
Physics in Crisis

Posted by Roberta Grimes • May 05, 2014 • 2 Comments
Afterlife Research, Quantum Physics, The Source, Understanding Reality

One of my vices is popular science magazines, and I especially love Scientific American. It’s full of articles that are candy for the mind, luscious insights you might never use but you feel better equipped for life by knowing them.

I began reading my favorite magazine a decade ago, as I was trying to puzzle out the origin_4290962747physics of the afterlife levels. It is an extraordinary fact that nearly two hundred years of communications from the dead are so breathtakingly consistent with one another, and in some cases so detailed, that as quantum-physics-for-dummies books began to be more widely available in the first years of this century it became easy for investigators to puzzle out how the afterlife works and how reality fits together. The physics of the afterlife levels is a more extreme version of what we here call quantum physics. Our quantum physics is a kind of plug that connects the matter-based physics that exists just in this material universe with the consciousness-based physics of most of reality. When I first realized this, I felt the way working scientists must feel when they make a discovery. Wow. Just, wow.

I love Scientific American. So to read the lead article in the current issue made me sad in the way you’re always sad when a personal hero shows feet of clay.

The article talks about a crisis in physics as if this were a new event. In fact, physics has been in crisis ever since the immortal Max Planck and his brethren came up with quantum physics more than a century ago. Newtonian macro-physics and quantum physics don’t fit well together. Each of them is demonstrably right, but generations of physicists have been unable to come up with a theory that unites them.

They have trouble explaining other things as well. For example, this material universe is based on tolerances that are vanishingly tiny. Were any of these numbers off by a bit, the universe would be unstable and none of us would be here. So among other things, a workable theory of everything needs to account for the stability of a universe that should be unstable, and it needs to make Newtonian and quantum physics smoothly work together. And – the core problem – it has to do these things while obeying what they call “the fundamental dogma” of atheism.

Since we have been running headlong in the wrong direction, most of the theories proposed have been insane. That an infinite number of universes were created in the big bang, and only in this one were the numbers right; that each time a butterfly flaps its wing a brand-new universe is created. Crazy. But craziness is necessary when you turn what should be an open investigation of reality into just a belief-system based on any “fundamental dogma.” Supersymmetry in its various permutations has for decades been the physicists’ leading theory, even though to non-physicists it looks like just more nonsensical tail-chasing. The crisis in physics troubling Scientific American is the fact that after a century of floundering, apparently supersymmetry isn’t panning out, either.             

Aside from its apparent fear that it might inadvertently find God, the core problem in physics seems to be that it is focused on just the material universe. In fact, this material universe is an integral part of a much larger whole that is composed of at least seven additional energy-based dimensions. Those dimensions are as real as this material universe, they are interdependent with it, and they are inhabited by people we used to think were dead. Trying to make sense of the material universe without factoring in the rest of reality is as futile as it would be to study fire without being aware of oxygen.

When we investigate the greater reality being introduced to us by the folks who live there, one thing we learn is that human consciousness is not an artifact of our brains at all. It is primary and pre-existing. Everything troubling physicists could be resolved if they would dare to investigate the role of consciousness, which is just what the first quantum physicists realized more than a hundred years ago. If his successors had listened to Max Planck, they could have avoided wasting the twentieth century.

Max Planck won a Nobel Prize in 1918 as the father of quantum physics. Among other things that his work showed was that consciousness is primary and pre-existing. Consciousness – the human mind – affects the results of quantum physics experiments. It brings matter into being. It has to be primary. Toward the end of his life, Planck said:

“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”                         

The afterlife evidence overwhelmingly shows that Max Planck was exactly right. Only when twenty-first-century physicists stop floundering and reconnect with their roots will this century-long crisis in physics be over.

photo credit: <a href=””>Dustpuppy72</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>

Roberta Grimes
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2 thoughts on “Physics in Crisis

  1. Hello again and thank you for such a perfect comment! I’m aware of the relationship between Lodge and Planck; thank you for such a timely reminder. Max Planck is one of the greatest thinkers in human history, and he is that because he had not just a brilliant and incisive mind, but also an OPEN mind. To quote him from the link you cite:

    “The thing that for me has always made the standpoint represented by you plausible and likeable is your unshakeable faith in the existence of a real outer world independent of us, in which we humans play only a relatively humble and minor role, and your rejection of the positivist viewpoint, which seeks to do away with all questions associated with this real outer world by declaring them meaningless.”

    Once modern scientists stop taking what Planck calls “the positivist viewpoint” and open-mindedly begin to investigate what he here calls the “real outer world,” the whole of our existence is going to change.

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