
From Thomas and Mikey, With Love

Posted by Roberta Grimes • October 10, 2015 • 6 Comments
Book News, Jesus, The Teachings of Jesus, Thomas Jefferson

I want to apologize to you for my month-long hiatus from blogging. It LiberatingJesusMetallicFrontCover-webnever was my intention! But practicing law while I prepared for and presented at the Scottsdale afterlife conference, plus doing page-proofs for two new books and all the details of preparing their marketing, have made my whole month disappear. It is only now, with the conference over and both book titles about to ship, that I can stop and take a breath!

What an amazing year this is. I’m glad that you can share it with me! Two extraordinary books that bear my name are about to hit the major chains, although in fact I wrote neither of them. My job has been just to edit and polish. And to spend the rest of my life supporting them.

Liberating Jesus is a channeled work. I don’t know enough to have written it myself, and I certainly never would have the nerve to say about Christianity what Jesus says in this book! You would think that someone as psychic as a post would be flat unable to channel at all, but the true authors of this book – Master Jesus and my spirit guide, Thomas – are sufficiently expert that the cluelessness of their instrument did not deter them. Jesus, especially, turns out to be a virtuoso at using an inexpert mind to focus information. He channeled forty thousand words through me in barely two weeks of work.

Meanwhile, I have been assisting Mikey Morgan and his mother, Carol, in Flying High Coverwriting his autobiography. Mikey is a very advanced being who last was on earth in the 1600s, and who – like many of those now in spirit – has become increasingly worried about the course of human life on earth. He wanted so badly to help us begin to set our lives on a better track that he took a brief additional lifetime, dying in 2007 at the age of twenty, so for the rest of his mother’s life he can teach us through the thinning veil in the voice of a modern American kid who understands us very well.

Writing Mikey’s book was a long process. Carol sent me his first draft last winter, received from him telepathically and confirmed in every word by pendulum. It was too short, and it lacked details, so I sent her lists of questions for Mikey as I shaped his narrative into a book. I’m happy to tell you that Flying High in Spirit is entirely Mikey’s work, obsessively reviewed and tweaked by him. And now we are planning to write two more!

Mikey’s book was mostly written before I channeled Master Jesus in June. Mikey AloneThen for months after the Lord departed, I fretted and worried about how extreme Liberating Jesus really is. I found it so impossible to believe that this was what He wanted to say that twice I insisted that the medium who is helping me to communicate with Spirit confirm that Jesus meant every word. Each time, the message Susanne Wilson received from those in the group around Jesus was that the Master was saying to me, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” That is such an important passage from Liberating Jesus that the first time I heard it, my eyes filled with tears.

Meanwhile, Thomas was gleefully polishing what both of us now think of as his own long-delayed book, first written during his lifetime as Thomas Jefferson but never published. I would wake up each morning with my mind full of various word-tweaks that he wanted made to Liberating Jesus, although he never touched the Master’s Gospel commentary. Both of us have left that alone.

And then Thomas chose our perfect publisher. One of the amazing things that I Middle-Aged Jeffersonhave learned during this remarkable year is how savvy the dead can be about modern life! This man who has been dead now for more than a century knew enough to choose a tiny publisher willing to consider un-agented manuscripts, but with the power to get books into stores. Thomas has been right about CFA Publishing and Media. Christine Anderson responded at once to an emailed query on a Thursday morning, and she read enough of Liberating Jesus to email her acceptance that afternoon. When I remarked to her that, you know, I’ve got this other manuscript, too, she also accepted Flying High in Spirit. She rushed to get them both into print. Then her team marketed our books to major chains with such skill that they will be in Costco, Target, Barnes & Noble, and the airport stores for Christmas. They will be in ten major chains by January.

The final job that an author has before she sends her children into the medium_2934189215(1)world is to comb over page proofs. In September I was doing page proofs of both books, and it was only then that it dawned on me that the fact that they are coming out together and being bought together by the chains is not a coincidence. Thomas and Mikey must be working together! Both books’ messages are so much the same.

Jesus says, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.  The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Mikey says, “Love is the key to everything.”

 Jesus says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven … be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Mikey says, What you believe is what you believe, but that doesn’t do much to bring you spiritual growth. It is how you live that will ultimately make the difference for you spiritually.”

Jesus says, “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spiritJesus in Contemplation and in truth … It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

Mikey says, “God truly is a Unity of Absolute Pure Love, which is Infinite. And there is no limit with God. This Unity is the Source or Collective of all that exists.”

These books share a powerful eternal message, each in its own distinctive voice. Together Mikey and Thomas are helping the Master – finally, after two thousand years – to freshly reveal His perfect teachings to a stumbling and despairing world!


Jefferson photo credit: <a href=”″>Biography of Thomas Jefferson (Third President 1801-1809)</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>

Roberta Grimes
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6 thoughts on “From Thomas and Mikey, With Love

  1. Hi, Roberta! This is so exciting. I’ve been looking for Mikey’s book on Amazon and can’t find it. Will it be available there soon?
    Thank you so much for all you do!

    1. Hi Joan and Laura! Both books are now available on Amazon, so please do try again. Liberating Jesus has been available for a week, while Flying High in Spirit was pulled back at the last minute so pictures of Mikey and his family could be added. The pictures are in color, and they really do help to make the book more intimate – I think you’ll agree that it has been worth the wait!

  2. An inspiring blog, Roberta, and another winner! I’m definitely putting the books on the top of my list and will get them when my budget permits. LIBERATING JESUS will be number one.

    You mentioned in your recent podcast that you’ve lived such a blessed life. I speculate that you had a few challenging past lives and the wisdom you gained from those carried over into this one. You’ve become quite a “channel” for advanced beings and Jesus himself, to come through you.

    Many more blessings!

  3. Just bought both books and couldn’t pit them down!! Loved them both!! Great job Roberta and Carol shining light on the truth about the afterlife. My son is on the other side too and constantly communicates with me! We love these books!! Thanks for being brave soldiers on this mission!!

    1. Thank you, dear Sherri! It’s amazing; already we are getting re-orders from stores. It seems these books are resonating with many people. Bless you, dear!

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