
God’s Hand

Posted by Roberta Grimes • July 20, 2024 • 49 Comments
The Source, Thomas Jefferson, Understanding Reality

… You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
Who abide in His shadow for life,
Say to the Lord, “My refuge, my rock in whom I trust!”
… And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun!
And hold you in the palm of His hand.

… The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
And famine will bring you no fear.
Under His wings your refuge, His faithfulness your shield.
… And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun!
And hold you in the palm of His hand.
– Michael Joncas, from “On Eagle’s Wings” (1977)

I gave up on watching television around the turn of this century. It wasn’t anything I planned to do, but I cannot abide canned laughter, and gradually I stopped caring about whatever the daily news might be. And wow, what a sinkhole for time TV was! Lately, though, I have found that spending a little before-dinner time with my husband is nice. My mind peters out for working shortly before five o’clock each day, and our great room opens onto a snack counter into the kitchen, where my husband will be making our family’s dinner. I used to be a terrible cook, but my husband is a happy chef who does surprising things like using recipes and thinking through creative salads and desserts. I can chat with him across the counter while I do my daily treadmill steps.

My husband cares about politics. But I try hard to ignore politics, because it is one of my guiding principles that if I cannot effect an outcome, then I don’t want to even know about the problem. Why worry about something that you cannot fix? For Christmas last year, our children gave Edward what must be the world’s most gigantic television, which now takes up the wall above our great room fireplace. So last Saturday, he was watching a political rally get started while he made our dinner and I treaded away. I usually wouldn’t bother, but once I had finished my steps, I sat down on the couch for a moment and watched the start of the rally that he was watching. My only thought was amazement that so many people would sit in the un-sheltered sun for so long, just to hear from Donald Trump? Donald Trump, for heaven’s sake. Red hat and all. So he went up on that stage, and he began to talk. And then he turned his head to point out some things on a diagram, and there were pops that I knew were gunfire, although the announcer told us they were firecrackers. Trump grabbed at his ear, and then he ducked down on his own so I knew that he had not been hit. I thought perhaps an insect might have bitten him? But of course, by now you know the rest.

I had a live, front-row seat to the moment when Donald Trump’s fortuitous split-second turn of his head meant that instead of being assassinated on live TV, he came within a fraction of an inch of dying. Given the size of that television, it happened life-sized and right in front of me. I tried not to write about that moment this week. I swear. I really tried. But as much as I have repeatedly asked my Thomas to give me something else to write about, he has continued to flesh out that moment as a topic. He tells me that he wants all of us who are still in bodies to better understand how God will sometimes actively work in the world.

Very few people who are now alive are aware that there was a long-ago moment in American history when God also put God’s hand on the scale this way. It was during the American Revolutionary War. I only understand how close the American colonies came to losing their Revolution against the British Empire because thirty years ago I wrote My Thomas, which is an historically accurate novel about Thomas Jefferson’s ten-year marriage that neatly spanned that Revolutionary period. Back then, I did considerable research, so I know that it was really only the extremely fortuitous intervention of France on the side of the American colonies that enabled them to win their war. France sent a fleet to prevent Lord Cornwallis’s army from being rescued by sea at Yorktown, Virginia in October of 1781, which then forced Cornwallis to surrender his whole army to George Washington. And the painstaking courting of France to intervene on the colonies’ side had been largely the work of one of the unlikeliest of men, a charming reprobate named Benjamin Franklin. But it was a very near thing! If not for Benjamin Franklin, with his wit and charm and his amusing penchant for odd public inventions, and his willingness to spend so much time in France courting France’s support for the American colonies, Great Britain likely would have worn the American colonies down fairly soon thereafter, until they felt forced to sue for peace. British America then would have become like Canada or Australia. Not such a terrible fate, of course. But then there would have been no Declaration of Independence. No Constitution. And no government of, by, and for the people. No single continent-wide nation, and certainly not the heritage that we Americans 248 years later are so very proud to claim!

My Thomas tells me that indeed we witnessed a genuine miracle performed directly by God last Saturday evening. He wants us all to know that. As was true when God reached into human history and used the unlikely person of Benjamin Franklin to bring France into the American Revolution in order to give these colonies a freer and stronger beginning as a nation, with wonderful founding documents built around freedom for each individual and a continent-wide nation, so again on last Saturday eveing God reached into human history and turned Donald Trump’s head just enough and at just the right moment to save his life. We can only guess why. Perhaps, since God’s hand was in the founding of this nation, so also God’s interest continues in its governance? For whatever reason, it will be interesting to see now how this presidential election turns out, and whether God casts an overriding vote there as well. Thomas tells me that it is highly unusual for God to so minutely intervene in human events this way. But God, outside of time, knows our future risks, as of course you and I do not.

They are sometimes called “God Winks.” These unexpected moments when God reaches into human space and time and does something, and we notice it. The first time I was made aware that these things can happen was more than fifty years ago, in the late sixties or the early seventies, and in a popular science magazine. Back as late as the nineteen-seventies, apparently there were still many empty spots in the night sky remaining to be found. Who knew? And who cared? So back then, I came across an article in a popular science magazine by an astronomer whose hobby was filling in those empty spots in the sky. I kid you not. He would train a telescope on a spot in the night sky that was empty, and he would document that fact. Photograph it. Well, will you look at that! Entirely empty. Then he would come back precisely one year later and look at that same spot in the night sky through that same telescope, and now that spot would be full of billions of galaxies. His article in that old science magazine told us that this happened every time he tried it. He said that there were others, too, who shared his peculiar hobby. What would you call it?  Pointing out to God the spots in the sky that still needed to be filled in with stars? This astronomer predicted that before very long, it was going to be hard to find any starless spots left.

Nowadays astronomers’ equipment is a lot more sophisticated, and sometimes they still will find little weirdnesses in the night sky. In a recent case, what astronomers have found is a few fully-formed and mature galaxies at a time in the very early history of the cosmos when they simply should not be there. The human playground which is our reality was in fact created in relative earth-time a lot more recently than God wants us to believe that it was created. So of course, the cosmos is a lot younger as well, which means that our finding mature galaxies back then where they do not belong is not a God Wink, precisely; it is more like a “God Oopsie”, if you will.  But nobody is perfect!

Now let’s return to the topic of last Saturday’s genuine miracle performed by God. The more I consider it, the more amazing it seems. Late in the week I came across a computer reconstruction of how it happened that I would love to show to you now, but it was buried in a long article and not removable. Direct forehead shot. His head moves just enough at the last possible micro-instant, so instead of entering his forehead and his brain and killing him, the bullet grazes the right side of his head and then his head moves back again into what would have been the path if another bullet that had followed the first, just as his hand comes up in response to the pain of his having felt that first bullet hit his right ear. So he is beginning to duck down, and that next bullet just misses the top of his head. And it all happened in a micro-instant in earth-terms. Very neatly done, dear God, I must say. Truly amazingly very well done.

Donald Trump is two months older than I am. He was a publicity-hound when young, so I have always been aware of him. He had a big, brash, in-your-face ego, and he was a New York libertine. I can see how he might make a good politician, with that ego; and having run large businesses might have given him some good executive experience. But he didn’t seem to be the sort of morally upright person that you would think that God might choose? However, in the past week my Thomas has taught me that actually, Donald Trump is “of a type” that God does choose. Together with Benjamin Franklin and also the ancient Hebrew King David, born a thousand years before Jesus, who is someone else that Thomas has added to our short list of three who are the sort of man that God often relies upon for God’s Own purposes. Here are three reasons why:

FIRST, all three were sexual libertines when young. King David, Benjamin Franklin, and Donald Trump, all three of them were wild to an unusual extent for their respective places and times. Do you want to see a sexual libertine? I’ll give you one. King David had three hundred wives and seven hundred concubines, but he lusted after Bathsheba, too, so he arranged for her husband to be killed in battle since David had gotten her pregnant while the man was away fighting in David’s army. (She later gave birth to David’s heir, Solomon, but that is another story.) All of this might perhaps indicate an excess of testosterone in the three of them? Who knows? But it certainly seems to indicate that human sexual morality is not a priority on God’s list.

SECOND, they were and are big, ambitious, independent thinkers. Again, all three of them. And when it comes to caring about the well-being of the people they feel responsible for, these men’s morality is off the charts (Well, maybe David’s not quite so much) All three were and are fiercely courageous nonconformists, willing to stick their necks out, and to lead and to fight for their cause, whatever that cause might be. My husband tells me that in Donald Trump’s case, this means giving up a billionaire’s retirement for his vision that he can somehow reclaim the Founders’ original vision for the American people.

THIRD, they were and are amazingly stubborn about holding fast to whatever might  be   their cause. To see Donald Trump stand up at once with his fist in the air and his head above his Secret Service protection, even though he knew he had a bullet wound to the head for heaven’s sake and there still might be bullets flying, and he was shouting, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” was unbelievable. We were in full courageous-lunatic-battles-for-his-cause territory right there!

None of these men were traditionally religious. Not at first. King David grew to rely on God, and to become a wonderful psalmist as some of his more miraculous battlefield successes made it ever clearer to him that he was getting supernatural help. And some who watched the Republican Convention thought that Donald Trump, too, seemed to have about him the serene look of a man transformed. Is it true that when they brought on stage the uniform of Corey Comperatore, the fireman who died at that rally shielding his wife and daughters from a bullet, Donald Trump actually hugged and kissed the man’s uniform and helmet? It seems apparent that it wasn’t that these three men had chosen a religious cause to champion, but rather God knows our deepest hearts. And the causes that had seized each of these men’s minds were causes that also, even if  only by coincidence, turned out to be very important to God.

Of course, in this case we don’t yet know why God chose to save Donald Trump’s life. I have even wondered whether it might have been primarily for the nomination of JD Vance, the very young man of the people that Donald Trump chose for his vice president on the following Monday, that Trump’s life was saved. And since this is not a political blog I ask that you not discuss in the comments here any specific politician, but please save those discussions for more appropriate venues.

We only know that, amazingly and wonderfully, it did happen. God Winked at all of us last Saturday evening, and a life was saved. And no matter what your own politics might be, it does seem good for all of us to know that just as God cared enough 248 years ago to help those founding British  colonists to make a stronger beginning as a nation here, so God still seems to care enough about this nation now to have an opinion about who might be the better choice for our next president. Even though we don’t yet know the reason why God might have made this choice.

… You need not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrow that flies by day,
Though thousands fall about you, near you it shall not come…
And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings.
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun!
And hold you in the palm of His hand.

… For to His angels He’s given a command,
To guard you in all of your ways.
Upon their hands they will bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
… And He will raise you up on eagles’ wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn.
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His hand.
… And hold you, hold you in the palm of His hand.
– Michael Joncas, from “On Eagle’s Wings” (1977)

Roberta Grimes
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49 thoughts on “God’s Hand

  1. I respect all opinions but I have to disagree with the many people who are calling this a miracle.Donald Trump got lucky and a young,innocent man took the head shot.It would have been a miracle if the shooter would have been stopped( numerous people saw him well ahead of the shooting)and nobody would have lost their life.What the victim’s family witnessed will be burned into their memory forever.

      1. OMG, my dear Catherine! Then you read our friend Joyce’s comment, and you understood it? Then my dear one, will you please explain it to mr?

    1. My dear Joyce, I have read this comment repeatedly, and it still makes no sense to me whatsoever. Who is the victim, then? Who is his family?

      1. Hi Roberta,

        Corey Comperatore, a former fire chief, died while using his body to shield his family from bullets at the rally.

        I massive hatred for Trump was pushed hard on people. People have been programmed to hate him. It’s a shame to see so many people wishing death upon him and getting angry that he survived the assassination.

        You are right, we do need to be careful of what we consume as information. I constantly try to get both sides of any story. To try and remind myself that I can easily be made to believe something if I am not careful.

        I think the idea of God saving Trump breaks their reality. They built up this monster in their heads and surely God wouldn’t save a monster. I do wonder if we make monsters out of others to make ourselves feel better. I try to remind myself that if I had lived another’s life I could have turned out differently and in some ways a lot worst.

        I hope that we all can put the hate aside for own sake.

      2. Corey Comperatore,Roberta.He did nothing wrong.He attended the rally in support of Donald Trump with his wife and daughter.He was a beloved fire fighter. He shielded his family and took the head shot.Without being graphic I’m sure we realize what his loved ones witnessed.This could have and should have been prevented. The Comperatore family didn’t receive a miracle.

        1. Oh my dear Joyce, everyone mourns his death! The horrendously incompetent head of the Secret Service has been rightly taken to task by Congress for her incompetence, and she has resigned.

  2. A long time ago, I heard about an American man who was in World War II and who, after the war, lived on the streets of Rome. His passion was attending Catholic churches all day and listening to mass. A journalist, if I remember correctly, said that this man claimed that (long, long, long before Trump became President) there would be a plaque in a door in the Vatican with Trump’s name on it and that there was a prediction of that one day he would become the President of the United States.
    As you said, the ways of the Lord are mysterious! Who are we to decide what is true and false? When you told me about David, the psalmist, I thought of Paul (Saul), who does not seem to be the most likely person to carry out God’s mission but is perhaps the most critical person in spreading the Gospel’s message.
    I saw the video on YouTube but can’t find it now!

    I also remember that in the same video, there was a remarkable story about a woman confessing to Padre Pio. When she finished, Padre Pio said: “Wasn’t there something else on your mind?” “No!” the woman replied. “Go up the mountain and sit there for a while, and come back when you have finished what it is that you have not told!, said Padre Pio. The woman came down but claimed she had nothing to tell, so Padre Pio sent her back up the mountain to meditate on “what” she repressed.
    When she came down again and continued to confess, she said that she had an abortion when she was young!, which was precisely what Padre Pio was referring to without saying exactly what it was. The woman was absolved, but she wondered why Padre Pio brought it up (how could he know what she repressed?), and then he, Padre Pio, said that if she hadn’t had the abortion, her son would one day have become one of the Popes of Rome (but now it was someone another one who took “his” place!) Yes, it’s up to the reader to decide. God has a plan for us before we incarnate on planet Earth! It is my belief!

    1. Wow, my dear Erik, what a beautiful story! Thank you for that! And yes, It is indeed probable that all the millions of children that people abort each year did have life-plans that were aborted with them. I initially tried to refuse the honor of channeling Liberating Jesus for Jesus, feeling altogether unworthy of that honor. When I later asked Thomas what would have happened if I hadn’t given in, he said that another person had already been chosen in my place. So God does have back-up plans!

  3. Dear Roberta,

    I have done A LOT of pondering and introspection the last several years. Whenever I am reminded of some past bad behavior in my life (I am 69), that makes me wince, and I say to myself, “I am not that person anymore.”

    I imagine my Life Review after this incarnation. When those bad behaviors come up, and painfully show me how I hurt and affected others, my response will humbly be that statement that I changed.

    It also seems like, that in my lifetime, I have gone through the stages of soul progression (infant soul to young soul to mature soul to old soul), to arrive at the wise and kind and introspective point that I was always meant to become in this incarnation. (Note that I am not perfect and still have my moments that I regret!)

    It just seems odd to me and I can see that kind of life progression in the men you write about. Maybe others were meant to “fast forward” through their soul progression during their lifetime to end up their incarnation where they were meant to finish?

    I have 2 sons who see the world differently than I do and they don’t like the political candidate that I will vote for. But rather than speaking out to them when they express their opinions, I have decided to think “You can believe and speak however you want, but I will love you unconditionally forever.” Then, I will bite my tongue and change or end the conversation.

    I am very thankful that the assassins’ bullets didn’t tear our nation apart. I love it too much to see it fall apart and see the good that does stop. (I would certainly like to see the questionable or terrible things our government has done in the world stopped. But not by destroying it.)

    My desire at this point in my life is for Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men.

    Blessings to all,

    David D.

    1. Oh my so much beloved David, this is so very beautifully said! And that might very well be the main reason why God intervened in our history and saved Donald Trump’s life: because in a nation where so many of his fans are armed, his murder might have meant a shooting civil war. Who knows?

  4. I must say that I do consider that a miracle occurred on Saturday night, July 13th. We are engaged in a struggle to keep the republic that the Founding Fathers gave us 248 years ago. Benjamin Franklin responded to a man on the street who asked him what the company assembled in Philadelphia had given us, and Mr. Franklin answered, “a republic, if you can keep it”. Much struggle has gone into this keeping of our republic, and our creator, knowing our nation’s destiny, and the foes and struggles we would have along the way has seemed to intervene on the side of the establishment and the preservation of our union.

    1. Oh my dearly beloved Elaine, thank you so much for reminding us of this great story! Indeed, the United States is a republic, and not a straight democracy, which is a good thing: it lets the will of the people cool in the saucer for a bit before being applied.

  5. 52-pick-up! I confess I don’t get it.
    lt takes me back to the Gospels. I enjoy love,
    2 commandments, and that Jesus will hold my
    hand as I walk Earth’s bumpy roads. I need
    Jesus’s gentle ways. I need His Love. I need His promises.
    I love Jesus. I will stay in His protection.
    It is time to feed cat.

    1. My dear Erica, it is not always possible for us to understand everything. Sometimes we simply need to trust.

  6. If God wanted to save Trump, that’s fine. It worked – but was it really necessary to kill an innocent bystander in the process? Of course not. Obviously something more must be going on. Also, “sexual morality” is a human concept and not anything a higher being would be interested in apparently

    1. My very dear and precious Lola, I wonder about and I’m pained by some of these things too. There may be issues going on in these other families’ lives that we don’t know about, and I am comforted to know that their GoFundMe is at $6M at this point. But I rather like seeing God telling the sexual busybodies who have always linked Christianity with prudishness that those sexual rules are all human-made!

      1. Absolutely! And they very often don’t even abide by their own sexual rules. With 300 wives and 700 concubines, you have to wonder where David found the time to do anything else LOL

        1. Oh my sweet Lola, you do make me smile! And actually, I have wondered about that, too. Good grief, how could he ever conceivably (pardon the pun) have kept all those women happy??

  7. Thank you, Roberta and Thomas, for your perspective about this man’s journey. As you requested, I won’t get into a political discussion. I will say, however, that I don’t think that there is really anything such as “luck” in the grand scheme of things. This morning I was feeling the gloom of all the conflicting statements and vitriol that so many have heaped on this man whose character shines most brightly in his children, who are all successful and who all obviously love and respect this man. As I talked to my husband, who left this earth four years ago, I wrestled once again with the question of why I am here without him in physical form to witness the insanity of those around me. Your message today is exactly what I needed to hear and validated that if we ask for answers, they are here for us. There is a plan, and we are all here playing our parts, including Donald Trump.

    1. Oh my dear so beautiful and much-beloved Janelle, once again you bring light and love and good sense! All so very beautifully said, my dear one!

  8. Thank you Roberta for remind us about God’s will. Very often I forget about it and think that events happen because of good or bad luck.
    God bless you all.

    1. Thank you for this, my sweetly beloved Chris! It is so true that, as the psalmist says, “God often moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform”!

  9. Dearest Roberta,
    As I watched the replay of the assassination attempt, while comfortably nestled at home, safely ensconced in my own country far across the Pacific Ocean, I had this deep feeling.

    I felt Trump’s life was saved by God. I kind of ‘knew’ it somewhere deep inside. Hence I was amazed to hear your-good-self and of course Thomas, state the same thing.

    I also deeply felt that Donald Trump has something to ‘do’ in this lifetime… Again, something to fulfill God’s purpose.

    I was horrified by the attempt at shooting Trump. I marveled at his reprieve from death. And boy! do I realize that we live in amazing times.

    1. My dearly so well beloved and so wonderful Efrem, thank you for caring about us Yanks so much, as I know you do! We are prone to getting ourselves into all kinds of foolish pickles, and especially these entirely unnecessary political pickles. It really is ridiculous!

  10. Dear Roberta (Thomas), and Efrem. So, I will not discuss politics per se, as requested. Did you catch the little talk given by Granddaughter Kai Madison? She said so honestly well that Trump is just her doting Granpa. Trump’s sons and daughters are all accomplished in their own right, appear to have been well raised, and hold him in their affections.

    Indeed, Trump has been a loud mouthed self-promoter (natural politician), but also has not been bought and paid for as is the case for ordinary politicians.

    Miracle miss? Without that head turn as the bullet was near, he would have surely been killed. About a future role for JD Vance? He seems suited– but hey, we are not talking politics, so there’s nothing more for me to say.

    1. Oh my dear wonderful, so much beloved and so inexpressibly precious Jack, by the time I got to your comment, where you wanted to say something good but you didn’t want to break any rules, you made me laugh out loud!!

    2. Hey Jack 🖐🏻
      You make an excellent set of points, my friend. 🙂 It triggers a thought :

      I’ve learned that one person has many aspects to their character. Each of us fulfills different roles in life too. For instance a man may be a father, husband, doctor (or builder), brother, son, neighbour and leisure fisherman.
      A guy has different applications of his personality too. What he ‘generates’ as a father is different to what he ‘emits’ as a friend…

      Also someone changes over time. His character and perspective change throughout life. Hence a wild, reckless young man may become a wise, even sagacious older man, should he survive that long. 😉 (Of course it is the same for a woman.)

      In addition people have deep, inner qualities that lay dormant unless and until a dire situation arises. I remember seeing a horror film some years ago, where a strange mist descended on a mountain town. There were killer monsters in the mist and people in the local supermarket locked themselves in, taking shelter there. It was not the supermarket manager who took charge when the crowd needed leadership amid the shock, fear and uncertainty, it was one worker who stacked the shelves… He stepped up and led the people through the crisis. Isn’t it the unlikeliest of people sometimes ??

      Humans are complex. They are changeable and they hold to key values differently… Sometimes their greatest potential only comes to the fore in tough and turbulent times.

      Hence, I’m learning to watch and let time show me who someone is. (You know Jack – time shows us who our true friends are, doesn’t it?)

      I remember learning about local heroes who were under Nazi occupation during WW2. Some of them were the most unlikely heroes! I learned about one set of brothers who were smugglers somewhere in Belarus before the war. Once the Nazi onslaught came, they saved many Jewish people by smuggling them out of vulnerable towns and into the forest. There they evaded enemy pursuit for years and became hidden partisans who fought the Nazi occupation constantly. Hence smugglers for profit became fighters for freedom. Something awoke inside that made these brothers stand up and turn from being sneaky weasels into noble wolves fiercely protecting their vulnerable pack.

      So with regard to a politician, I won’t have my mind conditioned by TV networks of any kind. I’ll attempt to leave bias to them. The media can be as judgmental as they want. I’ll just watch, consider, take time and see. 🙏🏼🕊

      1. Hi Efrem. Thank you for all of your thoughtful posts. Re your comments here, I do agree, and offer this explanation. I have published evidence that human behavior is influenced by two separate sources of consciousness, the body itself, and its attached soul, So, two possibilities for change over time are:
        1) the body, despite its self-centered biological drives, may incline toward moral behavior in some individuals; 2) the soul increasingly asserts its moral perspectives. In the case of Trump, he surely enjoyed his bodily drives in his youth. When he decided from ego to enter Presidential politics, gained success, and found emotional reward from doing what his common sense said was right, that mortal behavior was reinforced. And too, with age and with the natural nurturing perspective of being a Father and Grand Father, both the biological shift toward altruism,, and the soul getting closer to its release back to Heaven, influence greater altruism. Trump at 14, 28, 45, 65, and 80 are literally different Trumps (we used to have philosophers of semantics, Hayakawa and Korzybski, who enjoyed making this point about labels whose meaning ought to shift as their object changed).

        About Trump, I would also add that I enjoy his wit and humor.
        About the American Left, I again will attempt to honor Roberta’s admonition to avoid politics (and I too laughed as she did after I posted my first note).

  11. Trump has unwittingly shown us who we are. It ain’t pretty. Almost every person who I’ve asked what do you see in Trump, has answered that he says what I think.
    We are a broken society who have let greed run amuck. To be a follower of Jesus is to be about love. To be a giver not a taker. To give up the ego, not find more and more ways to puff it up.
    For people who support this man and call themselves Christian tells me that they just don’t understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Being a leader also means being a model and I hope that the children of this world are not put in the position of modeling themselves after Donald Trump.

    1. Hi Henry,

      Appreciate your opinion. It seems to me, though I could be wrong, that you have already judged Trump’s reason for wanting to be President.

      “find more and more ways to puff it up.” in relation to his ego.

      Doesn’t Jesus also tell us not to judge? Yet your post comes across as judging Trump’s motives.

      1. Trump has put himself in the position of seeking leaadership of the country. It puts us, the voter in the position of having to decide the fitness of the person to be in that position. The only thing we have to go on is his history and what he has said. Based on that he is unfit to be in any kind of leadership role. Is Trump a bad person? That’s not for me to say. I can’t read his mind or know his heart. I can only go by what I’ve seen and from the 40 or so people who have worked for him in his administration and say he is unfit. Narcissism is something we all grapple with but it should never be validated.

        1. Henry, given your standards for selection, how did you rate the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama, Harris?

          Do you avoid voting unless a candidate meets your standards?

          Do you stay home, because so much of this world is anti-Christian?

          Do you live as a monk?

          1. This is a great question Jack. I would be interested in hearing who Henry thinks would be good enough to be President.

      2. Thomas–Bingo.

        As voters, we might hold out for Christ to be on the ballot, or stay home, or we can vote for the best choice available.

        1. We are all flawed. Some to a greater extent than others. As for those in politics I think the central issue is integrity. We vote for people who take on the public trust. Is Trump trustworthy? Has he lied ? Wrong question. Has he ever told the truth?
          I continue to marvel at the notion that anyone would think that Trump has any qualities that deserve to be put into a leadership position. Much less the leadership of the free world. Intimidation is the quality of a mafia don, not a president.

          1. If what Thomas said was correct and I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, God has plans for Trump. Why stop the assassination attempt if Trump didn’t have a purpose? I don’t see how any of us could argue against God if they truly believed. Unless you don’t believe God intervened.

            The whole point of our journey here is growth. I hope none of us are the same person we were years ago.

          2. Wow. My dear Henry, it is clear from what you have written here that you severely limit your intake of information to MSNBC and CNN, and that in addition you did not read my blog before responding to it so you have not the fainest clue what it was about. I am sad for you, dear.

    2. Well, my dear Henry, I would dearly love to have you point out to us here in these comments maybe two or three successful American politicians after whom you think that followers of Jesus should model themselves, with your reasons why they would be your choices? Excluding Marianne Williamson, of course, who is not actually a politician.

  12. Actually, I think Trump is a creepy crimimal.
    And why do people’kiss his ring ‘? Talk about false idolatry. He belongs in jail and that’s
    not political
    I feel safer knowing his game is over: 2025?
    I think God thinks Trump’s actions are wrong

    1. Erica, you shock and appall me. Most of the people who have commented here probably feel pretty much as you do, but they respect me enough – and infinitely much more importantly, THEY RESPECT GOD ENOUGH – not to write anything even remotely like what what you have written here. SHAME ON YOU! When I offered you a free place in the class in spiritual growth that I was about to teach, you told me that you didn’t need it. Well, think again.

  13. Erica, Curious how you would characterize Biden and his family who fed at their corruption trough according to tax records (ommisions of foreign income)?

    Curious how you characterize Biden’s support of ruination of female sports, destruction of Christian family values, his open border policy enabling an influx of criminals, and his having his Justice Dept go after Christians and Moms?

    Methinks God knows who and what is Best.

    1. Yes, my dear and glorious friend Jack, very well said indeed. My husband is a huge Trump fan – he could tell you what a triumph Trump’s first term was, between Obama’s and Biden’s. But I am still trying to get over reading all those lovely, kindly comments by dear people above, who don’t like Donald Trump much or at all, but they still tried to talk about what a great father he apparenly has been and how of course God knows better and at least we have avoided a civil war. All true. And then this woman claims to know more than God does. I am still struggling to get over that bit of complete garbage!

  14. I also have a tendency to think Trump’s escape from death was a stoke of luck. However, it seems rather hyprocritcal to embrace the truth of what Thomas tells us on a weekly basis through Roberta’s blogs while rejecting this latest concept. So I am on board with divine intervention. There is no excuse for heaping abuse on or hating others no matter how much one disagrees. All that negative energy is a drag on the spiritual advancement of humanity as a whole.

    1. Oh my dear wonderful, beautiful Thomas, thank you for this, and for the great wisdom behind it. Yes, your final sentence is profoundest wisdom! We are going to talk more about it next week.

  15. This was the best article and God sent I have ever read and I thank you for informing the American people how you have done,
    Just so sorry how and why so many people don’t understand whom
    And what Donald Trump represents and God wants him
    To save our beautiful country and our way of freedom, I pray people will
    Open their hearts and minds to see truth and thank you so much for what you do

    1. Oh my so very dear Patricia, thank you for reading our post and giving the glory to God and not to Thomas and me! Witnessing this moment when God gave us all this miracle, even though of course none of us knows why, and nor do we know now what might happen next, was a purely wonderful thing!

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