Posted by Roberta Grimes • March 22, 2025 • 4 Comments
Afterlife Research, Book News
I love you, there’s nothing to hide.
It’s better than burning inside.
I love you, no use to pretend.
There! I’ve said it again.
I’ve said it, what more can I say?
Believe me, there’s no other way.
I love you, I will to the end.
There! I’ve said it again.
I try to drum up a phrase that will sum up
All that I feel for you.
But what good are phrases? The thought that amazes
Is that you love me, and it’s heavenly!
– Redd Evans (1912-1972). From “There, I’ve Said it Again” (1963)
I have been so consumed with working and with doing all the things that I do each week that I never have thought much about distant strangers. I mean, until just recently. My core work for the past forty years has been practicing law for closely-held businesses, and I have continued to enjoy doing that in my semi-retirement; although now, I practice law for just a very few longstanding clients. For my whole life, of course, I have been interested in Jesus and in the afterlife, so I have spent all my life’s spare time immersed in research; and in semi-retirement, I do a lot more of that. I study Jesus, the afterlife, and the mysterious science and spirituality of our greater reality. My library at this point holds thousands of books, with many of them gathered from used-books stores, to the point where they take up several rooms; and my saintly husband is almost at the point of saying, “I love you, but at this point it has to be the books or me.” Well, he almost says that. But he also has quite a few books of his own.
My much less patient supplemental husband, my deeply treasured spirit guide, Thomas, began a dozen years ago to insist that it was time for us to begin to teach some of the spiritual wisdom that I have spent the better part of my lifetime accumulating. So in 2013, he and I began to do that. First, in June of that year, we began a weekly podcast; and then later in that same November we wrote our first blog post. Our blogging was irregular at first, but pretty soon it began to be weekly as well, and typically each weekly offering takes a day and a half to research, write, and polish. Another half-day or more goes toward preparing and recording our podcast, and back then I still was the attorney of record for at least a dozen businesses. I loved doing it all, but I cannot now imagine when I must have found enough time back then to sleep!
The reason why I so much love my life has always been the people. Yes, I practice law, but I never have been inside a courtroom. In fact, one of my clients is involved in litigation at the moment – first time this ever has happened – and we have called in a litigation attorney to handle the case for them (they will win it easily). But my legal clients have always been family businesses, which are the economic beating heart of America, and my work for them has been contracts, transactions, estate planning, and general business advice. For each of the few businesses that I have stayed with for decades, through good times and not so very good times, and through all their planning and working things out, each business’s family members have become quite literally my own much-beloved family. I could not love them more if I shared their names. There are four especially beautiful families that are now preparing to pass their businesses to the third, or in one case even to the fourth generation. And having known each business’s patriarch when my legal practice still was young, I am determined now to work long enough to be able to help to prepare all their beloved next generations’ members, and then to draft their transfer documents!
After twelve years of weekly podcasting, too, the reason why I still love doing it remains all the glorious people involved. Over time, I come to dearly love many of my repeat podcast guests! I love the listeners as well, because I often hear from them, and I even have met a number of them. By now, “Seek Reality with Roberta Grimes” is syndicated, and I will randomly meet people who recognize me because of our podcasting. I also get emails from listeners all over the world. When I often begin many podcasts by addressing those watching and listening as “my dear ones”, I mean that! If you are curious about my podcast, here are some audio links: Apple & Spotify. Even though I have a great face for radio, we began in late June of 2023 to also record these podcasts in video. The video podcasts are available on Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire Stick streaming devices; or you can download the Experts and Authors App on your AppleTV, or else just visit online and click SEEK REALTY. And back here in our studio, there are just the three of us plus Thomas working each week: my beloved Sam of, and yours truly, with our weekly guest. Sam has been my engineer for perhaps a decade, and I truly do not believe that I could do this podcast anymore if he were not always right here with me.
The Seek Reality guest who has been with us the longest is Dr. R. Craig Hogan. Craig and I share ownership of the biggest and most complete source of afterlife information on the internet, which is Seek Reality Online; but that website really is all Craig’s baby! He runs it beautifully, and he does that better than I ever could. Craig was my first-ever Seek Reality guest when we began our podcast twelve years ago, and he has been on with me faithfully once each quarter ever since. In fact, he and I have just recorded our 48th episode together! Although I hear every week from agents representing new potential guests, about eighty percent of our guests now are repeats, most of whom have done Seek Reality episodes with us many times by now. Listeners will let us know that they want to hear from some particular guest again. Or in some cases, I might think that a guest’s story is so important, or so interesting or so enjoyable, that I will let just a few months pass before I will bring that person back again.
Today I am going to share with you one remarkable recent Seek Reality guest. She joined us for the first time a year ago, and I thought her story was so wonderful, and so important, that I brought her back twice more last year, and an additional time early in 2025, so she is already a four-times regular guest. Hers is one of those unbelievably uplifting stories that seems to be impossible, but it is true nonetheless!
After an accident in 2003 left Brandy Gillmore wheelchair-bound and in terrible pain, doctors told her there was nothing more that they could do for her. This was going to be her life. But Brandy refused to accept that, so she searched for a cure, and eventually she figured out how to heal herself. Brandy Gillmore discovered research that changed the course of her life, and she made a complete recovery. But for Brandy, that was just the beginning! After she managed to heal herself in 2010, she didn’t want to just talk about her healing. But she wanted to help other people to see real and objective proof that our minds really do in fact possess the power to heal our bodies!
So in 2015, Brandy made that goal a reality when for the first time she was able to demonstrate self-healing to physicians in real-time under thermal medical imaging (TMI). Then soon after that, Brandy was invited to deliver a TEDx talk, which was a pivotal moment in her healing journey. Please notice here that, as has been true with other TEDx talks which demonstrate the truly remarkable powers of the mind, or else demonstrate the failings of science, including Rupert Sheldrake’s famously banned TEDx talk, Brandy’s TEDx talk carries a bogus warning label. This says nothing negative about her work, but it does say something seriously sad about cutting-edge TEDx talks and those who fear them!
More recently, Brandy Gillmore has continued to demonstrate amazing healing results using medical thermal imaging. She demonstrates these results on her own podcast, which is called Heal Yourself. Change Your Life, and in speaking engagements for medical professionals and general audiences. Her excellent book is called Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body. I think her book is a must-read, especially if you have health issues. The fact is that our minds possess an extraordinary ability to heal our bodies that is far beyond any placebo effect, and Brandy’s book helps readers to understand the missing link to mind-body healing. It provides a simple step-by-step process that helps her readers understand how we can all access this hidden healing potential of our own minds. Brandy’s website is
There is something else, too, that I enjoy doing weekly with people that I so dearly love. In 2024, at Thomas’s behest, I experimented with teaching a course in how to use the teachings of Jesus to raise your personal spiritual vibration far enough away from fear and close enough to perfect love that you can achieve at least the top of the fourth level of the afterlife by the time that you graduate from this lifetime. That will put you at a high enough point that you can cease to incarnate. By the time that you are vibrating reliably at that level, Thomas tells us that you will be able to continue to grow spiritually just from what you will be able to do from there, primarily serving as a spirit guide or otherwise helping others. We managed to complete two of these twelve-week courses by late in the summer of 2024.
But the problem was that some of the people in each of those two classes wanted to keep on learning and working with me and with one another, and I wanted very much to keep them in my life! I love them. They are part of my own family now. And this is, no kidding, a beautiful worldwide family! Yes of course, about half are Americans from all over the U.S, and a couple of them are Canadian, but then my dear ones in this group encircle the world! We have several members from Australia, and one each from Serbia, South Africa, and Grenada in the Caribbean. We hold our meetings at 5:00 p.m. U.S. eastern time on Wednesdays, which is close to midnight in Serbia and South Africa, and 9;00 the next morning in Australia. And that works for us!
So we will come together again this week, joyously. We always invite Thomas and Jesus to join our gathering, and usually they are already with us. Most often, Thomas will have suggested a topic of discussion for us, and Jesus seldom speaks but His benevolent love will be in what feels like the cozy meeting room around us. And that cozy little Zoom meeting room is worldwide! But you would never know it. You would think we all live in the same small town, and we are meeting in someone’s living room. The love in everyone’s voice for one another is palpable.The delight in simply being together and able to share our thoughts with people who love and understand us personally is indescribable! And it gives you a whole new perspective, doesn’t it? So this is what has lately gotten me to thinking. I think of these shining, so familiar faces that only a year ago were strangers, some of whom are actually a whole world away. The very thought of that is inconceivable now, when I love each of them so much! But I wonder now, as I think of how easily we all have become one family, whether we might find a way, someday, somehow, to make a whole world of former strangers feel so beloved to us as we all now have become?
Forgive me for wanting you so,
But one thing I want you to know.
I’ve loved you since heaven knows when.
There! I’ve said it again.
– Redd Evans (1912-1972), from “There, I’ve Said it Again” (1963)
(Many photos are from
Thanks for all that love!
And of coure, it’s mutual!
Oh my very dear Adrian, you know how immensely special and how love-filled our Wednesday/Thursday meetings feel, and how surprising, really, all of that is!
When I began to do weekly podcasting, and then blogging twelve years ago, and then teaching those two groups just last year, I thought of all of it pretty much as Thomas presented it to me: it was time for me to do all these services for God. I never dreamed how much more I would get out of doing all of it than I ever have put into any of it! And our dear beautiful group, my precious Adrian, and your splendid shining face and your wisdom so close, right there across that little Zoom room in Serbia, which is not so far away after all? Thank you for being the gift from God that you are!
Thank you Roberta! I follow everything you do and love your channel on YouTube! Somehow I missed the 12 week course but I would really like to take it. Will you be teaching it again or do you offer the recording so I could take it? Thank you,
Oh, my dear beautiful Kimberly, even I don’t follow everything that I do, so thank you very much for saying that you do that! My time is entirely taken up at the moment, but that course in spiritual elevation has worked so well for the fifty or so people who took it in two groups last year that we are considering now perhaps offering it again beginning late this year or in 2026. I’ll try to make sure that it is more publicized this next time around!