Posted by Roberta Grimes • March 15, 2025 • 0 Comment
Afterlife Research, Human Nature, Jesus, The Source, The Teachings of Jesus, Understanding Reality
Be My love, for no one else can end this yearning,
This need that You and You alone create.
Just fill My heart the way you’ve filled My dreams,
The dreams that You inspire with every sweet desire.
Be My love, and with Your kisses set Me burning.
One kiss is all I need to seal My fate.
And hand-in-hand, we’ll find love’s promised land.
There’ll be no one but You for Me, eternally,
If You will be My love!
– Sammy Cahn (1913-1993), from “Be My Love” (1950)
This is such a wonderful time to be working in this field where you and I find so much joy and excitement! We want to truly know God, and to ever better understand the reality that surrounds us all. We want the bliss of living in ultimate awareness of our reality in each sublime and shining moment! So I have spent my whole adult life studying the Gospel teachings of Jesus, the amazing details of the afterlife, and also popular science magazines, always insisting as I was doing this often thrilling work that there had to be just one reality, and that therefore, since these three separate lines of study are independently real, they must fit together in some fashion and together comprise one great, all-powerful, and infinite truth! They must somehow together create one reality. Of that, I always was sublimely confident.
You could not, of course, ever make sense of reality using only one source of knowledge. For example, you could not study just popular science or the afterlife realities or what Jesus had taught, and expect that you were building a well-rounded body of knowledge that would allow you to make fundamental sense of everything that is real. No, somehow I always realized in my vast, enthusiastic naivete that if I was going to truly seek reality, I was going to have to attempt in the course of my life to come to know more or less a whole lot about everything! So, I persisted in my uncertain certainty, and in my refusal to accept any easy answers to the great whole truth that I always was sure would for certain underlie it all. Until eventually, God sort of sighed at my stubborn persistence, and especially at my endless importuning of the Godhead for the greatest truths that I always knew had to be beneath it all, and available… if God would only, please, You know, lend a little hand here? And eventually, God did indeed give me guidance on my last few steps of the way.
Our human problem is, of course, that we come to earth with not much more than half of our vast, eternal minds available to us, since we are here for rapid spiritual learning, and not to figure out the greatest secrets of reality. But God loves each of us beyond all reason, and God does encourage us to seek these greatest truths! Remember that Jesus says to us in the Gospel Book of Matthew, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (MT 7:7). And what can possibly be a plainer promise than that? The Lord’s word is His sacred bond! But it takes lifelong, persistent and honest work on our part to earn the right to find, with God’s ultimate help, these greatest truths. We must avoid blind alleys, too, and there are two especially big blind alleys that we must carefully avoid!
Those two worst blind alleys that lie in wait and might lure us astray as we seek to find God’s eternal truths about reality are both man-made. And the reason why they are so insidious is that many people consider them to be God-made. So, people trust them as sources of divine knowledge, and they generally think of them as legitimate sources of information about the fundamental reality that we believe we see around us now, when in fact they are nothing of the kind. Many of you, my beloved friends, are going to throw brickbats at me for pointing out these two areas as factual blind alleys; but nevertheless, blind alleys is what they are:
Neither Christian dogmas nor NDEs can be of any use to us as we try to make sense of the objective reality that we perceive to be all around us. Both are useless for the same reason, which is that Roman Christian dogmas and NDEs are equally the product of human minds. So what happens in them tells us nothing about the eternal Mind of God.
Nor, for that matter, can early-twentieth-century materialist science, with its dogmatic insistence that reality must be physical, tell us anything about objective reality, or about the eternal Mind of God. You already know, as we are fond of saying in this space, that 99.9999999% of the supposedly solid reality that you believe you see around you now is, no matter how solid it might seem to our solid-seeming but still immaterial fingers, in fact entirely empty space. And indeed, more and more, the generation of scientists now edging toward retirement age is finding itself forced to give up on solid physicality as a characteristic of reality; although since physics has been so devoted to the dogma of materialism for more than a century, materialism now oddly feels to that generation of scientists like a line that superstitiously cannot be crossed. But still, they mention often kind of stepping over that line or edging around it now. One thing that scientists are lately discovering is just how precisely designed even the most minute details of our home planet actually have to be in order for it to reliably support life. Ah, did we actually hear someone just say that long-forbidden term, “intelligent design”?
I enjoy reading dear Father Richard Rohr’s musings, and he has lately been quoting to his followers some of the mystics of the early middle ages, the greatest of whom were head over heels on fire with their intense love for God. Theirs was often the kind of absolute, complete and naked love that could make a sailor blush! So when I went looking for a suitable frame-verse for what I wanted to say to you today, nothing less than “Be my love” would do. Those mystics knew God as the intimate and highly personal object of a genuine and all-encompassing love more deeply satisfying than any mere sexual love could be. And I can see that now. As I have opened myself more completely to God, I begin to understand how soul-deep satisfying their lifelong love for God truly was. We ourselves live our whole lives inside the Mind of a Godhead whose deep and intense love for us passes all understanding. And when we return God’s love, and we devote our lives in love and service to God and to God’s people, we can live in a bliss far beyond sublime!
Okay, so when I put together my eccentric lifelong immersion studies of the Gospels, and of death and the afterlife, and also of popular science magazines in an effort to understand reality, did I ever actually learn anything for certain? Oh, yes indeed! Perhaps oddly, my assumption that each of my three lifelong areas of study as I sought reality would illuminate the other two areas has turned out to be pretty much right. The conclusion is inescapable to me now that what we experience as human consciousness is in fact primary, just as the great father of quantum mechanics, Max Planck, first discovered that consciousness is primary a full century ago. Consciousness is all that actually exists. Consciousness is the sculptor, and it also is the clay. The popular science magazines slowly are getting there, too, but I wouldn’t know at all where they were heading if it were not for my afterlife studies and some of what Jesus tells us in the Gospels. The more I have put together my lifetime of knowledge gathered from avidly studying my three sources, the more I have been able to build a comfortable certainty of the great reality that Jesus came to teach us about, where God smiles. The great reality that I have spent my life seeking is indeed the literal Mind of God.
And the God described by Jesus in the Gospels is remarkably consistent with the God that we also find in the afterlife evidence. What everyone who has done very much research in this field has discovered is that nothing else but what you and I experience as Consciousness, or the Mind of God, actually exists! The whole of reality is literally a thought in the Mind of God. This conclusion is obvious, inescapable, and slap-your-head simple. And God is not some human-made physical creation with a long beard at all; but rather, as Jesus insists to us, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” (JN 4:24). The afterlife evidence confirms what Jesus tells us in the Gospels, that God never appears as a physical Being. Jesus also tells us that God never judges us, and that neither does He, Jesus, ever judge us. Jesus says, “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father” (JN 5:22-23). And then when we have digested that fact, Jesus adds, “If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him” (JN 12:47). And again, the afterlife evidence confirms these basic truths about God and about Jesus. There is no joy more certain than is our eternal joy in the perfect love that God has for each of us individually! The reality that I have spent my life seeking turns out to be God’s love song for you, echoing down through all the ages and filling all of time and space, forevermore.
Be My love, for no one else can end this yearning,
This need that You and You alone create.
Just fill My heart the way you’ve filled My dreams,
The dreams that You inspire with every sweet desire.
Be My love, and with Your kisses set Me burning.
One kiss is all I need to seal My fate.
And hand-in-hand, we’ll find love’s promised land.
There’ll be no one but You for Me, eternally,
If You will be My love!
– Sammy Cahn (1913-1993), from “Be My Love” (1950)
(Many photos are from