Posted by Roberta Grimes • January 25, 2025 • 8 Comments
Jesus, The Teachings of Jesus, Understanding Reality
For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth over and around us lies;
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night,
hill and vale, and tree and flower, sun and moon, and stars of light;
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart’s and mind’s delight,
for the mystic harmony, linking sense to sound and sight;
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth and friends above, for all gentle thoughts and mild;
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
– Folliott S. Pierpoint (1835-1917), from “For the Beauty of the Earth” (1864)
When we read Thomas’s answer given last week to our sweet friend Lynnette‘s wonderful question about who Jesus really is, we soon see that answer as what it is in fact. Once it satisfactorily answers Lynnette’s question, it then goes on, and it becomes in fact a gigantic challenge to each of us, does it not? It is Jesus saying to you and to me, “Oh beloved child of God, I achieved the seventh level of reality naturally, not even knowing what I was doing. And from there, I looked back at the earth, and I saw so many people struggling on earth through lifetime after lifetime because they had no idea how to do for themselves what I had so easily done for Myself.” So, from the heart of our Lord Jesus’s pure, holy love for humankind, He begged of the Godhead the gift for us of that one more lifetime for Himself that He wanted to live here only for us. He wanted to come back to earth, my dear ones, just as our Teacher! For all of us living on earth at that time, our life was still what Gautama Buddha had called just an endless “turning on the wheel.” We would come back over and over again, for pointless lifetime after pointless lifetime, never knowing why we kept coming back, so for lifetime after lifetime we made almost no spiritual progress. So our beloved Elder Brother took upon Himself all the struggles and pains of that additional lifetime that He lived as Jesus, and all and only for His great love for each of us!
Even Jesus’s death on the cross as He was exiting that additional lifetime as Jesus was by His Own choosing, and it was done for us. His original plan that had been made for that lifetime had included His simply slipping away when His earthly teaching work had been completed, and being subsumed once again up into the astral plane. But Jesus had been unsuccessful in persuading the people that He was trying to teach that their lives would be eternal. Because, of course, they all thought they knew better. The custom of the day was to lay out the bodies of the newly-dead in caves to decay down to just their bones; and then when there were only bones left, those bones would be collected into bone-boxes, called ossuaries, which would be labeled with the decedent’s name and stored away. So don’t tell us that we don’t die, Lord Jesus! We love you, sir, but we know better than that! We have watched all those bodies decay down to their bones!
So Jesus changed His life-plan while He was living here on earth. He decided that instead of just walking away, He would die a very public death on a cross, so everyone would know that He had become stone-cold, flat-out absolutely as dead as a doornail. Then He would reanimate that dead body while it lay there in the cave where it had been laid out to rot away (see e.g. MT 28), so Jesus could reoccupy his own rotting corpse a couple of days later and walk it out of that cave under His own power. “Ta-da! See? I am not dead after all!” Of course, that body was not actually alive again, was it? Not at all. It was already rotting! He used it for just a day or two to prove His point that He Himself was alive! Then He cast His material body aside and used an astral body for the forty days or so before He bodily ascended.
I have written elsewhere about the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium (face-cloth) of Oviedo, in Spain. The modern evidence that these relics are genuine is abundant, and at this point I consider that evidence to be irrefutable. Here is some of what has persuaded me:
We can see from closely reading the Gospels that Jesus’s reanimated physical body was not made actually alive again. Two days after it had died on the cross, its blood had coagulated and its flesh was decaying. The Gospels suggest that those who had known Jesus did not readily recognize Him when He appeared wearing his own rotting body. Jesus Himself considered His body to be so fragile that He warned Mary Magdalene not to touch it (see JN 20:16). But Jesus could briefly re-inhabit and re-animate that body to the extent that it could again walk and talk, and that was enough for Him to prove His point: He could demonstrate that He had survived His crucifixion, and therefore we also will survive our own deaths. He also was able to manage to guard and preserve those two pieces of cloth for two thousand years thereafter, with enough evidence on them that He can prove to us now that He did indeed live and teach as Jesus, having been born in Bethlehem from out of the Godhead. Jesus’s story and His teachings as they are preserved for us in the Biblical Gospels are absolutely real, and He can indeed prove the truth of all of it now!
So, there you have the genuine miracle of our eternally risen Jesus. Two thousand years ago God came to earth as a human being, and He lived among us for thirty-three years. Then by His Own choice and as a gift to us all He allowed Himself to be tortured, crucified, murdered, wrapped in a Shroud which still exists as His gift of proof for us to this day, and His body was laid in a tomb. Two days after that He re-animated His dead physical body with an extraordinary burst of energy from His eternally living astral body, and that energy was at least equivalent to all the electricity now being produced on this earth being generated in one amazing blast! He then showed Himself to His disciples to prove to them, and to us, and to all of humankind that human life is indeed eternal, and that none of us ever is going to die.
And my very dear ones, all of this is Jesus’s great gift to each one of us! This much is His gift! All of it was His alone to do, because that was what He was able to do, and only He could have done it for us. it was what, clearly, you and I could never have discovered for ourselves. He did everything that He could do for us, and He gave us all of Himself gladly and in full measure. What Jesus could not do, however, was to force us to understand everything that He was actually teaching, to learn the deeper meanings of all of His words. To put together all the great and glorious truths that could help us to rally and to learn and to actually grow spiritually! No, learning all of what Jesus taught us, and using it to at last grow away from fear and hatred and forever toward ever more perfect love, clearly all of that is still necessary for each of us to do individually. That part still is yours and mine to do.
Jesus has very well lit the way ahead for us all. He taught us that what we were here to do was to raise our personal vibrations away from fear and hatred and as close as possible to love and joy! Or, as Jesus was fond of putting it, to make the earth more like the kingdom of God. He uses the term “kingdom of God” fourteen times in Mark and thirty-one times in Luke, where He specifically says, “The kingdom of God is within you” (LK 17:21). So, how can we more easily make that be true right now, and how can we follow the teachings of Jesus closely enough to raise our own vibrations sufficiently to make this our own last necessary earth-lifetime? These two big steps are crucial:
So Jesus came to earth two thousand years ago to give us the greatest set of spiritual lessons that ever has been given to humankind. He could teach us how to perfectly forgive and love, but what He could not do was to personally force-feed to us how best to apply what He had taught us to our own daily lives in ways that would most efficiently and rapidly elevate our own spiritual vibrations! That part of this process is ours to discover. And then it remains for each of us to do Jesus’s work in our own lives in order to make of this our last necessary earth-lifetime.
For Thy church, that evermore lifteth holy hands above,
offering up on every shore her pure sacrifice of love;
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
For Thyself, best Gift Divine, to the world so freely given,
for that great, great love of Thine, peace on earth, and joy in heaven:
Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.
– Folliott S. Pierpoint (1835-1917), from “For the Beauty of the Earth” (1864)
(Many photos are from
In this school of love, with Jesus as our best teacher, we all have homework to do! 🙂
He wants to aim for the best grades upon graduation! 🙂
Nicely said!!!!
Yes, sometimes we all need to be reminded how to achieve perfection in the thoughts, words, and deeds Jesus demonstrated and spoke of. Thank you for this wonderful explanation and blueprint to raise our vibration. It is not always easy with all the negativity in the world. One must tune out what is not in our best interests to achieve eternal life at a higher level. With the help of God and Jesus leading the way, there is hope for all of us.
Dear Roberta,thank you for this beautiful and awesome lay inspiring article,you are truly blessed with your dear spiritual family and friends ,I wrote to you before about an episode I had with Black Hawk when I was sitting in a spiritual circle ,I had to stop practicing my healing and other spiritual activities on the advice of my guides when I got breast cancer,many things have happened since that time 2007 ,my son passed away after a long illness and we had him cremated as it was during lockdown with covid ,myself and my husband have arranged to be cremated and join mark in same place,my question is is cremation a permitted way spiritually as some people say it’s not and I worry that I’ve not done the right thing I’m 83 in February and my husband 91 same time and has dementia,what. does Thomas say please .God Bless
Roberta – thank you for the many many many soothing vital confirmations today. JESUS loves you and so do I for all you do.
Thank you Roberta. Your words have a way of bringing me back home to my heart. I dreamed of my son last night, and it was beautiful and real but fleeting. I have much work to do for I have been living in darkness for the past year or maybe longer. I had covid a year ago and that did it. I was consumed and couldn’t get out. It is time to turn to the light once again. Thanks for reminding me.
Roberta, thank you so much for your detailed explanation of Jesus’s death and resurrection. The Bible and the stories of Jesus seemed unbelievable, but you explained it so perfectly that I now appreciate and understand Jesus and his teachings. I’ve always believed in the golden rule and felt that was the gateway to Heaven. I still believe that, but now I know there is so much more, it’s every thought, word and deed. It seems a daunting task for us mere mortals. There is so much growth, understanding and life-changing habits we all need to achieve.
My parents came to me after they had passed and told me that “love is all there is.” In fact, I scripted that on their tombstone. Thanks to you I now understand their message to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have helped me so much.
Dearest Roberta,
You explained that the image on the Shroud of Turin was made by a burst of electricity, resulting in a scorch on one side of each individual fiber.. However this scorch does not penetrate the fibers at all –
What kind of energy, even some kind of electricity, can do that ?!
This energy must have been tremendously ‘powerful’ to make such an image and yet ‘gentle’ enough not to burn up the cloth. Maybe I don’t understand the nature of energy as a physicist would, but this strikes me as a most rare event indeed. And it doesn’t feel like anything that old world humans could have done, considering the precision of the image created on the shroud.
Also, the act of clearing out one’s mind of negative thinking and clearing away negative images, is quite a strong step to take against our long held conditioning. Removing all fear-based and rage-based entertainment and them-vs-us thinking is both needed and not easy for all of us to do.. 😔
I, for instance, have a penchant for a ripping dvd or streaming series along with gutsy, no nonsense movies. It has ever been so. Hence I’m sharing here, that I am attached to sometimes hard-hitting ‘image based’ enjoyment.
What is easier for some, is often harder for others.
I’m only saying this because I can see how these images need to be eliminated for growth. BTW I do agree there are no half measures for things that get into our subconscious minds. 😶 🙏🏼🕊️