Now I’ve been crying lately, Thinkin’ about the world as it is.
Why must we go on hating? Why can’t we live in bliss?
Oh, Peace Train take this country, Come take me home again.
– Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), from “Peace Train” (1971)
I still can vividly recall how it felt to be afraid to die. I was fourteen when my grandmother died. I saw her body at her funeral, and I can never forget the smell, that chemical spent-flowers funeral home smell. She had been impaired by a stroke for her final six months, but still there was a world of difference between my sweet Grandma and that ugly lump of nothing in the casket. My sister and I were so appalled that we opted for closed-casket funerals when our parents died.
So I had seen death and been horrified by it at a rather impressionable age, but it was only when I was in college that the fear of dying first really hit me. It became a kind of awful fascination. I always had in the back of my mind the certainty that each next instant could be my last, and I wouldn’t even know that I had ceased to be. So, I really owned nothing. I could count on nothing. What even was the point of having lived in the first place? I was terrified of darkness, of heights, of being anywhere that I couldn’t easily escape; and I thought at the time that nobody else seemed to feel as hopeless as I did. But of course, they all were hopeless! All the beer and partying and finding things to laugh about were their coping mechanism against the howling void.
I really did feel this way at twenty! From the viewpoint of my present certainty, I can tell myself that my experiences of light at eight and at twenty had made me always sure about the realities that I have spent my life discovering, but of course that isn’t true at all. At best, those two memories seemed when I was twenty to be the dimmest bits of candle-flame. I was so terrified of dying that I had to do something to alleviate the fear and make my living bearable, and trying to figure out where that light had come from seemed to be my only way of coping.
I’m very glad that I can still remember how it felt to be afraid to die! Because it helps me to identify with the people that I can help today. I hear almost every day from folks who at fifty or sixty or older are still in that awful place where I was at twenty, having coped for their whole lives as I would have coped if I hadn’t followed those bits of flame: they have made their lives bearable by grasping at beliefs. Using Christian promises, NDEs, family stories, and the comfort of being young, they have built what felt like a place of safety and simply tried never to peek outside it. But now, inevitably, the years have passed. And someone close to them has died – a spouse, a child – and the horror of that loss has blown away their twigs of faith. They don’t understand why, but they are terrified of death for what feels like the first time in their lives! Their emails usually begin by saying that they just have found some YouTube of mine, and they generally will mention a recent loss, and then they ask some vague question. Often it’s nothing more than, “Will we still be married when I go to heaven?” When I respond, they are amazed and relieved, and they often will ask more specific questions. Their confusion about suddenly being so afraid is obvious to me! And beyond answering their written questions, I try to give them help with what I can see is really their central problem. Fortunately, I know how they feel!
I promised to tell you today why the world “Immortality” is our magic bullet to end all the problems that are now in the process of destroying the Western world. But first, we ought to mention why talking about “immortality” makes no sense!
In what other field do we talk about a beautiful and perfectly miraculous truth just by reference to its negative opposite? “Not-mortal” is a pathetic term. Among other problems, it implies that death might actually exist! When in fact, we know now that nothing dies. Even matter can be neither created nor destroyed, but it only changes form. And the gigantic astral plane teems with herds of every kind of transitioned animal that ever has lived anywhere. We are told by some transitioned communicators that the only exception to the no-death rule is insects, but I am skeptical about that. No one who has gone ahead of us knows everything! And knowing how tender and perfectly loving our reality is at the highest levels, I would not be at all surprised to discover that every insect that ever has lived anywhere is in fact still alive. Somewhere, there may be clouds of post-death mosquitoes, now forever free of the need to suck blood and the curse of flyswatters.
We’ll be talking here in terms of immortality, since that is the term we use in this benighted place. But please, if you can, try to replace it in your mind with the more accurate word that is the title of this post. And now, let me make to you just two points:
- Fear of death is the base fear. When you no longer fear death, you no longer fear anything. Being afraid of death makes you obsessed with many other fears as well, since it lowers your personal consciousness vibration so much that it makes an overall miasma of fear your set-point. My fear of death gradually eased as I got through my twenties while avoiding dying, and also because I was reading whatever afterlife evidence I could find (which in those days wasn’t much). I can vividly recall that when I was thirty, Raymond Moody’s Life After Life was published, and it helped the balance in my mind to shift from “hopeful” to “actually seems possible.” And with that, my mood began to lift! It took me another couple of decades before I was as certain as I am now about what actually happens at and after death, and of course then I went through a couple of years of religion-based terror because I also had discovered that there is no actual hell. I was still a strict Christian, so that discovery seemed to be one that you might be sentenced to hell for having made! I had to take a brief break from doing afterlife research. But once I got past that final bit of fear, I embraced at last the certainty that life is in fact eternal. As a result, for good or ill, I have lost my ability to feel any kind of fear at all, even in cases when feeling some fear might be prudent. And fear of privation, fear of other people, and fear of a life-sucks-then-you-die existence are what lie at the base of every form of evil that ever has been known to man!
- When you know it is impossible for you to die, you begin to live in an eternal frame. This happens tentatively at first. The loss of your fear of death is a gradual process, and at first it just feels like a lessening of fear, while that fragile construct of faith and hope that you’ve been living in so you could find some peace still protects you. But as you learn even more, you begin to feel constricted by your old cage of beliefs. Or at least, that is how it happened for me! Then my crisis of faith in my early fifties seems to have blown away all my old beliefs, so by the time I confronted the Gospels squarely, I was ready for the beyond-incredible discovery that Jesus had actually told us two thousand years ago a lot of what I had learned in doing all that afterlife research. My certainty about eternal life was cemented on that day forevermore! So for the past twenty years I have been helping others who also wanted to get past the fear of death, and I have learned that it seems to take only about two years for those who sincerely study the evidence and truly want to lose the fear of death to fully adopt and occupy the truth. And for them, as it did for me, that new certainty makes of eternity a glorious and far distant new horizon! Their beginning to see the afterlife as a continuation of their present lives comes first. But then, very soon, most of them begin to think in terms of eternity. Once they are used to looking forward to the next stage of life, they soon find themselves looking far beyond it. And they happily transform their lives to embrace their glorious certainty that the more loving they are on earth, the more eternal fun they will soon enjoy!
So, that is why I am confident that “Immortality” is the magic bullet that has the power to solve all the world’s current problems. How else can we both vanquish the fears that have us always at one another’s throats, while at the same time we lift humankind’s aspirations so at last we are looking beyond the stars? Western mainstream culture leads the world, but at the moment it is severely burdened by a dogma-based science that insists that our minds must blink out when our bodies die, and by a fear-based Christianity that makes us see ourselves as venal and unworthy. We have no choice now but to override both of our most trusted institutions so we can remove from every mind the fears that are behind the evils that men do, while at the same time we give to all of humankind these powerful and glorious new certainties about who and what they truly are!
The fact that there is only one way to halt the Western world’s desperate slide is the reason why Craig Hogan and I are starting Seek Reality Online now, and never mind the fact that we are geriatric! If there were another way, or if someone else could lead it, then we might be tempted to pass the baton. But there is no other way and no one else. Although we know that we have a long climb ahead!
At the moment, death and the afterlife are not taken seriously as legitimate investigative pursuits on any level. But we’ll get there! As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” And we will, with his perfect example to follow! Mahatma Gandhi said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
We hope to raise a sufficient fuss to at last move from the “ignore” to the “laugh-at-us” phase. And with the help of the internet, that phase shouldn’t last long. Then finally, the fight for the truth will begin! And we are starting to like our odds….
Oh Peace Train sounding louder, Glide on the Peace Train!
Come on now, Peace Train.
Yes, Peace Train holy roller, Everyone jump upon the Peace Train!
Come on, come on, come on, Yes, come on, peace train.
Yes, it’s the peace train!
– Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), from “Peace Train” (1971)