
God and Science

Posted by Roberta Grimes • September 07, 2024 • 19 Comments
Afterlife Research, Human Nature, The Source

There was a time in my life
I thought I had to do it all myself.
And I didn’t know the grace of God was sufficient,
And I didn’t know the love of God was at hand.

But now I can say, If you are discouraged,
Struggling just to make it through another day,
You got to let it go, let it all go,
And this is what you have to say:

I release and I let go, I let the Spirit run my life,
And my heart is open wide, Yes, it’s only up to God!
No more struggle, no more strife, With my faith I see the light.
I am free in the Spirit, Yes, it’s only up to God!
– Rev Michael Beckwith, from “I Release and I Let Go” (1990).

My father-in-law died of Alzheimer’s disease in 1998. My mother-in-law used to visit him every day, but one day she was arrested and taken off the road because she had eluded four police cars in a long and very low-speed chase on a two-lane road with roof lights blazing, which is actually a funny story: she later told me that she didn’t stop for them because she was so sure that she had done nothing wrong, so then they had to force her off the road and they took away her license. At that point, I began to visit Dad daily on my way home from work. He was comatose and very near death, he no longer knew who any of us was, so we thought he wouldn’t mind not having her visiting him every day. But late on one afternoon, to my surprise, I stepped into my father-in-law’s nursing home room, and I found him lying there wide awake and looking right at me. I sat down at his bedside, and I spoke to him slowly and clearly. He locked his eyes on mine. Amazingly, he was fully awake and aware! He said to me, “Bobbi, you know I’m still in here, right?” I about fell off my chair. Two days later, my father-in-law died.

What was happening to him was actually a well-recognized phenomenon called “terminal lucidity.” And it is surprisingly common among people like my husband’s late father, whose  brains have been fried by disease or damage. They will often come fully to their senses again as they approach their deaths, when they will then be able to speak quite normally. Scientists have no explanation at all for terminal lucidity, other than to try to claim that of course it is impossible, so that proves that it must never happen. But you and I realize that of course terminal lucidity makes perfect sense. As our bodies are dying, our internal energy bodies will begin to separate from the material bodies that we will be leaving behind, in a process that can take many hours to complete. And as this happens, our energy minds will blessedly separate first of all from the material brains which once served us well, but which now are badly damaged. And as our energy minds separate from our damaged brains, we can have a blessed few hours, or even as much as a day or two while our energy bodies are still separating from our material bodies. It is then that dying people’s energy minds can interact with the living and they can speak quite normally.

This is a fact that only an afterlife research scientist really can understand. To no other scientist does it make such clear sense. I guess it is past time for us to accept the fact that we are at an odd juncture in world history, when by default we have divided the field of scientific research into three categories, based upon the limiting dogmas that we have long since senselessly imposed upon some research scientists, who of course should have no limiting dogmas at all. A dogma is defined as a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.” And currently, there are three groups of research scientists working worldwide who are trying to understand major aspects of reality, and who can be divided by the dogmas which stupidly limit how some of them are required to operate:

  • Mainstream Scientists are trying to understand everything about reality, but their work is to this day nonsensically limited by the dogma that they are not allowed to discover that there is any divine intelligence at all involved in the creation or in the maintenance of reality.
  • Christianity-Funded Scientists also are trying to understand everything about reality, but they are ideally supposed to discover that the intelligence that is by now clearly and incontrovertibly obvious behind the creation and maintenance of reality will turn out to be the Christian God.
  • Afterlife Research Scientists are not formally trained scientists and are governed by no dogmas, but those few of us who exist have developed considerable scientific knowledge and understanding in the process of studying more than two hundred years of abundant and consistent afterlife evidence.

For trained scientists in the first two categories, of course, their sources of funding are their primary limiters. If you want to work in association with any  university or other funded research institute, then you must hew to that research institute’s governing dogmas, or else you cannot work at all. So scientists in the first category are not allowed to even imagine the possibility of any sort of life after death. Their “core scientific dogma of materialism,” which was informally but rigidly put into place soon after the year 1900 in all the leading university science departments worldwide, will not let traditionally-trained and -funded research scientists consider even the possibility of life after death, even if they might find some tantalizing evidence in favor of the possibility of life after death and they might want to pursue that evidence. More and more, that core materialist dogma restricts them as severely as an artist would be restricted if he was forced to spend his entire career avoiding using the color yellow. And terminal lucidity is a great example of how their materialist dogma restricts their work! Terminal lucidity clearly does happen, and it happens very frequently. Some estimates now suggest that it is a nearly universal phenomenon when people with damaged brains are in the process of dying without heavy sedation. It is therefore highly embarrassing for mainstream scientists to be prevented by their utterly nonsensical materialist dogma from admitting the frank truth of terminal lucidity.

It is only in recent years that we who do any work in the field of afterlife research have come to realize that we are scientists, but indeed scientists is what we are. Although we are scientists of the very old school, perhaps, and entirely self-taught. But there is such an overwhelming amount of afterlife evidence, and in order for us to make sense of any of it, we have had to do a lot of related fill-in research as well. Where is this gigantic and entirely consistent greater reality that we are discovering, to which we all seem to return at death? How does it actually work, and how does it fit with the very limited material reality that we perceive around us during our brief earthly lives? My goodness, it turns out that you really cannot know anything at all until you are able to figure out pretty much everything, so for Craig Hogan and me and a very few others, making sense of all of it eventually by about 2010 or earlier became our obsession. We did finally figure it all out; but wow, doing that has not been easy!

It has, however, been extremely rewarding. For one thing, we have had tremendous help from people like Max Planck and Nikola Tesla, the great quantum physicist and the legendary polymath respectively of the first half of the twentieth century. Without their insights in particular, we never could have figured it out at all! And the scientists driven by a Christian calling at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, Washington, are our brothers from another mother, as our dear inner city kin might say, in that the Discovery Institute’s scientists are hoping to find specifically a Christian God behind it all; but still, in seeking an Intelligent Designer, they are heading in our same direction. I read their newsletters with avid interest, and I find a lot there that we can use.

One big problem for scientists who are forced to spend their entire materialist-dogma-squashed careers in that first category listed above is the fact that we few afterlife scientists, together with many in the second category listed above, are now blowing solidity away altogether, as you will shortly see. When you do your scientific research with a fully open mind, it is amazing what you can discover! It was somewhere before 2010 that we scientists in the third category listed above came to realize that all of material reality is Consciousness. The afterlife evidence, when taken all together, will admit of no other explanation. And as Max Planck said in 1931, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness! Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” And as Nikola Tesla said around the same time, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” We truly do follow in the footsteps of Giants!

But then by about 2020, mainstream scientists were coming to very strongly (but sadly) suspect that they never are going to figure everything out. How can their brand of science in the end ever amount to much, when more than a century ago their establishment of their materialist dogma turned it into nothing more than the useless religion of atheism? I have not seen any article in any popular science magazine where they seemed to be considering overtly admitting that holding to materialism ever was a stupid idea. Oh no. Just, now they think that perhaps not everything in reality is going to be discoverable by scientists. And, you know, that still seems to be okay with them, even now.

Around 2020 was also the year when the illustrious young free-minded Dutch scientist Dr. Bernardo Kastrup was delivering his wonderful second Ph.D. defense, on philosophy of mind and ontology. See also his book, The Idea of the World: A Multi-Disciplinary Argument For the Mental Nature of Reality. Like the illustrious Dr. Kastrup, the more we afterlife researchers have come to understand how life after death actually works, and how this reality and the many separate but closely interrelated afterlife realities all fit together, the more we have come to realize that all the realities, including this one, are actually non-solid! Moreover, against all the odds, this particular universe turns out to be actually and amazingly finely tuned for life. And more amazingly still, as the great Rupert Sheldrake tells us in his famously banned Tedx talk called “The Science Delusion”, all the “Cosmological Constants” that keep this universe stable are constantly and minutely adjusting. And then there is the further curious fact that all of what even is supposedly “solid” matter is 99.9999999% empty space. The more we study the greater reality, the more fully we come to understand that all the hundreds of solid-seeming levels of what we understand to be the realities that we enter at death, all of which vibrate ever higher than this entirely illusory non-material and only material-seeming reality that we think we are experiencing around us now, are simply aspects of Consciousness. Indeed, our only possible conclusion becomes inescapable. What we think of as human Consciousness really is all there is. We afterlife scientific researchers have discovered the genuine God.

During all the decades that I have been doing afterlife research, there have been more and more situations like that moment when my hopelessly fried father-in-law looked at me, and he was normal. And so then I have found yet one more impossible thing which was confoundingly true. Now, please understand that I am a skeptic by nature! I cannot believe anything without first fighting it. But I also emphatically refuse to hold to anyone’s dogma in doing my research, which has often made it possible for me to figure something out where trained scientists would find just another dead end. And to be frank, I find this whole situation to be increasingly amazing and utterly confounding. Or to use the only word that really seems to fit, I find the whole field of eternal human life research to be absolutely miraculous.   

And the most miraculous thing is that, I swear, it all fits together in a puzzle far greater than the size of this universe, and so perfectly that not a single piece is out of place. And it never had to turn out this way! Not at all! When I first began to do afterlife research more than fifty years ago, I knew that the odds were long against our finding from here a perfectly detailed picture of a genuine afterlife so true and real that we could be certain about each detail of it, from the way the grass would look and feel in the astral plane, right down to the pattern that would be on the genuine God’s astral teacup. Of course, a non-material God does not drink tea; but otherwise, we are pretty much there.

I remember now that when I was four, we learned in nursery school to recite our home address in case we might ever get lost. And as that school was teaching me each morning to memorize my home address, in the empty lot next to our house, there was a tall and friendly man with long hair wearing a long robe who would walk with me sometimes in the afternoons, holding my hand and also teaching me things. My beloved Thomas tells me now that of course he was that man, and he adds that no one else could have seen him. I recall, too, that as we walked, he was adding to the home address that I was learning to recite in school each morning, “the world, the universe, and the Mind of God.”  

I release and I let go, I let the Spirit run my life,
And my heart is open wide, Yes, it’s only up to God!
No more struggle, no more strife, With my faith I see the light.
I am free in the Spirit, Yes, it’s only up to God!
– Rev Michael Beckwith, from “I Release and I Let Go” (1990).

Roberta Grimes
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19 thoughts on “God and Science

  1. I am a recent reader of your amazing thoughts. I have always been fascinated about the afterlife and read as much as I could. I have cancer and so I found myself thinking about what would happen if I passed. I always joked about my beautiful Sister-In-Law meeting me in the light. My question now as I am grieving the death of my dog companion Skampy, who was my world. It has hit me really hard to loose him, more that I have ever cried. I just want to feel peace to know that he has also gone on to an afterlife and will be waiting with my other pets at Rainbow Bridge. What are your beliefs in the area of our beloved pets.

    1. Oh my very dear Nora, after I have spent fifty years studying more than 200 years of abundant and absolutely consistent afterlife evidence, there are a great many things that I can tell you with the same level of certainty that I have that the sun is going to rise each morning. Your own life is eternal, whether you like it or not 🙂 . And also, every animal that you ever have loved will be waiting for you there, young and healthy and eager to play! And if you want any of my books in PDF, my dear one, just send me an email at

  2. Dear Nora, From those who have gone to the other side, but then have returned upon resuscitation, they consistently report having been greeted by their pets; animals exist in Heaven, not just people, but also our whole world of Nature, only there Nature exists in perfection.

    I know the grief of losing our animal friends, and am yet grieving the recent loss of a companin of twenty years. It is helpful though to realize that my friend went to a better place, and I will latr share our love again.

    1. Hi Nora. I am so sorry for the heartbreak that you feel being separated from Scampy. This question you ask brought me this site. Roberta did a blog on this in February 2019. There are 419 comments on it! One as recently as this June. Just put “pets in the afterlife “ in the search bar at the top of this page. I hope you will meet your companion in your dreams soon.

    2. Oh my dear wonderful Jack, I think that we all here very much miss your stories about your late friend! And all of us as we grow older are more and more looking forward to being with the animal friends who will greet us, even just as much as we look forward to seeing our human loved ones. Or even more! The deceased loved one that I still think of most often, I swear, is my horse, gone now for more than a decade….

  3. Dear Roberta, As a teen who had doubt about the existence of a God Creator, I sought possible information in science, physics in particular. As a college student majoring in physics, I was disappointed to find how theory7 was develpoed from slender evidence to manufacture math models, using math that lost contact with our common sense of reality. Now, after some 15 years of study of reports from the Out of Body Experience (which is associatyed with NDEs, but also happens in deep meditation, and lucid dreaming), I’ve come to a firm conclusion that material science has its head stuck up its … Instead, as you state our real world is formed from immaterial consciousness, the consciousness that is God. Ou individual consciousnes, soul and spirit, was formed by God as a droplet of God’s ocianic being. We come here to experience the harships of mortal life to best appreciate our Heavenly existence, and to grow spiritually by confronting hardships.

    I recently published an explanation for quantum entanglement (Quantum Mechanics Explained) for the greatest enigma in physics, in which empirical research has demonstrated that the prediction from quantum mechanics that particles can communicate with each other instantaneously across any distance, even light years, is accurate. Hard physics and common sense are baffled to explain the mechanism. The mechanism is explained by the fact that everything here is a shadow of its existence in Heaven where time does not run, and all action is thus instantaneous.

    Truly, searching for God by ordinary materialist science is pointless, a foolish wast of energy.

    1. To Dr. Hiller: I have always been fascinated, but puzzled, by quantum entanglement, having heard about it from some local RPI students. Since there is no time goes by, however small, for the communication to happen, could it be that it is just one particle and the other one is some type of mirror image of that particle? Otherwise, I can’t understand how two separate particles can communicate instantaneously. This definitely can’t be explained in earthly terms.

      1. You are right that in a sense the two particles are mirror images of each other. We need to look at how quantum mechanics defines the test.

        A good example is drawn by spliting a photon into two haves. Whatever energy was in the photon that is split is shared with its two child pairs, as required by the Law of Conservation of energy.
        One energetic feature of paticles is they sping, and the spin may be clockwise or counter-clockwise. Now here is wher the philosophy in quantum mechanics (QM) plays out. Hesienberg and his netor Bohr took a position that if a pareticle is not observed, then it lacks reality, and may hold any number of spatial positions, as well as momentum; particles are said to be in “superposition” states of infinite locations and momentum, granted bounded by the small energy/size of a particle (Einstein thoght it idiculous to contend that a particle needed to be seen (energetically observed) to become real, any my research demonstrated he was right). So contends that when the first particle is energetically observed, its statistical wave function for its superposition state collapses, so that it become a definite valued real particle. Let’s say the first parimate particle observed randomly is found to have an up (clock wise) spin, then conservation of energy and the Schrodinger wave equation contend that the second particle must have a balancing down spin–that effect of the second particle adopting the correct balancing spin is recognized as quantum entanglement. Experiments appear to have demonstrated that quantum entanglement is real even though Einstein derided that possibility as “spooky action at a distance). I have published two alternate explanations of for quantum entanglemen.

        First, let’s say that Bohr were right and the two paired photons exist in nebulous superposition states until at least one is energetically observed and then becomes real (acquires a definite location and momentum). Well,I found five different experiments employing extremely senstive measurement of particles which found that the partcles were NOT naturally in a superposition state, but were definit, real. In this case, when the paired particles were formed, one had an up spint and the other had a down spin. So when one particle is measure, and then the pairmate is checked they have the correct balancing spins– there was no spooky action at a distance involved.

        Now, let’s assume that QM is right and that when the pairmates were created, they were in superposition states, so a spooky signal (physics does not know what this signal is) operates faster that the speed of light–instantaneously– to signal the second pairmate observed what spin it must have to balance with the first particle observed.

        All of the Out of Body Reports state that time does not run in the spiritual world, or Heaven, but instead there is only an eternal NOW. Events happen, but they develop instantaneously without time running. In my Frozen Time Theory, I theorized that this material world is attached to to Heaven as a subset of Heaven. In fact, there is evidence that objects (and individuals) who are here on Earth also exist in Heaven, in which time does not run.
        Thus, both pairmates also exist in Heaven. So, when we observe a particle pairmate in our material world and thereby collapse its wave function making it have one spin or the other, its “shadow” in Heaven acquires the same spin. Now when the first pairmate in Heaven acquires its definite spin, up or down, that event is instantaneously communicated to the second pairmate, which in turn instantly signals its counterpart in our material world.

        Thus, there are two possible explanations for how spooky action at a distance, quantum entanglement, works. However, if I’m right that particles naturally exist as definite, real entities as Einstein intuited, then the first, simple explanation works; i.e., there was no need foan any instantaneous spooky signal between the pairmates, because they were created with balanced spins, and quantum entanglment is a fiction. Also, the Schrodinger cat is not possibly dead and alive at the same time, but is either dead or alive.

        1. Thanks. I always loved your frozen time theory, as it somehow resonates with me. Since there is no linear time there, your conclusions make much more sense to me compared to “spooky action at a distance.” I take it that there is no need for actual “communication”

          1. In the explanation that asserts superposition is a fiction, there is no need for particle communication during a test, because the pairmates were created with balancing spins, and retain them until observed.

            If superposition were true, then there would be a need for spooky action at a distance based on an instantaneous signal.

    2. Yes, my dear beautiful Jack, searching for God by scientific means is rather like fish searching for water, isn’t it? 🙂

  4. When I went to a nursing home to see my brother-in-law’s father, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s in his old age, it turned out that he couldn’t say anything that indicated he understood what I was saying or who I was. I had also visited him at his home a couple of years earlier, on the same day that Olof Palme, our Swedish Prime Minister, was shot. There was an open newspaper on the sink in the kitchen, and every time he came into the kitchen and saw the headline: “Palme dead. Shot to death!”, he said: “Wow, Palme is shot!” and became very upset. A couple of years later, he said absolutely nothing understandable (at the nursing home. But then, after 30-40 minutes of trying to communicate, a relative said: “What beautiful women work here!” He answered clearly: “I have my woman at home!” to our astonishment. (They had been together since adolescence and were inseparable! Now, however, they were old, and there was no way for his wife to care for him!)

    I just want to add that everything you say in the article resonates completely with my own opinion—100 percent!

    1. My dear Erik, Thank you! And thank you especially for this very touching story. What a beautiful love story they had!!

  5. Roberta’s keen logic, disciplined and rigorous research, coupled with her overflowing passion in discovery of the “Truth” has inspired me now for 5 years. There are too many puzzle pieces coming together from all disciplines fitting together in an amazing tapestry. My gut feeling in hearing of recent work by such scientists as Dr Stuart Hamaroff and Dr Federico Faggin indicate to me that the “death by funeral” progression of science is at tipping point in favor of proving “The Truth”. Roberta, R Craig, Bernardo, Rupert, Bruce, Thomas, Bill…have inspired this exciting new science of finding truth of our Creation! Everwhere I turn I find more amazing and credible people supporting this “Truth”!

    1. Oh my dear beautiful and much-beloved Steve, thank you so much for this, and thank you especially for our wonderful Thursday lunch!! 🙂 I sent you an email, but haven’t had a response to it. Well, nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you, my dear one!

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