O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!
– David, Third King of Israel and Judah (1035-970 BC), Psalm 8:1-5
There never has been a religion that had any understanding of the genuine Godhead, nor have we had a scientific community engaged in an open-minded search for the truth.
These facts are plain horrifying! Even well into the twenty-first century, all our religions still worship their own human-made and fear-based gods. And even today every scientific discipline still pursues the truth only insofar as that truth doesn’t violate “the fundamental scientific dogma of materialism.” But there is in fact a genuine Godhead! There is no such thing as solid matter! So both science and religions are turning out after thousands of years to be dead-ended duds. But fortunately, a few clear-thinking people have been doing truly open-minded research. And in the face of ever broader dissemination of what these researchers have been learning, the scientific and religious strangleholds on what most people assume to be true are losing power. It is beginning at last to seem that soon, and wonderfully, the glorious truth will begin to dawn over all the earth! The researchers who are working now will be watching it happen from the bleacher seats, but we are proud even now of what we have spent these earth-lives doing for the enlightenment of humankind. And we are eager to watch these glorious truths bring freedom from fear to all the world!
We talked last week about making predictions. That got my Thomas thinking. And he is saying now, “You want predictions? I’ll give you predictions!” He asks you to put his list into your personal-papers file, or perhaps just tape it to your refrigerator door. He says that by 2075, humankind in general is going to know that all these things are true:
- Human consciousness is primary, pre-existing, and the source of life;
- Time, space, and matter with its associated energy are all illusions;
- This universe is in the nature of a thought, so it has neither size nor substance;
- This universe – including all the past – is being re-created in each micro-instant;
- This universe is just 200,000 earth-years old; and
- The Godhead is a Collective of Perfected People.
As Plato wrote in about 400 BC, and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in 1838 AD, so my beloved Thomas is telling us now that in fact “things are not what they seem!” Let’s summarize his points with reference to some of our prior discussions here:
Human Consciousness is Primary, Pre-Existing, and the Source of Life
One of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century plainly told us that consciousness is primary! Max Planck won the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1931 he said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” There is so much independent evidence for this essential truth that it shouldn’t be remotely controversial; but for consciousness to be primary seems to most scientists to smack too much of a belief in God, so they continue their absurd hunt for a source of consciousness in the human brain. The primacy of consciousness is not a new idea, but what is new and amazing is the fact that we are learning now that life is a primary property of consciousness. Once scientists get over their squeamish worries about inadvertently finding God, not only will they begin to understand how consciousness actually works, but they will find that consciousness is the long-sought source of the core phenomenon called life.
Time, Space, and Matter with Its Associated Energy Are all Illusions
Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” And he even said, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Every bit of matter is empty space. Even all those subatomic “particles” are just vortices of energy! Our use of the word “illusion” may be controversial, since it implies that the universe that we think is “out there” actually is all in our minds. But no less a light than Albert Einstein said it first! We know that all our minds are part of the one universal Mind, and (as we will see below) creation happens freshly in each micro-instant. So the word “illusion” turns out to be a pretty accurate description of our not-solid reality!
This Universe is in the Nature of a Thought, So It Has Neither Size nor Substance
Those who have been communicating with us from the greater reality have occasionally said things like “The universe isn’t as big as you think it is.” And they were right! The shorthand word for a product of human consciousness that is being continuously created is “a thought,” and more and more those who study reality are coming to realize that Dr. R. Craig Hogan’s insight that nothing exists but Mind and the experiences we have within Mind is precisely right. Envision, if you can, the entire earth in tremendous and precise detail. Now ask yourself: Where is that earth? How big is it? How solid is it? As you see, a thought can be gigantically solid and precise, while at the same time it possesses neither size nor substance! As the great polymath Nikola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
This Universe – Including All the Past – Is Being Re-Created in Each Micro-Instant
In order for this fact to make any sense, you first will have to internalize how completely matter, energy, time, and space do not exist apart from our minds! They are as ephemeral in the reality that we think we see around us as they are in our well-considered thoughts. And that fact has some important implications for the Godhead’s eternal perspective on time! We know from beings not now in bodies that they can manipulate our perception of time. For example, the sixth-level being Mikey Morgan has made a specialty of teaching the newly-dead how to make the music on a radio or in a store play a favorite old song at the moment when a loved one can hear it. He gives us an explanation in his wonderful book that can make your eyes cross! A universe that is in the nature of a thought can be freshly created in each instant, and in our case reality is being created in infinitesimal slices of time, including an entire invented past that has become ever more complex over the centuries as we have become more adept at studying that past. When you know that the past isn’t real, you begin to spot all the little glosses and fudges that help to fill in all that artificial time. And once scientists start to get a clue, they are going to find a lot more of them! Punctuated equilibrium in evolution is a great example, as is the fact that the “cosmological constants” that are supposed to remain constant or the universe will collapse or blow apart are in fact constantly, minutely adjusting. These little elisions in our invented history could be filled in at any micro-instant, so the fact that they are not suggests that we are meant to at some point figure all of this out.
This Material Universe is Just 200,000 Earth-Years Old
Those communicating from the greater reality have occasionally said things like, “The universe isn’t as old as you think it is.” And in fact, humankind and ninety percent of all other species appeared together less than two hundred thousand years ago. It was at that relatively recent moment that the process of creation of the universe began! Perhaps a flat plane at first, lit with astral light: it didn’t have even a sun or stars. Then as we became more curious, a more detailed habitat for us was added in individual micro-instants, including an ever more complex “history.” Within illusory time, that history “always” has been there, so we have had no idea until very recently that the entire history of this material universe is just part of the artificial scenery.
The Godhead is a Collective of Perfected People
Thomas put it into my head one day when I was reading Genesis 1:26 to notice that God is quoted there as saying “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” And for the first time I thought, “Us?” We all know that the genuine Creator can’t be just a Big Guy with a beard and thunderbolts, and once you get this insight that like all advanced beings, God works as a Collective, you see more evidence everywhere. Human consciousness is all that actually exists. And at its highest vibration, human consciousness is thousands or even millions of Us who are maintaining this illusory universe where they can help all the rest of us to become spiritually perfected, too. Far from being just fancier apes, you and I are of the very stuff of God, and more precious than we can possibly imagine.
So, there are Thomas’s predictions. Fifty years from now, all of humankind will realize these six fundamental truths that build upon one another and together paint a glorious (if radically new) picture so simple that it makes even the 14th-century Franciscan and epic simplicity-freak William of Occam giggle with delight!
You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet, All sheep and oxen,
And also the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth!
– David, Third King of Israel and Judah (1035-970 BC), Psalm 8:6-9