
Going Home (Part Five)

Posted by Roberta Grimes • October 19, 2024 • 6 Comments
Afterlife Research

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality. 

We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess – in the Ring –
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –
We passed the Setting Sun – 

Or rather – He passed Us –
The Dews drew quivering and Chill –
For only Gossamer, my Gown –
My Tippet – only Tulle – 

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground –
The Roof was scarcely visible –
The Cornice – in the Ground – 

Since then – ’tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses’ Heads
Were toward Eternity –
– Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), from “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” (1863)

Oh, how I loved this famous poem when I was a  child! I even was able to recite parts of it when I was maybe ten years old. I could so well envision that Victorian lady who had been about her prim, Victorian life when this mysterious carriage pulled by black horses with black plumes on their heads had stopped for her, so she had stepped up inside, as a lady back then would have obediently done, since ladies then had no control of their lives. When I was a child, this poem was my first interested realization that, of course, you would discover wherever you were going when you noticed wherever the horses’ heads were pointing. And I wondered then over all the things that she passed, the elements of her life that she was seeing from centuries after her death. A Victorian lady had imagined that eternity would be just an endless carriage ride.

But was that how death really was going to work? That was what this poem had made me wonder. I was then just a child, after all. There were two generations of my family ahead of me in line, and I had had that experience of light when I was eight years old, so I was not at all afraid of death, although having so lately seen that amazing light, I was plenty curious about it. Which must have been why this poem seized my mind so deeply when I was so young.  

By now, though, and quite wonderfully, we have had many reports from Miss Dickinson’s near-contemporaries about what her eternity had held in store for her, once she later disembarked from that funeral carriage. If you are still a bit hazy about the geography and the physics of the Greater Reality, perhaps your taking a moment now just to quickly skim through our past two weeks’ posts might help you to keep things straight as we follow some recent afterlife arrivals through all the gloriously dazzling things that there are to do for fun in our eternal lives once we have shed these material bodies. And then we finally, joyously, will arrive back to our infinitely wonderful eternal home!

We are assuming, of course, that those who are dying on earth have closely followed their deathbed visitors straight home. And they have had their post-death nap that lasted for an earth-day or two; and their life review, during which they forgave everyone, and especially themselves; and also their wonderful welcome-home party, during which they discovered that even some of their enemies during this most recent earth-lifetime were actually beloved eternal friends just playing those parts, to aid them in their spiritual learning. They might have needed to spend a couple of earth-months of non-time in the spiritual healing gardens. If they wanted a post-death meeting with, and also a blessing from Jesus Himself, of course they have met with Jesus in His Level Three glade beside the river and had that happen for them as well. Many of us spend as much as a year or two of post-death non-time in these semi-serious, semi-joyous formalities, and in trying to send messages back to our loved ones on earth, to assure them that indeed we have survived.

But, then what? Well, once we are at home and reacclimated, we are spiritually healed and feeling great and at peace, we have spent time with our oldest and dearest friends and family from our most recent lifetimes, and we are settled in and used again to a home base somewhere that makes us feel grounded in eternity, there soon is a cheerily expectant “Okay, what’s next?” kind of feeling that settles in for us. And there is so much there that we can do for fun! Let’s first consider our overall situation:

  • Nearly Everyone Returns to the Greater Reality Vibrating Somewhere at Collective Levels Three Through Five. Those are the three Summerland collective levels, and for most of us, the lower vibrational half of that range is where we spend endless ages of incarnations! As you know, we always can go lower than wherever we are vibrating; we just have trouble going higher. So nearly all of us, when we go home, will be able to do a lot of traveling around the Level Three and perhaps some of the lowest-vibration Level Four attractions. But in trying to hit some of those lower Level Four or higher hotspots, unless we have a friend who can come with us and can shield us with their personal higher-vibration auras, we will be so beaten up by the higher vibrations at the upper-Level-Four level that we will have to turn back. So, if we assume that for now, we cannot go above Level Three, what is there for us to do for fun?
  • We Can Ski, Snowboard, Swim, Boat, Hike, Climb, and Otherwise Enjoy Vigorous Outdoor Lives. Mikey Morgan, who is an upper Sixth Level Being, tells us that he still comes down to the Third Level and he enjoys snowboarding on occasion. And since the snow isn’t cold and our astral bodies cannot be damaged, he says that he can now snowboard like an Olympian!
  • There is a Mental Hotline at the Third Level That Announces What Performances are Now About to Happen. At the turn of the twentieth century, everyone was hungry to see and hear great orchestras perform. And perform they did! You would simply put out your intention to hear Mozart or Tchaikovsky or whatever, and whenever an orchestra would be playing that composer’s music anywhere in the world, you would know it. You would think yourself there, and instantly you would be in an open-air coliseum in the Greater Reality over Paris or Moscow or Kiev or somewhere, sitting front-row center as the orchestra started to play. As it played, not only would you hear it more beautifully than you ever heard it on the material plane, but also you would see the music in clouds of colors over the performers.
  • Many Transitioned Earth-Performers are Performing at the Third Level. We don’t know about every recently-deceased star who is performing, but I imagine that a great many people do perform at least occasionally. The names most commonly mentioned are Frank Sinatra, John Lennon, Early Elvis, and Las Vegas Elvis. Reportedly, Elvis is a higher-level being, but he has resolved to continue to perform on Level Three for so long as anyone wants to see him perform. And again, same process: you mentally put out your intention to see some performer, and the next time he or she performs anywhere, you are made aware so you can be front row center.
  • There Seems to be a Vibrant Level Three Amateur Performance Scene. Apparently, a lot of people who never performed on earth are performing there in plays and as singers and dancers, and they enjoy doing that. You can, too! They are taught by people who have taught some of the greats on earth, and their performances are well-attended. Children born as talented prodigies likely first learned their skills this way.
  • We Can Take Instrumental Lessons from Some of the Greats. The thing is that with our vastly augmented minds, we can learn skills far more easily there than we ever could have learned them here! Many of those who are being born in the early part of this century were likely transitioning into the afterlife maybe a century and  a half ago, too poor ever to have learned to play the piano or the violin or the cello back then, but very eager when they transitioned home to learn to play those instruments, and to learn to play from Mozart! They are being born again now, and they are the children who now are piano and violin prodigies. My Aunt Ruth was a gifted seamstress on earth who made her own clothes, and she dressed like royalty. Once recently when I was speaking with my mother through a medium, she showed me my Aunt Ruth teaching a fairly large sewing class using mind-controlled crystal sewing machines.  
  • There are Dress-Up Play Villages. We don’t know how many of these there are, but we know of at least two. I suspect that there soon will be more. The first two that we have become aware of are the Wild West village and the Dickens village. If you feel like playing at being a character in a western movie or in a Dickens novel, you simply think yourself into the appropriate village, you mentally clothe yourself appropriately, and you go to it! I think there soon will be villages for some other novel series as well. Harry Potter, anyone?
  • We Can Do Library Research. The cities are few, and they contain mainly public buildings, including libraries. All the libraries contain mainly scrolls, and their scrolls are reportedly duplicated so you can do your own research on your own background in the library nearest you. Many people ask me if they will be able to research their past lives in the afterlife. Well, of course you can! Just climb those great stone steps of the library in your nearest city and ask a friendly librarian to help you get started.
  • Travel to the Afterlives of Ancient Peoples. Since there is no time and there is infinite space in Level Three of the Greater Reality, apparently you can find every aspect of the earth’s past still happening now, just by thinking yourself there. In browsing one of the many old books that I bought during the nineteen-seventies, I found an account by someone who had visited the afterlife of the American plains Indians. It was an active plains encampment surrounded by thousands of buffalo. While he was there and conversing by mind with a chieftain, the sky opened, and a sixth-level Being appeared, carrying a woman, He deposited her in a teepee, then left the teepee, nodded to the chieftain, and disappeared the same way that he had arrived. The chieftain explained that sometimes when people die with extreme spiritual damage, these Beings will bring them here to be healed, “since my people are especially strong spiritually.” A few of the things on my post-death to-do list are to travel to the ancient Egyptian afterlife and watch the Pyramids being built, and to travel to Philadelphia in 1776. And what about sitting on that hillside and actually hearing the Sermon on the Mount? (Note that conversations being held by mind are in a universal language.)
  • Travel to the Edge of the Material Universe. Not only can we travel by the power of our minds anywhere we might like to go in the material world, invisibly; but we also have the ability to travel to the edge of the material universe by mind in an instant. And some people do that, just to say that they have been there; although they generally ask a higher-vibration friend to accompany them. And since there is nothing there to see, they will just float around for a bit and then come back.
  • Travel to Plant, Animal, and even Mineral Minds. There are far-distant planets in the physical universe where the life is not recognized by us as intelligent, and yet it is quite intelligent. I have  been taken by Thomas to visit three such planets while I was lucid-dreaming, to try out inhabiting the different life-forms on each. On one, I tried out being pond-scum. That felt meh. On the second, I was a creature very like a horse, running with its herd, which felt great! On the third, I tried to think myself inside of and actually tried to become what seemed to be a piece of reddish sandstone, but I couldn’t stay inside it. The thing was moving S-o-o  V-e-r-y  S-l-o-o-w-l-y.
  • Travel to Level Two. In the whole Greater Reality, the only accessible negativity at all seems to be on Level Two, the second aggregate level, the level just above the punishment level that Jesus called “the Outer Darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (see Mt 8:12; 22:13; 25:30). Visiting that Second Level is really the only dangerous thing that you can do in the entire Greater Reality. It seems to be populated by lowlifes of various sorts who may be up to doing nefarious things: think of that cantina described as a hive of scum and villainy in the original Star Wars movie. I once knew someone who was just a normal person living on earth, who astral traveled as a hobby, and he was fascinated by the Second Level’s lawlessness. But he got into some kind of trouble there, and he never was heard from on earth again.

Well, there you have it. An eternity of endless entertainment awaits us all, and my goodness, this is only what we can know about from here! And you can do all of it without traveling any higher than Level Three in vibration! So, why would you want to bother with vibrating higher? Because there is even more to do, and everything is even vastly more beautiful, the higher in vibration you are able to go. Believe it or not! Finally, my dear ones, to answer the question that I have been teasing you with: Why does this eternity full of endless fun, perfect joy, and boundless happiness exist? It turns out that YOU, and ONLY YOU, are the reason why anything at all exists! The earth. The Greater Reality. Anything at all. In a lifetime of seeking, I never have been able to find any other reason. It is impossible for you to comprehend how very much you in particular are loved.


(This is the fifth of five blog posts which together help to explain the death process, how the greater reality works, and what our eternal life is like.)


(Many photos are from

Roberta Grimes
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6 thoughts on “Going Home (Part Five)

  1. I popped in here today the way I occasionally do and I am heartened to see you writing about a subject you used to write about so much in previous times.

    Perhaps you, too, could pop in on an occasional visit to your first-born website and write for us a similarly-uplifting piece.

    blessings, mac

  2. Roberta, what a fascinating journey you have taken us on! You brought forth new and exciting information that allows me to put more pieces into the puzzle, and you did it with your usual charm and humor. I have much to examine more closely. Thank you!

  3. Dearest Roberta,
    That’s it isn’t it??!
    We are loved completely and forever.
    Each one of us.❣️
    That’s the whole point isn’t it?!!!

    How long before I really get that ?!

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