!

    Bernardo Kastrup makes one of the the most powerful observations I’ve ever read in his book “More Than Allegory”.

    “You may recall the epiphany I related in Part 1, which I had while contemplating a beautiful crucifix in Cologne Cathedral. Well, on that occasion I suddenly recognized that the man on the cross is each and every human being. His sacrifice is our sacrifice: we are all hanging from the self-conceptualized cross of space, time, confinement and impermanence. His divine nature is our true nature as timeless mind taking particular, seemingly limited perspectives within its own dream.”

    1. It’s good to see you, Tom – thanks for commenting! I think your point is well made that as our awareness of our own nature increases – through study, epiphany, transcendent experience, or however that happens – then we can discover timelessness as our natural state. It really does clearly become just a part of the illusion for us, something foreign to our essential natures.

      So it would be wonderful if there were a way to help each person to reliably have in some form that experience of the unity and transcendence of consciousness, wouldn’t it? Coming at the truth the hard way, though – by study and by reason – seems to leave a genuine understanding of the illusory nature of time as perhaps the hardest step to take.

      The true nature of time and space is such a relatively advanced topic that actually I wasn’t sure whether enough people would care about it to make it worthy of a separate blog post here. But I have heard from so many about it this week, by email and on Facebook and in these comments! It is astonishing how rapidly the consciousness of this planet is being raised now. Just the thought of it takes my breath away!

  8. My question to you Roberta is, Can those spirits in the lower realms leave and visit Earth to be at the bedside of a loved one? My Mother died back in 2004. She was 84 years old. About a year and a half later my Father was laying in his bed near death when my sisters were at his bedside when he raised his head and shouted my Mother’s name. Three hours later, he died. I have been studying the afterlife for over two years, From what I have learned in those studies that those below the “Summerland” realm cannot leave those realms to go to Earth so I figured that my Mother would not have been able to greet Dad at his bed side. Now that we assume that Dad saw our Mother, that she IS in the “Summerland” realm where she is able to leave and visit the Earth. What do you think Roberta? Any response would be most appreciated. Thank you Roberta. Gary.

    1. Hello Gary! I would be curious to know why you might believe that your mother didn’t graduate to the Summerland upon her transition? I don’t think there are statistics, but it seems that virtually everyone leaves earth and enters at Level Three pretty automatically, and unless people are deep in negativity – fear, anger, guilt, etc. – then the Summerland is where they remain. I cannot imagine that a dear 84-year-old mother could possibly have ended up in the lower realms!

      (For those with less knowledge than you have, Gary, we should say that Levels One and Two are the lowest-vibration parts of the afterlife, commonly called the lower realms, while Levels Three through Five are the Summerland, glorious and idyllic. And it gets even better at Level Six!)

      But to answer your question, yes, the evidence suggests that those who are below Level Three can’t come to their dying loved ones as deathbed visitors and help to escort them to the Summerland realms, perhaps in part because they aren’t able to get that high in the afterlife energy spectrum themselves. So be comforted, dear Gary, to know that your mother successfully transitioned following her death and then your father had the joy of seeing her appear at his deathbed, now young and healthy, and she escorted him home when his own turn came!

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Brandon! It’s a truly and deeply and astonishingly ignorant article, blandly asserting as truth so much that is nonsense that it likely is going to need its own blog post if, upon further study of it, I come to think it’s worthy of that much effort. It is typical of a certain paradigm that seems to represent the last-ditch, end-game effort of the scientific community to assert that indeed, after all, it has produced value sufficient to warrant all our trust in it. By selectively choosing what to study and what to ignore, and then blandly asserting that it has not dead-ended after all but instead it has figured everything out except this one little tiny area – it has yet to find a way to explain subjective experience – then science may yet pull materialist victory from the sad jaws of its apparent defeat. Amazing! But nothing for you to worry about, dear Brandon. There is nothing whatsoever of value in these musings, so you can safely ignore it all!

  9. i wonder how many people think there is an after life i know it was like 73% in like 2011 but i think its growing how many people do for sure people that lsiten to your show and follow the work of craig hogan and things like that some one told me it was like 81% but i don’t think its the high it might be tho
    but if any body know what is the percent now tell me i kinda want to see

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