Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be!
With God as our Father, brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother in perfect harmony.
– Jill Jackson-Miller (1913-1995) & Sy Miller (1908-1971), from “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (1955)
Fifty years ago I had no idea that in trying to understand my experiences of light I was bucking thousands of years of wisdom that mandated how we must study the world. A strict division between the investigation of what is material and the contemplation of what is not material goes back as far as Plato and Aristotle. And by the dawn of the twentieth century, that division was being so strictly enforced that there was in fact no recognized way to investigate any non-material phenomenon. Scientific inquiry was based upon “the fundamental dogma of materialism,” so science was a closed belief-system which assumed that everything that exists is material. And religions cared little about investigating anything, but instead they treasured their various longstanding and often nonsensical beliefs.
In fact, there has not been for thousands of years any accepted way to conduct any kind of open-minded inquiry. Everything – including mainstream science – has been just another dogma-based belief-system. And this materialist limitation is still being enforced by the scientific community, although it is being seen more and more to have been retarding scientific progress. In particular, it is becoming clear that every effort to understand consciousness and the origins of life will come to nothing until the scientific gatekeepers abandon their materialist obsession.
But where working scientists fear to tread, this clueless fool was glad to rush in. And since I did not for decades imagine that I was doing this research for anyone but myself, I defied all research conventions and considered no potential source of information to be out of bounds. In particular, I used the scientific literature, abundant communications from the dead, and an historical study of the Christian Gospels as equally-weighted sources of evidence. I am skeptical and curious by nature, so I was as rigorous in pursuing my peculiar hobby as any real scientist could have been; and for decades I had no idea that what I was doing was scientific heresy.
My unorthodox method of researching the afterlife was the only one that could have worked. The teachings of Jesus are profoundly reinforced by, and in turn they reinforce, all that the dead have long been telling us; and the principles of quantum mechanics help them both to explain where, when, and how it all happens. Each separate source of information both confirms and further fleshes out the others. The extent of the deep coherence that exists across such very different sources of truth is amazing! Everything I have ever turned up fits smoothly together with everything else to build a single glorious solution to the gigantic puzzle that is all of reality. My very peculiar project has been successful beyond my wildest dreams! Soon after the turn of this century, for the first time in human history I could demonstrate that our lives are eternal, explain where and how that eternity happens, and even make sense of the science behind it.
But for years more I was second-guessing myself. If you knew that you were very likely the only person in history who ever had made some big discovery, you would be second-guessing, too! I was feeling tugged to begin to share what I had learned, so in 2005 I started and briefly maintained a website called jesusisright.com. Obviously that was the wrong approach, but in blogging there for a couple of years and fielding public comments I was toughening myself so we could really go public.
By the time The Fun of Dying was published in September of 2010, I had been made aware that you cannot mix quantum physics with the teachings of Jesus and expect to be taken seriously. So I was then deep into my belligerent phase. I had proven that the religious and scientific emperors are both buck-naked! When you are the only person on earth who has done something so far beyond the pale that everyone knows that it cannot be done, and your error has produced abundant truths beyond anybody’s wildest dreams, you cannot resist the urge to take a victory lap. Since by 2010 most working scientists knew that matter is not actually solid, I saw myself as beating them over the head with the fact that their materialist dogma makes doing much genuine science impossible. After all, even Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” He also said, “It followed from the special theory of relativity that mass and energy are both but different manifestations of the same thing — a somewhat unfamiliar conception for the average mind.” And the great polymath Nikola Tesla said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
For years I have been randomly jabbing at mainstream science’s foolishness, but I have saved my worst attacks for the very much richer target that is mainstream Christianity. It isn’t only one Christian dogma that can now be shown to be in error, but it is all of them! Even the core Christian teaching that Jesus died to redeem us from God’s judgment for our sins can be so easily refuted now. Just please read the Bible, Christian folks! Jesus said before the crucifixion, “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father” (JN 5:22-23). Then Jesus tells us He doesn’t judge us, either. And please read all those century-old communications from the dead, where they consistently say that everyone goes to the same afterlife. There is no religion in the afterlife, no judgment by anyone but ourselves, and the death of Jesus on the cross has never made an afterlife difference for a single human being. Constantine’s Christianity is wrong! So there!
I have long felt justified in treating Christianity so shabbily. The religion that I still love has always ignored the Lord’s precious teachings while it spreads false ideas that are so fear-based they are contributing to the world’s destruction! But then as I wrote with Thomas last week, he made me step back far enough to glimpse the enormity of what is going on and see that God is in control. It is not up to us to try to save the world, so with joy we can lay that burden down.
In particular, I am being instructed to stop speaking against traditional Christianity. The reason this new restriction troubles me is not so much that the religion does not sufficiently respect and follow Jesus. That part is entirely the Lord’s call. But Christianity as it is presently practiced is so deeply based in fear that all forty-thousand-odd versions of it are feeding the rampant negativity that is demonstrably taking over the world! Thomas now assures me, however, that worrying about negativity is another thing that is not up to us. He tells me that the weakening of Christianity is being carried out with loving care and far above our pay grade, the intention being just to soften the religion and open it to change without killing it altogether. What the Lord intends is just a lessening of emphasis on some of the religion’s most fear-based dogmas, and the founding of one further Christian denomination that is based in His teachings alone. A new but familiar denomination that will be a safe and comforting home for more and more Christians as the century continues, and one which Jesus can use as a base as He works to raise the vibrations of humankind and effect the arrival of God’s kingdom on earth.
I had been assuming that the name of Christianity must be left to the highly splintered religion that now bears it. If you don’t hold to any of Christianity’s dogmas, nor trace your beliefs to the Roman Councils, nor even call your movement a religion, do you have a right to say it is a part of Christianity? I had assumed that what we were supposed to help to start was a modern version of what the Lord’s first followers called The Way. Two years ago Thomas even prompted me to write a book called The Fun of Loving Jesus – Embracing the Christianity That Jesus Taught; and then he had me put it aside unpublished. I assume I may have gotten some of it wrong – and perhaps even bungled the title – but I know that at the appropriate moment my devoted friend will help me correct it and oversee the timing of its publication.
But what would a Christian denomination that actually followed the teachings of Jesus even look like? Without all those old, familiar dogmas – baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, the Lord’s sacrifice to redeem us from God’s judgment for our sins, the Holy Mass, and all that music – without the rituals, what remains of Christianity? Is it even a religion at all? I don’t know. And Thomas has made it very clear that we are not supposed to guess! We are talking now about a movement to at last bring the kingdom of God on earth in order to save the world from destruction. If there are any higher stakes than these, I cannot imagine them!
Jesus said to His disciples as He sent them out to begin to bring His truths to the world, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the courts and scourge you in their synagogues; and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you (MT 10:16-20). I take this passage as the Lord’s promise given to us today that if we will trust in His leadership He always will show us what we are to do. He said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations … teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (MT 28:19-20). Next week we’ll begin to consider what these promises from the Lord really mean….
Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow:
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally!
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.
– Jill Jackson-Miller (1913-1995) & Sy Miller (1908-1971), from “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (1955)