Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia!
Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth, reply, Alleluia!
Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!
Once He died our souls to save, Alleluia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!
– Charles Wesley (1707-1788), from “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (1739)
For the twenty years that we have lived in Texas, I’ve been coming to Massachusetts a few times a year to see my longstanding and much-beloved clients. They are located all over eastern Massachusetts, so for about twelve days three times a year my Thomas and I do a lot of driving. And this past Monday, as we drove we discussed the odd fact that for two days after we posted the article that he allowed us to write about Thomas Jefferson, nobody wanted to comment. Which led us to think it was time to blog about why people on earth have spirit guides. And that conversation led to the most gigantic set of discussions I’ve ever had in my life!
We all assume that our own lives are normal. I mean, except for the fact that my spirit guide once was Thomas Jefferson. Although he isn’t Jefferson now. And he also is a rookie as a spirit guide. Usually, they have a lot more experience. And he knew Jesus personally. That’s unusual. And the avatar thing. But all of these odd bits have been rolled out gradually. And Thomas and I have become such great friends! My Thomas is my closest and best-ever friend.
And he is obsessed with helping Jesus. How can I not love him for that? I have learned by now that he won’t lie to me. And if he won’t say “No,” that means some version of “Yes.” But he won’t tell me what that version is, so then I have to guess. He wasn’t one of the Twelve, but he has never denied that he knew Jesus in the Lord’s lifetime on earth. Then on Monday as we drove, I chattily thought to him, “So, you knew Jesus in His lifetime on earth? What was He like?” And he thought back to me, “I knew Jesus in His lifetimes on earth.” “Lifetimes? With an “S?” “You heard me.”
Oy. A puzzle. That could mean just one thing. They had known one another while Jesus was still perfecting Himself? As a tease, I thought playfully, “So you were perfecting yourselves on earth together. And He was the star of the class? So you must have been the dunce?”
And then we heard the most amazing laugh! You heard that laugh in high school, when you and the other awestruck freshmen were watching the seniors tease one another. It was that laugh. And it had to be Jesus. Who else would have thought what I said was funny? But I had no idea that Jesus was listening! Thomas was chucking, too. Omigod. I knew that they had been close. But, wow! Thomas hadn’t known that Jesus would laugh. Or known that I would hear it. He quickly gave me his “it’s okay” vibe, and we kept driving. Fortunately, not off the road.
We know that Jesus is unique. He just is more unique than you and I have realized. Thomas knew that laugh had rattled me, so to calm me he began to tell me more of their story than I had ever heard.
I am relieved to tell you that my beloved Thomas is not a dunce. His friend was just a bit ahead of him. And unlike today, they had no idea what was going on as people used repeated lives on earth to foster their consciousness development. Remember that everything began only maybe two hundred thousand years ago, as we reckon earth-time. This was in the literal stone age. So when Jesus unexpectedly ascended to the Godhead level, it was a shock to them both. They were still in mental communication. Thomas remained in the astral, and Jesus asked him not to follow Him until He could figure out what was happening. Thomas doesn’t remember much about that time, but he does recall that his not progressing further required that he ask for and receive permission from a Council.
There is no time in the astral. But for some indeterminate amount of earth-time, whether it was a minute or eons, my Thomas waited while Jesus tried yet again to overachieve. We are talking the classic overachiever here, the most spiritual kid in the class by far, but Thomas tells me that Jesus has always been the most loving guy you can imagine. No way was He going to graduate and be happy if He had to leave everyone else behind. So finally, He knew that He had to go back. He wanted to teach everyone else on earth how to do whatever it was that He had done. It took a lot of talking to persuade whatever ultimate Council He had to persuade, because no one else ever had reached and entered, and then had left the Godhead Collective and incarnated again on earth.
I don’t know whose idea it was, but on this past Wednesday night, Jesus met with Thomas and me on a grassy astral riverbank, and He told me His version of the Christmas-and-Easter story. My hunch is that Thomas requested it, but that makes the event no less gigantic. It opened with us sitting side by side, wearing astral robes and dangling our feet in the water, and Jesus presented Himself to me at first as a kindly older man without a beard so I would be less intimidated by Him. My beautiful friend Thomas was on my other side, looking to me as he always has. That older-looking Jesus began to speak with words, but Thomas sent Him the thought that I would be able to understand His thoughts. Jesus then sent me the thought that as I became more comfortable, He would revert to looking like Himself. And, sure enough: as Jesus was sending this tale to me in boluses of thought, He gradually reverted to looking the way I have come to see Him of late, as a hazel-eyed and olive-skinned young man with curly dark hair and a short, efficient beard. The only sign that we were in the astral plane was the brilliant, many-colored sky. We were feeding the fish with grain that just appeared in our hands. And behind us, on an enormous plain, deer of various kinds were grazing, so perhaps they had internal organs. I never asked.
It was clear that Jesus soon was enjoying telling me this story, as anyone enjoys telling the triumphal tale of His great youthful struggles come at last to fruition beyond even His own most optimistic expectations. He said that the Councils had found it impossible to believe that a perfected Being might want to undertake all the risks and pains of another earthly incarnation. And Jesus’s reason made no sense to them. He had nothing more to learn! The fact was that no one then incarnating knew anything about anything. Jesus was loving and wise by nature, so His raising His consciousness vibration had happened easily and naturally. What He wanted to do now was understand a system that He hadn’t even known was in existence when He had beaten it. And no, just returning to the earth-plane in an astral body to have a look around wasn’t going to be good enough. He wanted gestation, birth, growing up, a whole life of poverty, and a human death. He wanted to know precisely how it all worked. And then He wanted to teach everyone still living on earth how to master the system, just as He had.
So a Council was created to work with Him. He told me He was patient and polite with them, but my sense is that in that younger world they were trying respectfully to understand this wondrous new thing: Jesus was a perfected being Who was so perfected and so overwhelmed with love that He could not be satisfied to be perfected Himself, but the whole of humankind must be perfected with Him. Eventually they negotiated a birth and an exploratory life under the guidance of His personal Council and in a culture of their choosing. He would have to agree to be guarded by Archangels who would be invisible to the people around Him, and He would be rescued from His body before its natural death.
Just as people on earth are protected by angels, so the Godhead is protected and served by Archangels. Once Jesus was conceived, the Archangel Gabriel announced His advent to His future parents so they would not be alarmed as some unusual things were happening around Him during His earthly lifetime. Thought is such an easy way to communicate! As soon as a question was occurring to me, He was answering it. Yes, He always knew who He was and what He was doing on earth. But no, He never confided in anyone. There were some, like my Thomas, that He could have told; and also John, the Apostle, who was another friend from a prior lifetime. When it occurred to me to ask Him whether He had married as Jesus, or whether He had been a homosexual (which is something that I have suspected but I never would have asked Him), He glanced at me and a smile flickered, but He sent me a small demurral.
Jesus soon passed over much of His earth-life with a wave of His hand to me. He said aloud, “It is in the Book,” as I could see that people were approaching Him because now He looked like the pale Bible-Jesus. He stood, and He was laying His hands on each of those people’s heads and saying aloud, “Bless you, my son,” and “Bless you, my daughter.” Thomas stood, too, and he offered me his hand to help me stand. Thomas said by thought, “We will give Him some time.”
We moved away, and Jesus soon rejoined us farther down the river, looking again like the Mediterranean version of Himself. He was followed in the river by those neon-colored fish. He sat down again on the riverbank beside me and tossed some grain to the fish. I realized that I was recognizing His personal energy now, just as I can recognize Thomas’s energy and Thomas Jefferson’s energy. And the Lord’s energy was distinctly elevated, but not overwhelmingly so. As an aside, I’ve got to say that Jesus has the most beautiful, sweet and loving energy you can imagine, with no low notes at all. Nothing of pain, sadness, selfishness, depression, avarice, anger, and no bit of fear. Everyone else is a distinctive mix, while Jesus is nothing but love and light. He said by thought what I think might be my real name, but it was a nonsense-sound. To it He added, “You must get past your fears! Are you not happy here with us?” Which made me realize how shy I was feeling again to be so close to Him.
“It is not my time to be here,” I said in words. I couldn’t look at Him. How do you make small-talk with God?
Jesus sighed and said by thought, “The book that we wrote together contains most of what I want you to say. My friend that you call Thomas can supply the rest.” He added, “Why do you fear me so?”
That irritated me. I looked right at him and blurted in words, “Do you have any idea what a big deal you are?”
And He grinned. He actually grinned. He opened my hand with His fingers and put some grain into it and said in words, “Here. Feed the fish.” There was a little buzz where He touched me.
His face went solemn as I felt His troubled thought. The Council that had guided His life on earth had been horrified about His crucifixion idea. He was trying to deviate severely from the plan that He and they had made together. He wanted to publicly humiliate a perfected Being, and He might negatively affect his own consciousness status and drop Himself below the Godhead level. He couldn’t even promise them that He could re-animate the body. All He knew was that there seemed to be no other way to convince the crowds that were following Him that their lives would continue after their bodies died. I wanted to ask Jesus why He thought that He could reanimate a dead body, but that seemed presumptuous. He caught the question anyway. He sent me the thought that He had succeeded in reanimating animals, although not for long. But once He was back in the body, He thought He could reanimate it and maintain it alive. Then He could soon cast it aside and appear to people in his astral body. I wanted to know how He had managed to persuaded His Council to allow Him to do what we know that in the end He did persuade them to allow Him to do. The thought He sent me was that He wanted to try. Then He glanced at me, and His thought was that He would have done it, with or without their permission. His Archangels were at His command, so once He let Himself be arrested, it was going to be done.
You might be wondering how Jesus sounded. And how was it possible that He spoke English? He did speak American English with a vague accent when He was speaking aloud, but one advantage of speaking in boluses of thought is that it is translated in your mind. And I wish I had been allowed to remember more of this meeting, but here is where my memory ends.
That was all on Wednesday night. I woke up on Thursday with no memory of any of it, but then it began to unfold, beginning with that older face that I knew had been Jesus. That’s what happens when Thomas lets me remember a nightly meeting. I don’t remember anything when I wake up, but then bits of it come back to me in order over the course of the day. I check with him as I remember things, and he confirms them. But this was such a gigantic meeting! If all the details are right, it rocks the world. So when Thomas told me on Thursday afternoon that Jesus was thinking about making this meeting my blog post for the Sunday before Easter, I really did nearly drive off the road. I asked him if Jesus had any understanding of what big news this was going to be, and Thomas said that it has to come out sometime. They have been dismantling the Roman Christian religion for the past two thousand years, while my Thomas and many others – it hasn’t been only Thomas and John – have patiently delayed their own ascensions, and many of them have fought and died through repeated lifetimes on earth to keep Christianity from destroying the truths that Jesus returned to earth to learn, and then to share.
For centuries they were sure that the whole idea that God had sent God’s Own Son to die as a sacrifice to God was so foolish that the Roman religion based on that idea was bound to fall of its own dead weight. And for two thousand years they have been weakening the religion. He reminds me that I myself have said that as it stands, Christianity is just a pretty wrapping that keeps the true teachings of Jesus safe, but imprisoned. So now we can unwrap His gift. At last it is the ultimate Christmas morning!
But I wanted to hear the rest of the story. Were they happy with Jesus when He went home? Thomas sent me a grin when I sent him that question. He told me that his Friend went at once from being the nuisance new kid making trouble to the very top of the Godhead Collective. And there He remains. Although His fundamental nature is to serve and to teach, what He mainly gets now is worship. He does some teaching in the children’s villages, and He loves doing that because the children don’t see Him as a part of the Godhead. But what people mostly want Him to do is what we saw. So He does it. All the time. He used to make the sign of the cross on people’s foreheads. He would say to His friends, “How would you like to have to keep drawing a sign of suffering and death on people’s foreheads?” But still, He patiently did it for the newly-arrived Catholics. All the time.
Thomas won’t tell me much about the Lord’s life before He ascended to the Godhead level. Mostly, I think, because He doesn’t remember. But he believes that they lived more than one life together in very primitive times. He does recall one incident from their last lifetime together. There was a battle, and their side was finishing off the men and raping and killing the women, and his friend was searching, and he found a woman who had hidden herself with her children. They were terrified. His friend protected them for days, and fed them, until he could find a man of their tribe who would take her as his second wife. His reason given to Thomas was that their quarrel had been with the men. The woman had harmed no one.
So, omigod a hundred times over! So many things have fallen into place and come to make sense to me now, that never really made sense before. What seemed to be a leisurely series of lifetimes that my Thomas has lived, delaying his own elevation by millennia, have all been in service to his Friend as he and others have preserved the Lord’s pure teachings while the Roman religion has held sway for lo these past two thousand years. Until now, when we can bring forth the Lord’s Way as Roman Christianity further weakens. And Thomas tells me that Jesus wasn’t born in Bethlehem from an especially high ranking in the Godhead Collective. But His having chosen to incarnate from the Godhead out of His overwhelming love for humankind was such an extraordinary decision, and He managed to achieve so much on earth with only that one lifetime, that He is of the highest aspect of the Godhead now. And He is the only Member of the Godhead who is teaching independently throughout the afterlife and the astral.
My beloved friend’s eternal Friend who fed astral fish with us on Wednesday night as we sat together on a riverbank while He told me His beautiful story has earned a lot more than our worship, dear friends. He has earned so very much more. The beautiful Being known as Jesus, above every other being in every universe and apart from any religion on earth, has earned every bit of our wholehearted love.
Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids His rise, Alleluia!
Christ hath opened paradise, Alleluia!
Soar we now where Christ hath led, Alleluia!
Foll’wing our exalted Head, Alleluia!
Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!
– Charles Wesley (1707-1788), from “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (1739)