
Going Home (Part Three)

Posted by Roberta Grimes • October 05, 2024 • 20 Comments
Afterlife Research

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,
There’s a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue,
And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true!

 Someday I’ll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me!
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Away above the chimney tops, that’s where you’ll find me.

 Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can’t I?

– Harold Arlen (1905-1986) & Yip Harburg (1896-1981), from “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (1938)

My Thomas and I became so distracted last week by our need to debunk the spurious notion that near-death experiences have anything to do with actual death that we ran out of space in which to finish describing what the afterlife is like. And Thomas said afterward that we cannot have that! He pointed out to me vast sets of topics that you will need to understand if you are ever to make any sense at all of this whole gigantic afterlife picture. He insisted that if we hope to be able to claim that we have even halfway discussed the afterlife in a respectable way, then this will have to be a four-part series. So, okay then. A four-part, or even  a five-part series this will be!

In fact, the aspects of life in the afterlife that have been bumped now into an extra week or two are some of the most enjoyable parts to talk about. After you have left your earthly body and been escorted home by your deathbed visitors; after your life-review and your need to forgive everyone who ever harmed you on earth, and your need to forgive yourself for harming everyone that you yourself have ever harmed; and after your big welcome-home party, where John Lennon sang “Imagine”, or Early Elvis sang “All Shook Up”, or perhaps most of the Beatles together sang that they would be happy just to “Hold Your Hand”; and then your spouse from this most recent earth-lifetime took you home to show you that he or she had constructed here a copy of your house from this lifetime just ended, and with the lanai overlooking the ocean included that you both had wanted to add to your earth-house, but that you never could have afforded on earth… So then, what happens next?

When you have an enjoyable eternity ahead in which to have an infinity of whatever is your own idea of fun, then you know that you really are in heaven, for sure! But, what kinds of fun are possible for us there? Back in the Seventies, I was mostly taking care of babies and doing afterlife research, and I was particularly fascinated then by this question. And fortunately, in the dusty old used-book stores in Boston and in Worcester, Massachusetts, there were still to be found some of the books that had been written maybe sixty or more years earlier about the work of the great physical mediums who had been esspecially active  in Boston and London around the turn of the twentieth century, and who had received precisely the kinds of information that I was most eager to find. And oh, how eagerly I devoured those books!

We will talk next week or in the following week about all the things that there will be for you to do for fun, for education, and even as part of your efforts to better understand earth-history in depth. For now, though, you will need first of all to be able to envision what we are coming to understand about the gigantic astral realities themselves, just the whole environment in which our eternal lives continue to unfold forevermore. Of course, we can indeed venture beyond this nearby environment, and in a reality in which travel seems to be instantaneous, it is likely that many of us do undertake some extremely far away travel on occasion! But for the most part, we seem to remain largely around our more familiar eternal places. Let’s talk now, though, about what this unimaginably enormous astral reality truly seems to be like!

Of course, all of reality exists within and is composed of Consciousness. By now, this fundamental truth feel comfortably certain to most of us, although the very concept of consciousness is still something that materialist scientists are having a hard time wrestling with, so it is difficult for them to make sense of the notion that there really is nothing else but consciousness. As we have said here in various posts, this is a problem for old-style  materialists that is somewhat akin to a fish’s efforts to get a handle on the difference between water and not-water from his fully-submerged-in-water perspective. But consciousness in one form or another actually is all that there is. In fact, nothing else exists.

We understand that consciousness is energy, so it vibrates. And the easiest way to envision our astral reality as we experience it is as hundreds of layers of energy vibrations of graduated strength within consciousness, each of which is a separate reality. These different realities really are very much like the ascending numerical channels on a television set, with your mind as that TV itself. But, my dear friends, the greater reality to which we return after we die really is gigantic! As best we can determine from here, that greater reality may be more than a hundred times greater in relative size than is this entire universe. Think of this material-seeming universe as vibrating the lowest and slowest, with the non-material astral aspects of reality all graduated in strength and vibrating higher and higher. For convenience, afterlife researchers group all the many layers above this material reality into seven collective levels. Level One is what Jesus calls “the Outer Darkness, where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth” (MT 8:12). Level Two is the recovery level just above; and Level Three is the Entry Level, where nearly all the family compounds are located, and where most of us return home. Levels Three through Five are what the Vikings called the Summerland, very earth-like, and increasingly beautiful the higher you go. Level Six is the Causal or Mental Level, with universities but mostly not very earth-like; and Level Seven is the Source Level, or the Godhead Level. Until recently, we believed that once you entered the Seventh Level, you would merge with the Godhead Collectives and your individuality would disappear, but we have lately come to understand that this happily is not true.

As best we can determine, each of those hundred or so vibratory layers is divided from the others only by its rate of energy vibration, and the layers are all of about the same size, to the extent that “size” means anything. In other words, each of the astral realities in the collection of realities to which we return after we die on earth is probably independently as large as is this entire material universe. It is hard for us even to conceive of so much astral space, so very many material-universe-sized slices layered one above another in vibration and separated from one another only by their different rates of vibration. But still, of course, all inside your TV/mind, and all in the same place! Because remember that even solid matter is just empty space. And, yes, a murmured “Wow” would be appropriate here. The spiritual progress that we are called to make is for each of us to gradually raise our own spiritual vibration as high as to the Fifth, the Sixth, and finally even to the Seventh consciousness vibratory level. So then eventually we, too, can merge with the Godhead.

The type of matter that exists in all these astral realities is of a different, finer nature than is the matter that we are used to here on earth. I recall that when I was devouring everything that I could find to read about the afterlife, one thing that frustrated me was that no one who was interviewing these people who all had died decades before had ever thought to ask them what the matter of their bodies was like! Wouldn’t you have thought that would have been the first question their interviewers would have thought to ask? Good grief. For years, I could not be sure that they even had solid bodies at all, and they were not just wraiths, like shimmery ghosts. But then one day, and even fifty years later I still recall it vividly, someone asked a woman who had lately transitioned what her new astral body was like. Was it solid? And she said something like, “Oh yes. But it’s finer than your body. It’s smoother. Nicer. You can almost a little bit see through it in some lights.” Bingo. That seemed to open some sort of floodgate, and soon I was finding other descriptions as well. By now, of course, I have spent the summer of 2022 often visiting Jesus in the astral Third Level, so I have trailed a silver cord while I wore an astral body myself. I know what she was talking about. Compared to these material bodies, an astral body is something like warm and soft alabaster that is infused with color. It lacks internal organs, so if you eat or drink, whatever you ingest simply disappears.

Astral water is not actually wet. It flows and kind of splashes like water, and you can walk into it as if it were water, but you will come out of it with your skin and clothing dry but feeling charged with energy by having been touched by the energy of that astral water. Jesus even called it “living water” (JN 4:10-11). Not only that, but the astral water gives off a subtle radiance, and a faint sort of hum of music that you can barely hear. Water is everywhere in the astral plane, but most of the bodies of water are not very large. Sometimes you will see someone in the yacht that he had always wanted in life, but in a pond that isn’t a whole lot bigger than the yacht is itself.

Foliage and the sky in each of those astral realities will come in all colors, except for the standard earth-related colors that we might expect. This fact seems to be playful, freaky, and kind of wonderful to people who have just arrived back home and had forgotten this little detail. Most of us enjoy it, actually, and we especially like the fact that not a leaf ever fades, and not a petal ever drops. Those big and often elegant-looking astral trees seem to be aware of us, and they will casually caress us with a branch as we pass. Flowers will turn to us as well. Many astral flowers are gigantic, even as tall as a man, and we can put our face into a blossom and inhale and receive not only the flower’s lovely smell, but also its life-giving energy. The energy that we receive from the plants and from the water fully nourishes us, which is why we never need to eat.

Colors in general will amaze you at first. In this material reality, our colors are limited to the narrow visible light spectrum. In the astral plane, however, many of the most common colors are beyond the visible light spectrum, so they are colors that are never seen on earth. This is especially true of flowers, and of rippling shades in the sky. There, the gorgeous random colors can make you gasp with delight.

The afterlife at its entrance level is very culturally specific. For example, the North American afterlife entrance is mostly lovely formal gardens with flowers and trees, pathways, benches, splashing fountains, and the snow-capped Rocky Mountains in the distance. The British afterlife entrance is similar but more formal, with no mountains and instead a more Victorian look. There is a story in the literature about an American man who died accidentally in China at the turn of the previous century, and when he turned up at the Chinese arrival gardens, what he saw around him was beautiful pagodas with fancy turned-up roofs and everybody looking Chinese! He right away did what I guess that we all should do in such a situation: he called out for help, in English! And at once, his guides came running. They took him home to the North American arrival gardens, where his family welcomed him home. These cultural differences gradually disappear the higher you go in vibration in the afterlife, and they are largely gone by the top of Level Five.

Many insects and wild animals are forever, just as we and our beloved pets are forever. There are butterflies and dragonflies in the astral realities, but there is nary a mosquito to be found. There are cute squirrels, and birds galore who can be coaxed to come and perch on your finger; and there are great wild plains full of bison beside the teepees of plains Indians who no longer need to hunt them. And of course, I have fed Jesus’s iridescent pet fish with Him, and patted His herd of tame pet deer. The deer and bison still graze because their instinct to graze remains, and the fish still eat their grain; but I assume, as is true of people in the afterlife and in the greater reality, that these animals all lack digestive organs.

Everything in the astral plane is made by Sixth-Level Beings. We call Level Six the Causal Level for a reason! There are stories in the literature of how people who have achieved the exalted Sixth Level are now learning how to become a part of the Godhead. One woman told her family through a physical medium about her many frustrations in learning how to craft a perfect flower. And while living in a house is not essential in the greater reality because there is no weather unless you want weather, and we never need to sleep; but many people there still prefer to have a house. I recall reading about a man who was having a house built for his daughter, who was about to die on earth. He drew up the plans, and then he called in four Sixth-Level Beings, who first studied his plans. Then they concentrated their minds together, and as they did, the house began to shimmer into being until there it stood, solid and ready for occupancy! It is possible to stick-build buildings in the astral, of course, but why would you bother with doing that?

What we call “the afterlife” is a kind of foyer between this lowest material level and most of reality. We already think of the whole greater reality as a stack that is a hundred, and maybe even more than a hundred astral layers tall, with each layer vibrating just a bit higher, and with this material reality at the bottom, and with the Godhead – Level Seven – at the top. Right? So now let’s cut a tall sliver like a tall slice of cake right through it, from bottom to top, and call it the afterlife, since that is how things seem to work. That whole stack itself is our greater reality. It is where we live our eternal lives; and insofar as we know, it is all that exists. But, maybe not. We will talk more about that question next week.

Next week and then the following week, we will talk briefly about the process of preparing to enter a lifetime on earth, and the process of later on coming home again and consolidating what we have just learned on earth. We also will talk about all the far beyond glorious things that there are to do in your beyond-wonderful eternal life! And, we will try to answer what may be the most important question of all, and the most difficult question of all for us to answer: Why?? 

We understand now that the earth, and probably the whole material universe, all seem to exist just as a place for us to have the spiritual hard knocks that enable us to raise our personal spiritual vibrations. Because while we are at home in the greater reality, our eternal lives are much too perfect for us to grow very much spiritually at all. We have come to understand that by now. But, why then does the Greater Reality exist? And, why even do we exist? Why??

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow. Why then, oh, why can’t I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow,
Why, oh why can’t I?
Harold Arlen (1905-1986) & Yip Harburg (1896-1981), from “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (1938)

 (This is the third of five blog posts which together help to explain the death process, how the greater reality works, and what our eternal life is like.)


(Many photos are from

Roberta Grimes
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20 thoughts on “Going Home (Part Three)

  1. Can’t wait long enough for part 4!

    This is the first time I read about level 6 building things.

    Some will garden
    Some will help people who just transitioned
    As a renaissance man, I like to do so many different things!

    When I was in my teens I said to myself: “There just has to be life i after death, because I don’t have enough time on Earth to pursue my many interests, and it wouldn’t be fair otherwise!”

    This, literally, was my proof of the afterlife! 🙂

    1. Oh my dear one, I don’t think that when I was a teenager I was even thinking about the afterlife just yet! Obviously, you were quite precocious 🙂 !

  2. This I needed to see today… My father passed a few years ago now, I saw a medium just after he passed who told me he was, happy where he was and if I ever needed him he would know and that the song overthe rainbow would be a sign that he was truly sending me a message.. your bog came up on my feed and there it was written perfectly for me to see and so I read it for the first time.. Thankyou I feel nourished by it and at peace for the first time in a long time

    1. Oh my dear wonderful Gillian, how perfectly beautiful!! Wow, your story gives me chills!! Thank you for sharing it!

  3. Roberta,

    How many times have you heard/read
    reports by NDE folks ?—they were told :

    “It is not your time”—because “you have work left to do.”

    Why not simply
    post at the top
    of your page :

    — “Spirit Doesn’t Invite Suicide” —

    How many are triggered to self-destruction by your
    GLOWING / INVITING / End-of-Struggle-and-Pain
    reports ?

    Consider it, please.


    1. Not my job. I have told IANDS that it is their job, but they would rather have people believe that NDEs are much more significant experiences than they actually are.

      1. The Self is indestructible. Roberta has discussed the consequences of suicide. Fear(s) must play a large role in it. Injecting more fear here would add energy to it. Most of us here are trying to move away from fear.

    2. What about all those people who are not considering ending their lives, but are afraid of death and treasure knowing where their loved ones have gone and that they are now happy?
      Don’t they deserve this information that Roberta has so lovingly curated with love in her heart?
      Please consider that. 🙏

  4. When I found your website recently and was lucky to start at number 1 I have found myself feeling that I can’t get enough of this information. I have read everything I could get my hands on NDE and have been amazed at their stories. Your 4th part will be so enlightening to read. I have always worried about where my beloved pets would go and now I know they are okay and will be waiting for me. I have had a hard life and often thought who put this whole story of my life together must have wanted me to really suffer with failed relationships, friendships that end badly, a lot of watching others die in pain. etc. Your insight into why we suffer here makes more sense to me now. As I am getting older (68) I often say out loud to the universe “give me a break and let me have some years of peace and happiness”. I feel like I have been ripped off somehow with what I have had to go through since childhood. Now what I am reading my trials and tribulations make more sense, but I think enough is enough. Thanks for your commitment to spreading these wonderful articles. By the way your website came to me somehow without me putting in any work so it was meant to be that I needed to hear your voice.

    1. Oh my dear lovely Nora, I am so glad that you are here, and a part of our family! I do think that people find us who need us, my dear one, and I am especially glad about that!

  5. Dearest Roberta,
    This account of the Afterlife is nothing short of glorious; all is splendor and loveliness. Everything is flow of energy and rejuvenation.

    So Consciousness Divine has placed us amid perennial Light –

    We must be truly loved. ❣️🕊🌅

    1. Oh my so much beloved Efrem, that is exactly the point! It is absolutely staggering as you do this research to really get a grasp on and come to realize how very much all of humanity must be loved!

  6. Like a bee to honey I’m drawn to your post this week Roberta and like Adrian I’m fascinated that 6th level beings can use their creative conscious force to make everything in the astral level. Questions arise.
    Are level 6 beings creating our material reality including the laws or perhaps illusion of chemistry, physics, maths or are these energetically from higher realms as yet cloaked or impeded by our intellectual knowledge.
    You mentioned the Vikings describing levels 3-5 as the Summerlands & I’m wondering if the Vikings have some role in the Astral plane or is this from earthly historical accounts of their writings.
    I love that nature/water/plants are visibly alive in the higher dimensions and it intuitively makes sense to me. At times I sense a spark of this aliveness or I see it in ‘my mind’s eye’. Parts of me are frustrated we are seemingly blocked from nature’s finesse here on this material plane, apart from a few gifted individuals who can commune with animals/plants.
    The mystic in me feels elevated, flooded and excited by wider perspectives and I’m rather compassionately aware my brain wants to limit, question and test the ‘safety’ of these uncharted waters. I trust and know the whisper and roar of Love are ever present.
    Rick, yes perhaps its necessary to better inform us humans that the black and white version of suicide is never part of our life-plan and a sure U-turn to coming back to this human life to learn again what is necessary for our growth. I would also add the nuances, context and complexities of this exit go far beyond my understanding and judgement.
    I very much look forward to chapter 4 of your blog Roberta.

    1. My lovely Helen, it is delightful to see you here! I think the Level 6 folks are in training to create the fancier lowest-level material realities, which are created by the Level 7 Collectives. What Level 6 folks create seems to be permanent, experimental and more playful, for the astral levels, while Level 7 has given us the illusion of a whole self-contained living habitat in this universe. So Level 7 gives us all the sciences, too, to make it all make sense to us. Remember, too, dear, that time is part of the illusion – there is no objective time, so as we become more sophisticated, the Level 7 folks can continue to give the earth an ever more complicated backstory for us to discover. And we catch their backstory handiwork in just a few ways. Look up “punctuated equilibrium,” for example.

  7. When we arrive at any of the astral fields is there any “judgement” regarding our failings or activities during our earthly lives.

    1. My dear Nise, this is a great question! But no, there is actually not even a checkpoint or any discernible barrier at all between those levels, except that as you try to move above your own personal level of vibration, you begin to feel an unbearable battering that keeps you from moving any higher unless you have a friend who has achieved that higher vibration who can move higher with you and can shield you. It is, however, always easy to go lower. As for judgment, though, which was your question, there is only that one judgment, at your entrance back into the afterlife.

  8. I have to ask, does heaven look the same to everyone, or does it take on certain characteristics that appeal to each individual? It seems the Bible paints a picture of something grandiose, streets of gold, pearly gates, but I expect that is explained by the culture of the people of the Old Testament.
    I also wonder about the life review, if you work hard to forgive others in your past who hurt you in life, then do you have one final review of whom you never quite forgave? Or is it also a review of times you helped others, and the times you hurt others.
    Lastly, I’ve only had a few people in this lifetime who I thought we were on the same spiritual level. Even my spouse semes to be on a different trajectory. Is there any way to understand if this is your first go around on earth (so to speak), and there might be others in heaven that you might be reunited with.

    1. Oh my dear Tim, what great questions! Actually, since the astral is so gigantic, there are countless cultures within it to which people can gravitate. We will talk about that in Part Five. The Life Review covers everyone, those you helped and any that you harmed. And, oh my goodness, while lives are not really linear, still your awareness aspect has likely been a part of a great many lives before this one, so yes, you do have many reunions ahead!

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