
The Wisdom of Occam

Posted by Roberta Grimes • October 07, 2014 • 2 Comments
Afterlife Research, Quantum Physics, Understanding Reality

William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347) was an English Franciscan friar who is famous even today for having devised a problem-OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAsolving technique that scientists now honor mostly in the breach: Occam’s razor. Occam’s razor states that when there are competing hypotheses, the one that requires that we made the fewest assumptions should be selected. Or in other words, the simplest explanation is likely to be the best explanation.

Occam’s wisdom often comes to mind as I browse my favorite popular science magazines, seeking evidence that mainstream physicists might at last be getting a clue. Sadly, that evidence is slim. Rather than veering back toward the ageless wisdom of Occam, the fact that their theories have been driven so entirely off the rails by their refusal to study all of reality has led physicists into ever-greater absurdities. For example, they are still grappling with their need to make a multiverse theory work in the face of not much evidence that it has any connection with anything. To quote the linked article, in the past six years the Large Hadron Collider (“LHC”) has “failed to yield any of dozens of particles that many theorists had included in their equations for more than 30 years. The grand flop suggests that researchers may have taken a wrong turn decades ago in their understanding of how to calculate the masses of particles.” Gee, ya think? Even the Higgs Boson, the LHC’s one big success, apparently isn’t panning out as hoped.

We have talked here about the fact that physicists are trying to understand – by their own measure – only 5% of what they know exists. We have talked as well about the 27% of the universe that is “dark matter,” but in fact the real stumper seems to be the 68% of the universe made up of “dark energy.”  At the link is yet another article wandering over a flaky field of ideas that seem to have no connection to anything that we might think of as real. The fact that dark matter and dark energy don’t interact with or give off photons of light, that indeed they don’t seem to be made up of particles, is a frustrating anathema to people in such a drilled-down, highly specialized field that they call themselves particle physicists.

Another theory of particle physicists is that the universe might be a hologram. Apparently indeed it is a hologram, but not in any particle-physics sense. Shortly before his death two decades ago, Michael Talbot wrote The Holographic Universe, a book so beautifully grounded in reality and so easy for you and me to grasp that it puts modern science writers to shame. If you haven’t read Talbot’s masterwork, you have been denying yourself a life-changing experience! All the scattered nonsense in the linked article, though, doesn’t rise to even a rational level, let alone to Michael Talbot’s brilliance. Rather than investigating the possibility that all of reality might be a hologram, particle physicists at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory are testing just a property of string theory, which is yet another dead-ended attempt to unite Newtonian and quantum physics.

Dear friends, I apologize for the snark. I know better! But my frustration at this point is as great as their own. Since The Fun of Staying in Touch came out in August, I have guested on dozens of radio shows and heard from many of the hosts their frank delight in learning at last so many glorious and simple truths that are basic to our shared reality. It is difficult to avoid a sense of frustration when humankind is hungry to know what is true, and modern physicists are obsessed with studying just the various subatomic particles that make up five percent of reality.

At some point, what was forgivable confusion about having reached so many dead ends becomes a willful refusal to admit one’s errors and humbly step back and start again. We are at that stage now in physics. And it is all because for more than a century physicists have refused to examine the evidence for a greater reality that has been provided by abundant communications from the dead and supplemented by Max Planck’s great insight that human NPG 65,William Paulet, 1st Marquess of Winchester,by Unknown artistconsciousness is primary and pre-existing. All of mainstream physics’s present wounds are self-inflicted.

Modern physicists’ ongoing navel-contemplation has begun to make them so irrelevant that the study of the next great wave in physics must be led by just a few pioneers. First among them is Thomas Campbell, whose consciousness theory of everything as set forth in his book, My Big T.O.E, is a must-read if this field interests you. And his pioneering work is ably supplemented by many researchers – most not even scientists – who are figuring out how reality works. We are doing what physicists should be doing! Eventually they will come in and do it better. In the meantime, we hobbyists have the joy of making glorious new discoveries that posterity will show to have been on the cutting edge.

We are finding out that the greater reality is not complicated, after all. It is more wonderful than our most optimistic imaginings, but at its heart it is profoundly simple. And somewhere, William of Occam is smiling.

photo credit: <a href=””>Anguskirk</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>
photo credit: <a href=””>lisby1</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>


Roberta Grimes
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2 thoughts on “The Wisdom of Occam

  1. Roberta,

    Very exciting new book. Shall I propose that you speak for INACS to Don Switlick and Bob Price. Speaker for this fall… or in the spring.

    How about we do a book Opening In Austin!!!

    Wonderful. Cannot wait to read this book.

    Congratulations on this cretive child of yours!

    Roberta Sho’ Be’

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