
Who Is He?

Posted by Roberta Grimes • January 18, 2025 • 15 Comments
Jesus, The Teachings of Jesus

I am weak but Thou art strong.
Jesus, keep me from all wrong!
I’ll be satisfied just as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee. 

Just a closer walk with Thee.
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea!
Daily walking close to Thee.
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be! 

Thro’ this world of toil and snares
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee!
– Kenneth Morris (1917-1989) “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” (1940)

I have been getting a certain specific question only very recently. I cannot recall ever receiving it before perhaps the year 2022, and it surprised me at first, three years ago, when someone rather shyly asked it. But then a year later, someone else asked almost the same question in a different form. Then last year, I had a similar question asked of me actually several times; and  now, here it is again! Actually, it is an excellent question, a deep and very important question, and this time it was especially well and very thoughtfully asked. So, I gave her the best answer that I could manage in the few minutes that I ever have to devote to each emailed question. Only to find then to my horror that, as sometimes happens, my communicator had given the system a wrong address, so my earnest answer written to her had bounced off into the nether to nowhere. Thomas then suggested that it was time to make her very good question the subject of our weekly blog post. Great idea! So, okay. First, my dear ones, her question was this:

Hi Roberta, I was hoping you could help me with a question that has bothered me for my entire life. I was raised Christian in the episcopal church and I’ve had multiple experiences with loved ones that have passed on. But I have a problem with Jesus. Not that I don’t believe in him, because I do, but it’s so hard for me to say he’s the only son of God when I feel we are all sons and daughters of God. Or that he died for our sins so we can have ever lasting life. I feel he’s more of a wise brother than a savior. I feel he was a very evolved soul that tried to lead us in the right direction here on earth. Am I way off base? I feel like I’m committing blasphemy every time I say that I don’t believe he’s the only son of God. Thank you in advance for any clarification you can give me.

As our questioner points out, we all are equally sons and daughters of the living God. We all are bountifully loved by God, we all are made in God’s spiritual image, and there is nothing that any of us can do to remove ourselves from the infinitely powerful and eternal love of God. There is no need even to cite Biblical quotations yet again that will once more ground us all in those eternal basic facts as they are expressed in the Old Testament, and then as they are further confirmed by Jesus. They are true beyond question! We are all God’s children. So, where then does Jesus fit in?

Our questioner further asks us about that vexing core Roman Christian doctrine specifically, the one that tells us that Jesus died to redeem us from God’s judgment for our sins. Since all of us are alike the infinitely beloved sons and daughters of God, then she has trouble believing that Jesus died for our sins, or that He ever needed to do that. What kind of a petty, unloving, and judgmental God would demand such a thing of that God’s own beloved children? And she is right, of course. An infinitely loving God of all would never require a human blood-sacrifice! That whole notion that Jesus died for our sins was nothing more than a barbaric third-century pagan idea that the Roman Emperor Constantine incorporated into his newly-invented version of Christianity, which was not even remotely built around what Jesus actually had taught while He was on earth. Jesus did say that He came to save us, but He first made it emphatically clear that God never judges us by saying, For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son” (JN 5:22). So Jesus told us that the Roman Christian dogma was flat wrong! And He at the same time made it clear in the Gospels that what He, Jesus, had come to save us from was spiritual ignorance. Otherwise, why did He even bother to teach us so earnestly about love and forgiveness for three and a half years? If the Roman Christian religion had been centered around the message of Jesus, and not instead built around purely fear-based, third-century pagan Roman ideas, that religion would be very different today! But that was not what our correspondent primarily asked me. Instead, if we might paraphrase her question, she wonders how, if at all, Jesus might differ from the rest of us, all of whom are alike God’s own children?

Ah, here now is a genuine story to be told. Our much-beloved Jesus told me the basics of His personal story on the night of April 6, 2022, when Thomas took me to meet with Jesus on His riverbank on the third level of the astral plane. Jesus then wanted Thomas and me to begin to prepare a website for Him, And that, very gradually, we have been fleshing out, although Jesus seems to feel no special urgency about our completing it. Apparently, His casualness is because He is still waiting out the gradual weakening and the eventual death of the Emperor Constantine’s dogma-based and fear-based version of Christianity. It is hard for people to grasp the fact that the Roman Christian religion that has been so prominent for the past seventeen hundred years, and that still is in fact the world’s leading religion, is not much based in the actual teachings of Jesus. Realizing that still horrifies me. But, so the truth ever presents itself to us, my dear ones!

When Jesus first told His story to me on that night in early April of 2022, I found it to be difficult to fully piece together. But my Thomas had been there with Jesus for much of that story as it unfolded, so he has helped me to puzzle it out. Clearly, the One telling me His story on that night really was Jesus. When you are even somewhat used to nighttime astral travel while your body sleeps, as I have lately become used to it, since Thomas has been dragging me along on some nights of late and allowing me to remember parts of it, you soon become used to feeling for and recognizing people by the unique patterns of low and high notes of their personal energies. And Jesus is, wow, uniquely just one extremely high energetic note so strong that unless He tones it down by a lot, you cannot even get close to Him. His energy can feel like an unbearable battering. But on that night, He toned down His energy for me, as He also tones it down for all the newly-transitioned people who visit Him in small groups. Whenever I have visited Jesus, He has repeatedly needed to transform Himself from the way He usually looks in the astral plane, with light-brown eyes, olive skin, and dark-brown, curly hair, into what He and Thomas rather dryly refer to as “church-Jesus”. Just look at any of these illustrations, and you will know what they mean by that term!

So whenever Thomas took me to meet with Jesus in the spring and summer of 2022, Jesus would have repeatedly to stand as we were talking and transform Himself into church-Jesus. The shift in His appearance would be instantaneous. Then He would step away and greet more new arrivals, who would look to be feeling overwhelmed by the experience of actually meeting Jesus! They would genuflect, try to kneel, or maybe make the sign of the cross, while Jesus would try to keep them on their feet and murmur to each of them words of welcome and blessing. If there were babies or young children among them, He would kneel down perhaps, take them into His arms and kiss them and bless them. And He does this for newly-arrived people perhaps every hour or two in earth-terms, all day and all night!

But between-times, whenever I was there, Jesus would be darker-skinned and brown-eyed Mediterranean Jesus with dark all-over curly hair, and He would be softly talking with me as we sat on His riverbank and fed His fish from the grain that just appeared in our hands. Jesus is vibrating so high now that He is vibrating even higher than the seventh level, the Godhead level of our reality; and yet He chooses to remain on Level Three, which is the entry level to the afterlife. Nearly all of us can maintain ourselves at that level easily, and for people coming from the earth-level and traveling astrally, the light seems dimmer there on Level Three than it normally seems to be here in the daytime. Think of the earth-level around sunset, especially since the sky is every color but blue and the vegetation is every color but green. And on that level you are in vibration far below the primary source of astral light, which is the Godhead level. You get used to it, though. Jesus has a slight conversational accent, since English is not His first language; but He speaks English easily. Communication in the astral is generally by mind, and no language is needed if you converse that way, but for newbies from the earth, doing that doesn’t feel comfortable; and Thomas tells me that actually Jesus speaks many earth-languages conversationally pretty well. When Jesus and Thomas are together, though, they often speak some odd and unguessable language. Thomas tells me that what they speak together is their last language from when they shared a lifetime on earth, and they continue to speak it now and then, just to stay in practice. Which makes sense, because there would be no one else who still speaks it now. He tells me the language doesn’t have a name.

Oh my goodness, that last language they spoke together on earth would have been spoken here maybe six thousand years ago! The story of Jesus’s last earth-lifetime began quit simply as He told it to me on the night of April 6, 2022. He told me then that there was a time when He was the middle in age of three princes of a walled city, and they went outside the walls with an armed escort to deliver tribute from their father. He didn’t tell me when this had been. Thomas and I more or less figured it all out afterward. In Jesus’s final normal lifetime on earth so long ago, my Thomas had been His older brother and the city’s general; and the Apostle John had been their youngest brother. The three had been the only sons of the king’s first wife, and while Thomas was grown by then, the younger two were teenagers. Thomas has lived many lives since this one, so his memory of it is hazy, even though, as with the language, he and Jesus have tried to dredge back as much as they can. In any event, their train of wagons carrying tribute was ambushed on its way and plundered, and the three princes were murdered. I gather that then their walled city also was breached, all those six or so thousand years ago. And their parents and other siblings also were murdered, and everything they knew in that lifetime was destroyed.                

So far, our questioner is correct about Jesus. He began as just another child of God, just as all of us are equally beloved children of God. But here, perhaps six thousand years ago, is where Jesus’s story diverges from yours and mine.

When the Beings who would eventually become Thomas, Jesus, and the Apostle John, together with all others who had been massacred with them arrived together in the afterlife, it was then determined that Jesus had achieved all grace. Thomas tells me that in what little he recalls of that last lifetime together, his brother who later became Jesus had been extraordinarily kind and loving, to the point where He would not defend Himself. Thomas’s own barely recalled last memory of that lifetime was that He had died trying to protect his younger brother from a barbarian horde. So it was no wonder that Jesus had then been admitted to Level Seven, to the Godhead level, as a newly Perfected Being. Each of the others in His family, of course, had achieved a much lesser spiritual status.

And this struck Jesus as outrageously unfair! So long ago, what you and I now know about the reasons why we come to earth, the need to raise our spiritual vibrations away from fear and hatred and toward perfect love, and our eventual individual spiritual growth to the point where we each will join the Godhead Collective: none of that process and eventual goal was at all known or even imagined on earth. Jesus had achieved it only randomly and naturally. But nevertheless, He was now expected to meekly join the Godhead Collective? Not on your life was He about to do that! Not when no one could tell Him what was going on, and why His siblings of that lifetime could not also join Him there. He remained in contact with Thomas, the elder brother to whom he was very close, and who had achieved, Thomas thinks, just Level Four or Five. While Thomas strove mightily to just stay in place, and to be there for Jesus whenever Jesus managed to reach out to him, all down through the millennia Thomas had repeatedly to take lifetimes and to come up with stories for the Elders as to why He was trying not to advance. While meanwhile, on the seventh level, Jesus continued to raise a fuss and apparently something like all heck was breaking loose.

Thomas and I don’t know many of the details of what was now happening on the Godhead level during what may have been as much as four thousand earth-years. Jesus tells us that He flat would not yield. He kept asking questions, and gradually He pieced together what had happened to Him, and then what the eternal plan of spiritual growth seemed to be for all of humankind. So then He began to petition the Godhead to allow Him to be born for one more time on earth, so He could teach people more concretely how to achieve what He had achieved naturally. The first response from the Godhead was that people on earth already had the guidance of the Prophets. Surely that was enough! And the thought that Jesus might be born from out of the Godhead level at terrible personal risk to Himself when He was already a Perfected Being was at first unthinkable to the Godhead Collective. But, again, out of His pure love for all of humankind, Jesus remained implacable. And you and I know the rest of this story. My answer to our questioner would be that Jesus is indeed originally one of us. But He is also irrevocably different from us now, in that He is uniquely the Son of God, born again directly from out of the Godhead to teach us how to achieve our own spiritual perfection in this lifetime, just as He once long ago achieved spiritual  perfection for Himself.

When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more.
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To thy kingdom’s shore, dear Lord, to thy shore.
Kenneth Morris (1917-1989) “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” (1940)



(Many photos are from

Roberta Grimes
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15 thoughts on “Who Is He?

  1. I’ve learned about the I AM 33 discourses by Saint Germain and number 19 is Jesus. He is an ascended master like Saint Germain, Archangel Michael, Gautama Buddha, and others. Listen to #19 to hear Jesus’s version of who he really is rather than “The Church of Rome’s” version. His missing years, we know now he was in Tibet, India, and Egypt learning from other masters. Religion = control which is dying. What’s the difference between Religion and Spirituality?
    NO MIDDLE MAN. We have a direct line to our creator (GOD).

    1. My dear, this is all massive and long-debunked nonsensical garbage, which I am delighted to again debunk for you. The “I AM 33 discourses” are foolishness. Jesus’s “missing years” were never missing, and He certainly didn’t spend any moment of His brief earthly life in impossible penniless solitary travel at great bodily risk over inconceivably distances that were then fraught with dangers to reach earthly far distant places in order to learn from people that He could instead have taught everything that He already knew. Don’t believe everything you read!
      No, in His life on earth as Jesus, He never left the area of Bethlehem and Judea after His parents briefly took Him to Egypt as a baby to escape Herod.
      I am not giving you the Church of Rome’s version of Jesus’s life, but rather I am giving you Jesus’s own version of His life as He has told it to me and to a few others directly, and as it has been confirmed to me by Thomas, my spirit guide.
      Yes, each of us is infinitely loved by God and can establish our own close relationship with God, if only we are as brilliant as you apparently are, dear. For the rest of us, Jesus loves us enough to have taken that one more earth-lifetime so He could teach us all how we also can perfect ourselves spiritually.

  2. Thank you, Roberta!
    I so enjoy reading your writing about Jesus and his real mission on earth in his last lifetime. It gives me great comfort.

    1. Oh my very dear Jennifer, it comforts me, too! And He still carries on His mission for all the people on earth, even to this day. You have never met anyone who literally has no ego at all, but you will when you meet Jesus after you transition. He looks into your eyes with nothing but the greatest love, and He only wants to know all about YOU! All that you want to do is love Him back, but He doesn’t even need our love. He doesn’t need anything from us but the joy that He feels in loving us. That’s Jesus.

  3. Hi Roberta, thank you so much for answering my question so formally on your site. I apologize for sending you the wrong email address. I appreciate you explaining how Jesus evolved and became the spiritual leader for all of us. Your explanation lifted a huge weight off my heart and soul and now lets me celebrate Jesus. Thank you

    1. Oh Lynnette, your question is wonderful, and thank you very much indeed for asking it! For Thomas and me, and for many others who are deep in our old pathways of thinking, such a question wouldn’t even occur to us. But you are so right: it is a great and deep and obvious question!

      1. Hi Lynette. I left Christianity and Jesus for a more Eastern path decades ago. Having Roberta explain that the religion has little to do with Him; that he was anti-religion, that it’s all about love and forgiveness, allowed me to have Him with me now.
        Dear Roberta, I hadn’t told you that yet. Thank you.

  4. Thank you Roberta, I so appreciate you answering my question in such a formal way on your site. I was shocked to see it! I do apologize for sending the wrong email address. I’m not sure how that happened. Anyway, thank you for explaining Jesus’s evolution and how he became so loved. Your personal experience and explanation lifted a great weight from my heart and soul and now I can truly celebrate Jesus. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. My dear much-beloved Lynnette, know that Jesus is grateful, too, that you care so much that you asked your question. My darling, He loves each of us so much! He lives in and knows our deepest hearts, and you can speak with Him there, my dear one, where there is no boundary at all.

  5. Dear Roberta,
    I’m glad you have shared again your visit ❤️. A friend I have mentioned to you, who, like you, endeavored to help people understand Jesus’ true message, and wrote books of encouragement Brian Longhurst, passed away unexpectedly several days ago. Reading your special memories about the visit brings such joy!!!
    I always like to hear the story and feel just reading and feeling it brings comfort and actually a sense of relief!
    Thank you to the person who posed the question. I’ve noticed a “divide” with several family members who say “only Son of God” and those not. I keep a low profile 🤭.

    1. Oh my dear very much-beloved Fran, I am sorry about your temporary separation from your friend, but so glad that it is only temporary! And yes, it is always best to keep our profile low and our aspect sweet among those who are confused, my lovely one! 🙂

  6. Dearest Roberta,
    I thank Lynette for asking her most pertinent question about the nature of Our Brother Jesus. Just as I thank you Roberta, for this clarifying, more-than-uplifting blog post. 🙂

    You know, by reflecting on Jesus’ Divine and human nature, we grow in closer relationship with Him. We develop a ‘sense’ of inner knowing; Of connection to a Jesus who is much more real and way beyond what ‘church Jesus’ informs us.

    Somehow, we just NEED to know who Jesus is; we need to understand as much as we can out of our love for Him. Hence this question, and the very act of questioning itself, reveals the love of the questioner. And by extrapolation, the love of all of us who just need to know! There is great beauty in that, don’t you think?’

    And one thing that I am starting to understand is the boundless love He has for each of us. And frankly Roberta, your sharing of Jesus’ own history only emphasizes and reveals the sheer power of His love, and the agonizing extent to which He was willing to go to fulfill it.

    Taking this mighty Love to heart, I need never feel unloved or unworthy again.

  7. I think the version of Jesus found here (and other places as well) makes him sound very non-judgmental and easy to talk to, as he does not sound like he wants to be worshiped or feared. Is that a fair assessment?

  8. Dear Roberta,
    In my heart I have always felt that I, too, can strive to be like Jesus. He only came to teach love and forgiveness. Jesus didn’t come to die for our sins.
    Your meetings with Jesus help me understand that Jesus and the Godhead should never be feared or make us feel we will ever be judged. Thank you.

  9. We are truly blessed to have our family. Having experienced this place will help us appreciate what we have when we go home.

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