Author: Roberta Grimes

Why There? Why Then?

O come, O come, Emmanuel,
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here,
Until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan’s tyranny;
From depths of hell Thy people save,
And give them victory o’er the grave.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Thou Dayspring, from on high,
And cheer us by Thy drawing nigh;
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
And death’s dark shadows put to flight.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
– John Mason Neale (1818-1866), Translator, from “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel” (15th Cen CE)

I had almost no time to blog this week because I have just returned from a trip to Massachusetts to see my beloved legal clients, so I still had things to do for them. I turned to Thomas early on Friday morning, and I said, “I got nothin’. So it’s your turn!” He said to me calmly, “Let’s write about what most people are wondering about now, twelve days before Christmas. Why did Jesus come to the world when He did? Why then? Why not a thousand years earlier? Or two thousand years later? And why in Bethlehem of Judea, of all places?” I said right back to Thomas, “Hey, great idea! And will Jesus sit with us so we can interview Him, do you think? Give us some of His own insights?”

I immediately got what I have come to think of as my spirit guide’s Fu Manchu frown. He showed himself to me in a flash as a sixth-level being, nine feet tall and thin, with a fancy robe and frowning behind a long Fu Manchu mustache. So, of course I did next what you would do. I Googled, “Why did Jesus choose to be born where and when He was born?” And I received this pretty good, if superficial, answer:

“According to Christian belief, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, during the reign of King Herod the Great, because this fulfilled Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, and the timing coincided with a period of relative peace under Roman rule known as the Pax Romana, which allowed for the spread of his message across the Roman Empire; however, the exact date of Jesus’s birth is not definitively known, and is estimated to be between 6 and 4 BC based on historical context.”

Well, I think that you and I can do a whole lot better than that! Especially with the work that we lately have been doing with God, learning to better comprehend and trust God, even from our limited perspective; and coming to more completely believe in and comprehend God’s perfect love for each of us. And with Jesus always nearby, reminding us of what He came to earth to teach us. First, of course, it is important for us to note that the Christian Old Testament contains almost nothing in the way of prophesy of who the Messiah was going to be, and what he was expected to do.

Discovering how little the Old Testament tells us about the Messiah surprised me. Rather than any real prophesy of a being to come, there is instead in a couple of those old scrolls just a vague sense of a future prince who will bring about a gathering of the Hebrew tribes back into their ancient home-place. Woe from God will befall those who thwart this obscure Messiah’s work! and when he comes, that vaguely promised Messiah will “declare all things to us” (see Jer 23:1; Dan 9:23-36; JN 4:25). Rather than having been a real future being who was confidently predicted to arrive at some specified future time and place, the Messiah seems to have been more like what a Santa Clause figure is for us. He was a vaguely hoped-for being of largely mythological folklore.

And because this was true, especially in the early part of His ministry, our beloved Jesus was shy about claiming the Messiah’s mantle. Instead, He referred to Himself as “the Son of Man”, so He was something like an everyman’s son. He was quite curious, though, about how those who were following Him, who soon numbered in the thousands, were thinking of Him, and He often asked His disciples what those in His crowds of followers were saying about Him. For example:

27 “Jesus went out, along with His disciples, to the villages of Caesarea Philippi; and on the way, He questioned His disciples, saying to them, “Who do people say that I am?” 28 They told Him, saying, “John the Baptist; and others say Elijah; but others, one of the prophets.” 29 And He continued by questioning them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered and said to Him, “You are the Messiah.” 30 And He warned them to tell no one about Him” (MK 8:27-30).

Jesus let this identification of Him as the Messiah, the one who was to come, dawn on His followers only gradually, as His fame grew with His teachings and no other title seemed to fit so well. Or they also began to call Him “the Christ,” a term which appears not at all in the Old Testament, but is abundant in all four of the New Testament Gospels and is used there from the start to identify Jesus. For example, it is said in Matthew, “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit” (MT 1:18). Indeed, in JN 1:41 we are told that “Messiah” and “Christ” are equivalent terms. And at first, there is some confusion over whether John the Baptist might be the Christ? But no, John is murdered rather early on, and Jesus’s local fame soon surpasses John’s.

We might note here that an effort was made when the Christian Bible was being assembled at the First Council of Nicaea in the year 325 CE to remove every reference to reincarnation that was found in the scriptures being considered for inclusion in the Bible. But still, you can see that Jesus’s followers generally believed in reincarnation in the way that they were guessing that Jesus Himself might have been John the Baptist (who had just been murdered), Elijah, or one of the other great prophets returned. And Jesus seems never in the Gospels to protest when people mention reincarnation in His presence. Interesting fact duly noted.

The only people Jesus really disagreed with, and He even actively despised, were clergymen.  For example, when He saw many of the Pharisees and the Sadducees coming to John to be baptized, He said to them, “You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (MT 3:6-8) It is little wonder that so many of the clergy of Jesus’s day actively despised Him in return!

Because of this constant animosity between Jesus and most of the clergy, He seems often to have been put in situations where He needed  to demonstrate His Own divinity, even toward the end of His life. Read this remarkable, rather long passage from the Gospel of John! Jesus tells us here that, “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. 12 He who is a hired hand, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 He flees because he is a hired hand and is not concerned about the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me, 15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd. 17 For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. 18 No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.”

19 A division occurred again among the Jews because of these words. 20 Many of them were saying, “He has a demon and is insane. Why do you listen to Him?” 21 Others were saying, “These are not the sayings of one demon-possessed! A demon cannot open the eyes of the blind, can he?”

22 At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem; 23 it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon. 24 The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.” 25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify of Me. 26 But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”

31 The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him. 32 Jesus answered them, “I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?” 33 The Jews answered Him, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.” 34 Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? 35 If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), 36 do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? 37 If I do not do the works of My Father, do not believe Me; 38 but if I do them, though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.” 39 Therefore they were seeking again to seize Him, and He eluded their grasp.

40 And He went away again beyond the Jordan to the place where John was first baptizing, and He was staying there. 41 Many came to Him and were saying, ‘While John performed no sign, yet everything John said about this man was true.’ 42 Many believed in Him there” (JN 10:11-42).

We look back now at Jesus’s birth, at His just over three years of teaching, and His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. And what an easy thing it all seems to us now to have been for Him to accomplish! But then we actually read the Gospels, and we read about His battles with the clergy and the guards as those conflicts occurred, and we live His life with Him and we see that in truth none of it was actually easy. Not even for God who was made flesh and protected by archangels.

When I incredibly and completely unexpectedly first met Jesus in the astral plane in the summer of 2022, He told me that it had taken Him something like four earth-centuries of pleading before God actually allowed Him to be born again on earth from out of the Godhead. He said the Celestial Councils seemed to think that if they stonewalled Him, eventually He would drop the idea. It never before had been done, that a Perfected Being might be born on earth to teach. The whole idea seemed risky, preposterous, and somehow unserious to them. But He refused to give it up! His only requests had been that He be born near where His last earth-lifetime had been lived, so in the Middle East somewhere; and that He be born at a time when a war during His lifetime as Jesus would be unlikely. I still clearly recall His mental use of that word, “unlikely.”

So, true, Jesus was not asking for much. And as we shall see next week, although there were no wars, a pogrom carried out against infant boys by Herod soon after the birth of Jesus pretty much amounted to the same thing. Oh, and Thomas also confirmed to me that Jesus wanted to be born a Jew, as one of the world’s first true monotheists, so He could teach people who would readily understand that there is One God. But by Jesus’s own account, He seems to have been born when He was born mostly because that was the soonest that He could manage to wear down the Godhead’s resistance to supporting His unique and extraordinary birth from out of the Godhead….

O come, Thou Key of David, come
And open wide our heav’nly home;
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, Adonai, Lord of might,
Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai’s height,
In ancient times didst give the law
In cloud and majesty and awe.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

John Mason Neale (1818-1866), Translator, from “Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel” (15th Cen CE)


(Many photos are from

Trusting God

Oh Lord, my God, when I, in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power throughout the universe displayed,

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee,
How great Thou art! How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee,
How great Thou art! How great Thou art!

When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And then proclaim, my God, how great Thou art!

– Stuart K. Hine (1899-1989), from “How Great Thou Art” (1949)

The problem most people have, I think, is not that they don’t believe in God. As the old saying goes, there are no atheists in foxholes. And many of our days contain lesser crises than foxholes that nevertheless still have us thinking quick little prayers, just in case. Every modern culture also is permeated with the thought of God, since there are old churches, cathedrals, or mosques in every city and town, all over the world, even if some of those sacred buildings now see little use. And our speech is littered with the name of God in more than a hundred languages, used someetimes in ways that are absent-mindedly profane. All of that is still true, so it is certainly true that most people still believe that God exists, even if their belief is only vague; and even if nowadays sometimes that holy name is said without much of a deliberate thought.

So, our problem doesn’t seem to be a lack of belief in God, at least in some form. No, but nevertheless I think we all can agree that there is more of a disconnect now between most people and God than there ever has been in living memory. As recently as fifty years ago, in America at least, all those churches in our town and city squares were full on Sundays. It was a simple convention that everyone had some nominal religion, and almost always it was of the Judeo-Christian variety. It is really only in this new century, so I would say in the last twenty-five years or so, that there has been such a major falling-away from our old religions. Many people see this phenomenon as a falling-away from faith in their old religion happening because that old religion no longer makes much sense to them. Thinking about the hundreds of emails that I have received over the past few decades, the one thing that strangers who have written to me have most consistently said was that they could no longer believe in their old religion, but they still believe very much in Jesus.

And with that, if people felt the need to say more, there often was a sharp subtext of fear. This was especially true of those who were getting up their nerve to leave the Catholic Church, or to free themselves from one of the stricter Protestant churches, from the Calvinists perhaps, or from one of the Evangelical sects, which generally decree damnation for those who have fallen away. So the people who emailed me often have wanted to know whether I believed what their former church believed, and if not then why not; and back in the years when I had more time, I might have had quite lively email dialogues with some of those folks. They wanted their strict former churches to be wrong, and me to be right. But with their possible eternal futures lived in flames now riding on the result of our conversations, some of the men, especially, would battle me pretty hard!

And I enjoyed those intellectual squabbles. I am an attorney, after all, and a Biblical scholar with some great quotations from Jesus just waiting in my mind to be shared, so I could readily tell those desperate people, if I was in the right mood, that the fear-based teachings of their prior religion were nothing more than a steaming pile of fear-based excrement. I could happily tell them that if they would stick with Jesus and His teachings, they were going to be just fine.  

What is so horribly fearful about the Roman Emperor Constantine’s form of Christianity that still prevails today? Oh, my dear one, let us count the ways in which modern Christianity is based in fear! As is true of every ancient religion, Constantine’s Christianity had to be based in fear as a standard convention. And there was a doozy of a central fear right there and readily available to the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, just waiting to be used to fill every future Christian’s heart with the misery of fear and guilt and shame: 

  • Jesus Died on the Cross to Redeem You from God’s Judgment for Your Sins. When my Thomas took me to meet with Jesus in the astral plane two years ago so I could talk with Him about His planned website, Jesus told me plainly that He had chosen to die on the cross and then to reanimate His dead body in order to demonstrate the fact that human life is eternal, and not for any other reason. He could not otherwise convince His contemporaries that they would survive their deaths, no matter what He said to them. He told me that it was Constantine who had added the idea that Jesus had died to redeem us from God’s judgment for our sins. And of course, if we think about it for even half a minute, we will realize that the Christian dogma makes no sense, because for one thing, God never judges us, as Jesus clearly says in the Gospel of John. Jesus says there, For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son,  so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father” (JN 5:22-23).
  • God will Judge You, and God Will Throw Sinners into the Eternal Fire of Hell. Jesus tells us (see JN 5:22-23, just above) that God never judges us, and we also know based on extensive afterlife evidence that our judgment is only by ourselves and it happens as part of the post-death process. We know as well that there is no fiery hell, but instead the lowest afterlife level is what Jesus called “the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (MT 8:12). The outer darkness is where we will end up if our personal vibration falls far enough away from love and toward fear, to the point that we end up there. And it is indeed cold, dark, smelly, and disgusting in the outer darkness! That is the punishment level, no doubt, and we would need to be rescued from it because we cannot escape it on our own. But we are the only ones who ever can put ourselves there, we easily can avoid it, and we certainly do not remain there forever.
  • Human Nature is Sinful and Fallen. The Christianity of Constantine teaches us that our very nature is debased. But Jesus spent three years loving us and tenderly teaching us just how deeply precious to God we are! He taught us to call God our own Father, using the intrafamily term for Father, so He was effectively telling us to call God “Daddy”. Jesus always was building us up, telling us that God loves us very much, and that He, Jesus, loves us. He constantly said things like, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (MT 5:13-16).
  • Jehovah God is to be Feared. Christians are taught to fear that old-fashioned, religion-based God, even today! We will hear someone approvingly described as “a God-fearing man” or “a God-fearing woman,” as if this were the highest form of praise. But Jesus was appalled to find when He first was growing up on earth just how much the Jews among whom he had been born feared God. He taught us instead to call God “Our Father, Who is in Heaven” (MT 6:9), using the familial form of the word for Father. In every way that He could, He tried to transform our relationship with God to one based entirely on parental love.

You and I cannot possibly love or trust God at all if we fear God, since love and fear are polar opposites. Without love, we only can tremble in terror before the great Jehovah God! But Jesus came to us to altogether transform our understanding of our true relationship with God into the same perfectly loving Parent-Child relationship that God has with Jesus. He said:

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine dresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit. You are already pruned clean because of the Word which I have spoken to you. Now, abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples. Just as the Father has loved Me, so I have also loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and I abide in His love (JN 15:1-10).

When I asked my Thomas how each of us should see God, and should relate to God, he showed me the living room of the earliest home that I can remember. The God from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with His long, white beard is sitting on the sofa in my long-ago living room, and He is grinning at a toddler who is carrying a plastic cup of orange juice. Then, Whoops! The cup tips, and all that baby’s orange juice spills on the carpet. God’s child starts to cry, but God laughs, and He leans and picks up His baby and cuddles it in His arms. God’s precious baby will learn how to carry juice without spilling it, just as you and I will learn how to grow spiritually. And meanwhile, we are being told now to take it as a core tenet of faith that each of us, individually, is in fact that precious baby. Each of us is God’s Own best-beloved child. So we can love and trust God completely! We can call God our own heavenly Daddy. And we can trust God to safely catch us, every time.   

Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
– Stuart K. Hine (1899-1989), from “How Great Thou Art” (1949)


(Many photos are from

He Challenges Us Today

Hello darkness, my old friend.
I’ve come to talk with you again.
Because a vision, softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains
Within the sound of silence.

In restless dreams, I walked alone,
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
‘Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night and touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light, I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking.
People hearing without listening.
People writing songs that voices never shared,
And no one dared disturb the sound of silence.
Paul Simon, from “The Sound of Silence” (1964)

I was born into a Protestant family not long after the Second World War, so a name that most people living now likely never have heard before this weekend was a familiar and grounding fact of my childhood. Because of my childhood experience of light, I went to grownup church and not Sunday School from April of the year when I turned nine, so I heard him referred to often in sermons. My parents would mention him at home. Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a young German Lutheran minister during the Second World War. He was a European version of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in that he was a clergyman who fought governmental injustice that was being inflicted upon the Jews, who were then a famously persecuted European minority. And like Dr. King, Dr. Bonhoeffer was martyred when he was only thirty-nine. If he had been a Catholic priest, he would already long since have been declared a saint. But as it is, it has taken until this Thanksgiving weekend in the United States for Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life to make it to the silver screen.

For each of us, current history happens from our own eccentric perspective. And for me as a child, Dietrich Bonhoeffer became the human face of the Second World War. As I was growing up, I saw him loom as a great hero-minister who had saved many people that Adolf Hitler was trying to kill. So, Dr. Bonhoeffer had nobly tried to kill Hitler, but the Germans had caught him and had killed him instead. Or it had happened more or less that way. His name is musical, which made it memorable, and since I majored in Christian history in college, and Dr. Bonhoeffer was still very much in my mind, I studied some of his writings in college. As someone so young, so naive and idealistic, I found much of what he had written to be strong, and even wrenchingly acerbic. I was too young then to really understand it, and to see it for what it truly was. His were the triumphal writings of a man who was truly living his Christian faith precisely as Dr. King had done, in the awful time in history into which he had been born.

There was one difference between Dr. Bonhoeffer and Dr. King. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was seen by the German to be a well-bred blond Aryan. To the race-obsessed Nazis, he was just what a model human being ought to be, so even as the war raged on, he could and did come and go freely. He even came to the United States, but he could not bear to be outside Germany and safe when there were so many still there who were not safe. So in the end, he had to go back. He even joined the Nazi party for a time and served as a double-agent. Since he was a sweet-faced, upper-class blond minister, at first there was nothing that he could not do, especially since many German clergymen welcomed the rise of Adolf Hitler. To Dr. Bonhoeffer, though, the antisemitism of Nazism was such anathema that he opposed Hitler almost from the start. He soon therefore also opposed the complacent theological ideas that made supporting Hitler even possible for Christians. He insisted that Christians must stand resolutely righteous in a world gone wrong.

I can give you just a flavor of Dr. Bonhoeffer here. A lot of his most brilliant writing was done from prison and smuggled out in letters that he may not have imagined might ever be published. But like Dr. King, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a man shaped by his times and by the radical teachings of Jesus into a greatness that transcends time. And now, like Dr. King, Dr. Bonhoeffer is one of the very few who are best fit to teach and to lead us as we seek to ever better serve God in the morally complex world of today. Let’s spend a few moments sitting at his feet as he shares with us the kind of wisdom that can come only from a life deeply grounded in Jesus and lived in radical service to God in the face of unimaginable evil. Remember that these are the thoughts of a very young minister who has been imprisoned by the Nazis for having save many Jews from the death camps. And he is plotting now with those trying to take down Hitler, so he is not sure whether he himself will survive:

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” 

“We live by responding to the word of God… since this word is addressed to our entire life, the response, too, can only be an entire one; it must be given with our entire life as it is realized in all our several actions.­”

“How wrong it is to use God as a stop-gap for the incompleteness of our knowledge… We are to find God in what we know, not in what we don’t know.”

“I should like to speak of God not on the boundaries but at the center, not in weaknesses but in strength; and therefore, not in death and guilt but in life and goodness… God is the beyond in the midst of our life. The church stands, not at the boundaries where human powers give out, but in the middle of the village.”

“It was the error of Israel to put the Law in God’s place, to make the law their God and their God a law.”

“God loves human beings. God loves the world. Not an ideal human, but human beings as they are; not an ideal world, but the real world. What we find repulsive in their opposition to God, what we shrink back from with pain and hostility… this is for God the ground of unfathomable love.”

“‘Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted’…  By ‘mourning’ Jesus, of course, means doing without what the world calls peace and prosperity: He means refusing to be in tune with the world or to accommodate oneself to its standards. Such men mourn for the world, for its guilt, its fate, and its fortune.”

Christian love draws no distinction between one enemy and another, except that the more bitter our enemy’s hatred, the greater his need of love. Be his enmity political or religious, he has nothing to expect from a follower of Jesus but unqualified love. In such love there is no inner discord between private person and official capacity. In both we are disciples of Christ, or we are not Christians at all… The disciples realized that they too were his enemies, and that he had overcome them by his love. It is this that opens the disciple’s eyes, and enables him to see his enemy as a brother.”

“The extraordinary never merges into the personal. That was the fatal mistake of the false Protestant ethic which diluted Christian love into patriotism, loyalty to friends, and industriousness, which in short, perverted the better righteousness into mere civility.”

“When we judge other people we confront them in a spirit of detachment, observing and reflecting as it were from the outside. But love has neither time nor opportunity for this. If we love, we can never observe the other person with detachment, for he is always and at every moment a living claim to our love and service.”

“Love for the sinner is ominously close to love of the sin. But the love of Christ for the sinner in itself is the condemnation of sin.”

“By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”

“If when we judged others, our real motive was to destroy evil, we should look for evil where it is certain to be found, and that is in our own hearts. But if we are on the look-out for evil in others, our real motive is obviously to justify ourselves.”

“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others… not dominating, but helping and serving. It must tell men of every calling what it means to live for Christ, to exist for others.”  

“We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts. How can God entrust great things to one who will not thankfully receive from Him the little things?”

“It remains an experience of incomparable value that we have for once learned to see the great events of world history from below, from the perspective of the outcasts, the suspects, the maltreated, the powerless, the oppressed and reviled, in short, from the perspective of the suffering.”

“We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.” 

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”   

“We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.” Such a great mind he had! And so willing he was to be interrupted and to be used by God. We all hope that we would have the courage to be another Dietrich Bonhoeffer. But, I wonder. It is so much easier, and so much more comfortable, not to be a genuine saint. It was his work saving Jews which at first brought Dr. Bonhoeffer to the attention of the Nazi authorities, but he then became involved in what were multiple plots to assassinate Hitler. Ultimately, he and other plotters were sent to Flossenburg death camp, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer was martyred there on August 9, 1945, literally days before the fall of Germany. Those who witnessed his hanging never forgot the holy peace with which he met his death. Now this Thanksgiving weekend, after twelve years of dedicated effort, people who have been as inspired by the story of his life as I have been are debuting his movie. You can give yourself the chance to be inspired by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, just as we have been!

“Fools” said I, “You do not know!
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words, that I might teach you.
Take my arms, that I might reach you.”
But my words, like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed in the wells of silence.

 And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming.
Then the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,
in tenement halls.” And whispered in the sound of silence.
– Paul Simon, from “The Sound of Silence” (1964)


Love is but a song we sing. Fear’s the way we die.
You can make the mountains ring, or make the angels cry.
Though the bird is on the wing, and you may not know why,
Come on, people now, smile on your brother,
Everybody get together, try to love one another right now.

Some may come and some may go. He will surely pass.
When the one that left us here returns for us at last.
We are but a moment’s sunlight, fading in the grass.
Come on, people now, smile on your brother,
Everybody get together, try to love one another right now.

 If you hear the song I sing, you will understand. Listen…
You hold the key to love and fear, all in your trembling hand.
Just one key unlocks them both. It’s there at your command.
Come on, people now, smile on your brother.
Everybody get together. Try to love one another right now!

– Chet Powers (1937-1994), from “Get Together” (1963)

The single characteristic that most uniquely defines us as human beings is that we are driven by our deeply complex, highly nuanced, and often overwhelming-feeling emotions. Of course, even non-human creatures will recoil from whatever they fear; and we who have pets know that non-human animals will experience an affinity for those who feed them that looks something like love. We humans, though, experience a very much vaster range of more complex and much more intense emotions, like rage and jealousy, yearning and craving, humility and compassion, sorrow and joy, embarrassment and many other various emotions, with our emotions often experienced by us as being supercharged sometimes, or as feeling exponentially better or worse because they are happening in various complex combinations. And we have not yet even mentioned here the three greatest human emotions. Those three core emotions which quite literally define our relationship with the ineffable Divine are, of course, gratitude, forgiveness, and love.

Human beings alone, among all the creatures of this earth, are intensely emotional. We are intrinsically emotional, and altogether driven by our emotions. And that, my dear friends, is all by design! We are born on earth to have experiences that will enable us to learn how to raise our personal spiritual vibrations ever farther away from fear and other negative emotions, and ever closer to ultimate, perfect love. Insofar as any human being ever has been able to determine, learning how to ever better perform that process is the only reason why we even come to earth. And to give us an ideal place where we can raise our spiritual vibrations well is the sole reason why this material universe even exists at all.

It is all so amazingly simple, really! Afterlife researchers were astonished to figure all of this out very soon after the turn of this new century. But the truth seemed at first to be just too simple. The afterlife evidence overwhelmingly suggested it all to be true, and then of course we were open-minded enough to take the father of quantum mechanics, Dr. Max Planck, at his literal word. Dr. Planck told us early in the twentieth century that his work in quantum physics was suggesting that consciousness is the base creative force which underlies all of reality. As he said in 1931, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness! Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” Dr. Albert Einstein came toward the end of his life to agree with Dr. Planck, saying among other things, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” And the great twentieth-century polymath Nikola Tesla agreed with them both, saying, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

So the world’s greatest minds of all time understood by the middle of the twentieth century what actually is going on! And yet, incredibly, even almost a century later, still materialist scientists are so profoundly clueless about the primary role of what you and I experience as consciousness –  or we might call our experience of it “conscious awareness” –  that even today, materialist scientists cluelessly continue to seek a source of consciousness inside the gray matter that is encased within each human skull. And of course, we know that the folks at the Institute for Noetic Studies, who proudly claim for themselves cutting-edge status, still imagine that consciousness might somehow arise from within the human brain.

Yet still, despite all these various materialist Luddite laggards, by now most of us do know better. And most of us understand by the time that we reach young adulthood that for human beings, our core work of being alive is to learn how to ever better govern our own emotions so we can with ever greater efficiency grow and perfect ourselves spiritually. As our frame-verse for today tells us, you do indeed “hold the key to love and fear, all in your trembling hand.” And yes indeed, “just one key unlocks them both. It’s there at your command.” This is truly the greatest core human lesson of all! Fear is the literal opposite of love. The two emotions are polar opposites, just as darkness is the opposite of light. And until you learn to trust in God’s love completely, to the point where with God’s protection you can vanquish all fears, you flat cannot love at all without reservation.

My beloved guide Thomas and I therefore strongly suggest as a matter of urgency that you at once banish all fear-based entertainments from your life. Scary movies, scary novels, and so on can seem like harmless fun, but they are not harmless! Since they inspire the emotion of fear in us, they make it much harder for us to feel free and unmixed love of any kind, so they work to negate the very purpose for which we each have come to earth in this lifetime. My dear one, if you still fear anything at all, whether it is nuclear war or the darkness of night, then please insulate yourself from scary entertainments. Instead, concentrate on following Jesus’s precepts. He said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.  The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (MT 22:37-40). And Jesus also said, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (1JN 4:18).

Some of our greatest modern spiritual teachers immersed themselves in using the original and highly spiritual and contemplative Way of Jesus as the only way to right great wrongs. Wow, if ever there were gigantic opportunities with complete justification for feeling and expressing self-righteous rage, for even going to outright war, then my goodness, it would have been if you were a black person in the American South in the early 1960s! But if those who were then fighting for their civil rights had not managed to control their emotions enough to remain peaceful and loving, no matter what might have been their provocations, then their whole cause might have been forever lost.

The recently transitioned Dr. Barbara Holmes of the Center for Action and Contemplation ( in Albuquerque, New Mexico, talked about using the deeply contemplative aspect of human emotion in these situations. She tells us that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks were classic contemplatives, altogether committed to silent witness, and to what she calls “embodied and performative justice”. Dr. Holmes tells us that the civil rights marches of the 1960s were deeply contemplative. “Sometimes silent, sometimes drenched with song, but always contemplative. This may mean within the context of a desperate quest for justice that while weary feet traversed well-worn streets, hearts leaped into the lap of God. While children were escorted into schools by national guardsmen, the song “Jesus Loves Me” became an anthem of faith in the face of contradictory evidence. You cannot face German Shepherds and fire hoses with your own resources; there must be God and stillness at the very center of your being…. What saves you is the blessed merger of intuitive knowing with rationality, pain, and resolve.”  

Dr. Holmes adds that, “Like a spiritual earthquake, the resolve of the marchers affirmed the faith of foremothers and forefathers. Each step was a reclamation of the hope unborn. Each marcher embodied the communal affirmation of already/not yet sacred spaces…. The sacred act of walking together toward justice was usually preceded by a pre-march meeting that began with a prayer service, where preaching, singing, and exhortation prepared the people to move toward the hope they all held. This hope was carefully explicated by the leadership as a fulfillment of God’s promises. As a consequence, the movement that spilled from the churches to the streets was a ritual enactment of a communal faith journey toward the basileia [realm] of God….” And Dr. King could maintain this contemplative love even when hatred-filled bigots firebombed his house with his wife and infant daughter inside, while he was away from it and preaching! He rushed home, reassured himself that his family was safe and only his porch had been damaged, and then he went outside and confronted the enraged and heavily armed mob that was ready to go to war for him. Dr. King told the mob calmly that they must peacefully disperse. Go home, because nothing will be solved by fighting.

We are living right now in the very much better America that sixty years ago Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called into being with his movement that was conceived in and powered by the pure contemplative love that Jesus taught. I myself live in a formerly Confederate state which is one-third black, one-third white, one-third Hispanic, and full of beautiful, peaceful, shining faces of all shades. We are free now of any form of hatred, and all of us happily live our lives in friendly, integrated neighborhoods. Dr. King gave his life for the hope that his four little children would one day live in just this kind of hatred-free nation. And while back then, when the evil was at its height, this kind of America might not have seemed to be possible so soon, now indeed here we already are! Oh, a few old race-crusaders are still trying to keep the hatred going. Shame on them.The rest of us know, thanks to Dr. King and his generation of spiritual giants, that race truly does not matter at all. We even see interracial dating and marriages now, and we don’t look twice. Love is the most powerful force there is! What Jesus’s teachings have proven through those, like Dr. King, who are the Lord’s greatest disciples, is that there is no force that can stand against the power of love when it is used by those who empower themselves with sufficient love to wield it well. Only listen to Dr. King as he teaches us, and he thereby transforms us all!

“So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow,” He said, “I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

“I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.

“I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right down in Alabama little Black boys and Black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today.

“I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

“This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

“This will be the day when all of God’s children will be able to sing with new meaning: My country, ’tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrims’ pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring!”
– from “I Have a Dream,” delivered 8/28/63 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Human beings are fundamentally emotional beings. And each of us has the power to employ our emotions for good, or for ill. When we do as Dr. King did, and we live lives always driven and empowered by a tremendous love which then can inspire that same great love in others, we truly can transform the world!

Come on, people now, smile on your brother,
Everybody get together, try to love one another right now.
I said, come on, people now, smile on your brother,
Everybody get together, try to love one another right now!
– Chet Powers (1937-1994), from “Get Together” (1963)


(Many photos are from

What God Wants

Through the sunshine and rain, Every sorrow and pain,
Jesus still is my comfort and guide.
And His love comforts me, and His grace sets me free,
And some day I shall stand by His side.

I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed!
Every day that I live, I am blessed!
When I wake up in the morning, ‘til I lay my head to rest,
I am blessed! I am blessed! I am blessed!
– Jerry Goff (1935-2019), from “I Am Blessed!” (various dates)

Watching the recent American presidential election play out in the United States felt to many of us like watching our two political parties each carrying out its own gigantic psycho-social experiment on American voters in real-time. One political party was certain that it had the American voter so completely figured out that this party knew just what its ideal voter wanted, and it knew that it could satisfy that voter’s full set of wishes with little variation in its promises. The other political party, though, made what was almost the opposite assumption. In such a big and widely varied country, that second party decided that it really had no idea what any one of the maybe twenty or thirty great political factions nationwide might most care about – Hispanic adult women? Young black men? Veterans? Muslims? Jews? Old-Order Amish? And beyond those few, at least a dozen more? So its candidates for President and Vice President and their helpers put on almost daily and for several months a lot of specifically targeted events, nationwide. And some of those targeted testing events were gigantic! The candidates for the two top jobs of that second party even sat with specifically targeted podcasters. And always, always they kept asking questions of the voters. Then they seemed to target various alternative offers that were tailored to what these groups and collections of groups were asking for. We all were heartily sick of this whole election process by the time it was over on November 5th! But I did find watching these two so very different experiments in gathering votes to be pretty amusing. My goodness, one of the Presidential candidates even was down to working as a fry cook for one lunchtime, in his efforts to better appeal to one sliver of his  hoped-for constituents. And he actually suited up and rode in a garbage truck, for heaven’s sake, and I think he even did a stint at handling garbage?

By now, we know how each of these great experiments in seeking the people’s favor turned out. The party that had asked each separate segment of the American voting population what they were most concerned about did in fact run the table. They won not only the Presidency and the Vice Presidency by hefty margins, but also their party took both houses of Congress. And I don’t think that in the end it was the promises made by the politicians that were really most important, so much as it was the generous fact that rather than preaching at the voters, the party that won had instead asked so many of the voters what they themselves were most hopeful about. And especially, what were the voters most unhappy about? All those individual people in all those subsets of the American population really did seem to very much appreciate being asked! Please, Mr. or Mrs. Voter, what might your federal government do to make your life better?

Now, where else in our lives are we also trying to better understand and appeal to and win the approval of Someone whose love and support and whose every day protection we very much want, and we really in point of fact do so desperately need? When my Thomas first brought up that analogy to me, I said, “You’re kidding, right?” And then immediately I added, “No, of course not. You’re not kidding at all.” His analogy is perfect! Let us be frank with one another here. We have spent all of human history being too much like America’s Democrat politicians in our relationship with God. We have always been sure that we knew better, haven’t we? We have created each of our religions, of which modern Christianity is just the latest version, by building them around what have been sometimes pretty monstrous human-created ideas and beliefs about God that fit some human religious leader’s notions. And we then have insisted that God must conform to our human-created religious design about how God ought to look and how God ought to perform, and what God should want us to do for Him, rather than our ever once humbly asking God to please reveal to us who God is, or our ever thinking to politely inquire of God what God might actually want from us.

If this level and degree of presumptuousness on our part shocks you now, just know that you are not alone! Jesus was, and He remains horrified by the way that we have so carelessly ignored the notion of even wondering what God might want from us, and we have instead for so many millennia followed our false and entirely human-made religions. Jesus told us frankly when He first began to go about His public teaching ministry on earth that He had come to earth to abolish all religions altogether! He told us that He had come not to support us in our old religions, but instead, He was here now to teach us how to relate to the genuine God, both individually and directly. And yet to this day, most modern Christian denominations care nothing at all about what Jesus said. Just listen to a little bit of what Jesus said to us then about the clergymen of His day! My goodness, even when I was a child reading the Bible, I used to cringe when I would come upon some of these passages! Jesus said, “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  So then, you will know them by their fruits” (MT 7:15-20).

From the start of His ministry, Jesus was telling the world, just as He told the woman at the well, 23 An hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” (JN 4:23-25). But of course, the clergy of His day refused to listen to Him, so it is little wonder that soon Jesus was despising and disdaining them! Jesus said, Beware of the scribes who like to walk around in long robes, and like respectful greetings in the market places, and chief seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets, who devour widows’ houses, and for appearance’s sake offer long prayers; these will receive greater condemnation” (MK 12:38-40). And Jesus said, “Woe to you, religious lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not enter, and you hindered those who were entering” (LK 11:52). “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from people; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in” (MT 23:13).

Jesus tells us that in fact He came to do away with all the old religious teachings that were of man, and to replace them with the direct teachings of God. And what are those teachings that come to us from God through Jesus? They cannot possibly be any simpler! You know them by heart by now. When Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment, He told us that God boils all of the old ten commandments of mankind down to just two. He said, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment.  The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (MT 22:37-40). So God cannot possibly have made this any easier for us! God, our Father, is Spirit. And God’s only command is that we love God infinitely, and that we love our fellow man. That’s it! Get rid of all those fussy and scary old man-made religious rules. God wants you to follow and love God alone.

When Jesus personally spoke with God, He didn’t do that inside a synagogue, did He? No, and nor did He suggest that we do that, either. Instead, through Jesus God said, “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men, to be noticed by them; otherwise, you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

“When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.  But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you” (MT 6:1-6).

Jesus taught us that God is internal. Or as Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is within you (LK 17:21). So God hears the smallest whispers of your deepest heart. God does not want or need clergy as go-betweens! And as you can imagine, the fact that Jesus taught about God in this free and radical new way did not make Him popular with the clergy of His day. No, but still Jesus continued to teach that God is not the cold, judgmental, and punitive Jehovah that dwells in synagogues and temples and demands sacrifices. He continued relentlessly to talk about God’s love! He taught God’s love, and our love in return, to even an extreme degree. Jesus said things like, “You have heard that it was said, “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.… If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others?” (MT 5:43-48)

Of course, all of this was very disruptive to the old-style religious order. And it could have been even much more than that. It could have begun the new Way of Jesus right then, had not the Roman Emperor Constantine three hundred years later seen fit to use the figure of Jesus, although not His teachings, to build a brand-new, fear-based religion as a useful means for controlling the masses for what Constantine hoped would be many centuries into the future. For Constantine, that idea of his has of course turned out remarkably well. For the rest of us, though, not so much, although we still do have Jesus’s teachings preserved. So as Constantine’s religion now dies, we might yet be able to begin the Way of Jesus, which Constantine derailed so long ago. 

My personal favorite of the Old Testament prophets is Micah of Moresheth. Micah lived seven hundred years before Jesus was born; he was a contemporary of the great Isaiah. What I love about Micah is that it is so clear that he was in intimate and loving contact with the genuine God! And in this best-know passage from the Old Testament Book of Micah, he does the same thing for God that Jesus does at God’s bidding more than seven hundred years later. Micah here rejects religious practices, and instead calls for us to begin a closer and much more loving walk with God. He said:

With what shall I come to the Lord,
And bow myself before the God on high?
Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings,
With yearling calves?
Does the Lord take delight in thousands of rams,
In ten thousand rivers of oil?
Shall I present my firstborn for my rebellious acts,
The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God?
(Micah 6:6-8)


(Many photos are from

Conscious Awareness

To everything turn, turn, turn,
There is a season turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under Heaven.

A time to be born, a time to die.
A time to plant, a time to reap.
A time to kill, a time to heal.
A time to laugh, a time to weep.

To everything turn, turn, turn,
There is a season turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under Heaven.

A time to build up, a time to break down.
A time to dance, a time to mourn.
A time to cast away stones,
A time to gather stones together.
– Peter Seeger (1919-2014), from “Turn! Turn! Turn!” (1965)

Last week I witnessed one of the most shocking exhibitions of willful scientific and spiritual ignorance that I ever have seen, or that I could have imagined. My dear ones, it never is our intention here to name and shame those who have no way of knowing better. But we have always respected the Institute of Noetic Sciences (“IONS”), which was founded by the illustrious astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth person ever to walk on the moon, and who had a spiritually transformative experience on his way back from the moon. I have understood that IONS truly does intend to foster creative and leading-edge approaches to the scientific investigation of human consciousness,” as its own promotional materials proudly proclaim. So, wow, when I learned that IONS was about to award prizes for Breaking the Boundaries of the Brain: Exploring Pioneering Theories of Non-Local Consciousness, I was eager to learn a lot more about that!

The IONS promotional materials for its awards presentation for a set of three prize-winning papers went on to say, “The finalists will share highlights from their award-winning reviews, and expand on leading non-local theories grounded in empirical evidence. The IONS science team will be on hand to discuss the profound implications.” And, “Whether you’re a scientist, practitioner, or simply curious about the mysteries of consciousness, this is a special opportunity to explore revolutionary ideas that could reshape our understanding of human potential and the very nature of reality.” The three prize-winners then presented papers to their online audience that amounted to nothing more than compilations of old guesses about how and where in the brain consciousness might be produced, and how these individual brain-produced consciousnesses might intermingle. Or it was something like that. To tell you the truth, all their trumpeted “leading-edge theories” would decades ago have been seen as nonsense among most modern researchers who have any clue. I lost interest in the whole thing pretty quickly.

The human brain does not produce consciousness. The brain is something in the nature of a transmitter and receiver, but nothing more. There is no evidence that the human brain produces consciousness, and there is so much good evidence by now that consciousness is primary and pre-existing that I was shocked to see such outmoded ideas being considered noteworthy by IONS. The fact that what we experience as consciousness is primary was first discovered by the father of quantum physics, Max Planck, more than a century ago. And it was certainly the greatest scientific discovery of the twentieth century. In 1931 Max Planck said, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness! Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” Then he said in 1944, “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear-headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Albert Einstein eventually came to agree with him. Einstein is quoted as having said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” All of this is pretty heady stuff! And many people were increasingly confident that before the end of the twentieth century, mainstream science’s brief flirtation with its false religion of atheistic materialism would be at an end. But all of this is still not broadly known even now, when we are already 25% of our way into the 21st century, only because even though matter is 99.9999999% empty space, materialist science as a discipline remains simply unable to cope with the concept of (gulp!) an entirely non-solid reality.    

Consciousness and individual awareness are not the same thing, anyway. This seems to be a part of why the folks at IONS are so hung up on the gray matter inside the human skull. But then, of course, even plants are aware. Oh, yes indeed, the flowers by your garden bench are aware of you as you sit down beside them, and as you then sadly might confide in them that you and your beloved are having a tiff. It is becoming possible for us to imagine now that on some level, even individual cellular life might well be to some extent aware. Indeed, since consciousness is so basic, we might now be coming to see that individual awareness might be one of the features of life itself. And incidentally, I should make it clear that I don’t like doing this naming-and-shaming. In point of fact, doing it horrifies me. But IONS is a prestigious nonprofit organization! And if any such institution holds itself out to the public as being on the cutting edge of consciousness research, but then it refuses to hold itself to a standard of pursuing the objective truth wherever it may lead, then those who are dedicated to pursuing the truth break the public’s trust if we fail to call them out.

Speaking of the truth about consciousness, perhaps the most transformative book that I ever have read in this field is The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. I first read it in 1973, and I didn’t realize until much later the way that book had formed a basis for my ongoing afterlife research. It opened my eyes to a deeper awareness that nothing really is as it seems; it primed me to later on accept the evidence that what we experience as human consciousness really is primary; and it showed me, too, how sadly closed-minded and unable to accept even basic truths about reality mainstream scientists really still are!

That book’s core insight from my perspective was that even plant-fragments are conscious, in the sense that they are aware, and they actually are able to communicate. What a revelation that was! Consider only the work of Cleve Backster, who back in the nineteen-sixties was America’s foremost expert on lie detectors. One morning in 1966, he randomly decided to use his office plant as an experimental subject. He attached to one of its leaves a galvanometer, which is the part of a polygraph machine which registers human emotions. And he found to his surprise and delight that the plant was reacting very much as a person would react who was having transient thoughts. Wow, that was interesting! He soon found, too, that the most extreme reactions in his plant were produced when he decided to burn one of its leaves. But the plant’s reaction was less if he only imagined burning the leaf, without intending to actually do it; surprisingly, the plant could tell the difference. Or it reacted differently if he outright burned a leaf, without thinking about it beforehand. His plant also would react if other living things in the room were credibly threatened with harm. Backster and other researchers later demonstrated that these reactions are present even in living fragments of plants. My goodness, plants even can read the minds of their familiar keepers from a distance of miles away! There is so much more to Backster’s work that mainstream science still ignores. These amazing revelations are now almost sixty years old, and they are all by themselves sufficient reason for you to read one of the most amazing and most unjustly ignored books in human history!

This discovery that even living plant-fragments are not just conscious and able to communicate, but that they actually seem to be aware in the same way that human beings are aware, despite the fact that plants have no brains at all, still fills me with wonder. And of course, it further demonstrates the frank silliness of our clueless friends at IONS, who still continue to look for a source of consciousness inside the human brain, almost as if they are a group of Australian aborigines, perhaps, clustered  around a radio and trying to find inside it all the little instruments making the music that is emanating from it. Many years ago, Cleve Backster’s pioneering work formed a basis for my own growing research-based awareness that what we experience as consciousness has to be primary. There is no other explanation that fits all the evidence. So when in 2011 I read that ultimate quantum-physics-for-dummies book, Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner, and I found that the greatest of all quantum physicists had many decades before reached the same set of conclusions that I was reaching now, I had a joyously ultimate eureka moment.

All of this came to mind again when I read a wonderful article in Smithsonian Magazine back in 2018, which is unfortunately paywalled. It was called “Do Trees Talk to Each other?”   Well, of course they do! Peter Wohlleben is a German researcher now popularly known as the “Tree Whisperer” whose book, The Hidden Life of Trees,  is now available in English. If you subscribe to the Smithsonian Magazine so you can read the article, or if you buy and read his book, you will forever after see each forest of any size as a thriving community of sentient individuals in constant and heavily involved communication with one another, caring for their young, and even caring for their old and for the stumps of those felled by people. They are caring, too, for other benevolent creatures, and fighting off anything that means to do them harm. You will never look at any plant of any size in the same way again!

What you and I experience as human consciousness is the base creative force. And consciousness is all that objectively exists! Consciousness is how each of us relates to God. Consciousness is the water in which we swim, it is the air beneath our wings, and in point of fact, there really is nothing else. So it should not really surprise us much to find that every living thing is in some way conscious. And in fact, that may be true of even what we now consider to be non-living things. If consciousness is the base creative force, then perhaps even rocks might be somehow conscious? One of the things that we generally do when we first return to our eternal home after each earth-lifetime is sightseeing, on other planets and even in other realities. I recall long ago reading an early-twentieth-century account received through a deep-trance medium from someone who had been enjoying doing his post-earthly-death touring. And he talked about a planet where the life was not carbon-based, but instead it was silica-based. He told his listening loved ones through that medium that the entire planet he just had visited had turned out to be teeming with life! But you didn’t realize that for a while, because all that life moved ve-e-e-ry sl-o-o-o-wly. And you know, come to think of it, the rocks on this planet are moving very slowly, too….

More and more, it is becoming clear that accepting Max Planck’s genius insight that consciousness is primary is going to be essential if scientists are ever to end their now more than century-long materialist muddle. As incredible as it now seems to us, the scientific community has of course known for more than a century that Max Planck and Albert Einstein and many of mainstream science’s other greatest historical heroes were sure that consciousness is primary, and materialist scientists are coming to see at this point how their dogma-hobbled research is stalling out. And yet, they still have been unable to drop materialism as their fundamental dogma. A Nobel Prize awaits the first truly open-minded physicist who is brave enough and smart enough to finally and forever remove his own materialist chains and come up with a viable Consciousness Theory of Everything!

To everything turn, turn, turn,
There is a season turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under Heaven.

 A time of love, a time of hate.
A time of war, a time of peace.
A time you may embrace,
A time to refrain from embracing.

 To everything turn, turn, turn,
There is a season turn, turn, turn,
And a time to every purpose under Heaven.

 A time to gain, a time to lose.
A time to rain, a time to sow.
A time for love, a time for hate.
A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late!
Peter Seeger (1919-2014), from “Turn! Turn! Turn!” (1965)



(Many photos are from

The New Explanation

If you’re going to San Francisco,
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
If you’re going to San Francisco,
You’re gonna meet some gentle people there.

For those who come to San Francisco,
Summertime will be a love-in there.
In the streets of San Francisco,
Gentle people with flowers in their hair

All across the nation, such a strange vibration!
People in motion.
There’s a whole generation with a new explanation.
People in motion, people in motion.
– Scott McKenzie (1939-2012) & John Phillips (1935-2001), from “San Francisco” (1967)

To be a young member of the American generation that was born in the first two decades following the Second World War was an absolutely confounding experience. And we who were young then knew at the time how disruptive it all was for us. We were being whipsawed by history in ways that felt exciting, perhaps, but also it seemed to be so unfair! And in some ways, being young in the nineteen-sixties felt like falling off the end of what we were pretty sure must have been millennia of stability and gradual progress into what felt like the end of a reasonable and orderly world. We were falling from there into chaos, and with no floor anymore, no rules at all, no concept of where the new floor might be, and no idea about even whether or not there ever was going to be a new floor.

My goodness, do you want to hear about stability? I’ll show you some stability. My grandparents were subsistence farmers in the nineteen-fifties in the United States, and their simple ancestral way of life had not changed much for centuries. When I was small, the bane of my daily existence was a rooster that was almost my own height and weight, and he would chase me whenever I helped my grandmother go into the chicken-coop to gather eggs. My grandfather taught me how to hand-milk a cow. Every holiday turkey of my young childhood was cooked in a black-iron, wood-fired range, and I still will swear to you that you never have had holiday turkeys and pies as good as what that gigantic wood-fired range could produce! Until I was maybe five years old, my grandparents’ telephone was not only a rotary, but it was actually one of those old wooden boxes that were screwed to the wall and had a black cone receiver, with a separate cone to hold to your ear at the end of a cord that hung looped by its side. My grandmother wore work-dresses that she had made from printed cotton chickenfeed bags. Her idea of a small child’s special treat was half a slice of buttered bread. She had lived through the Great Depression, after all.

But I digress. My point here is that until the late nineteen-sixties, things in society really didn’t change quickly, or even change much at all, through world wars and national economic depressions and whatever else might happen in the world, and nor did anyone expect things to change. Social assumptions stayed comfortably the same. Girls still were mostly wearing dresses to school, and they prudently still saved themselves for marriage. The world was still carefree and simple, and I look back now, and I try to pinpoint the precise moment when everything in the world began to change. And for me, I think that it must have been one late-fall Saturday afternoon when I was a college sophomore. We were sitting around the parlor in Northrop House at Smith College and talking with the boys that they were always bussing in on weekends, because Smith was an all-female school. I got to arguing with this guy about politics; and forever after, that one afternoon has stuck fast in my mind. I was insisting to him that the U.S. had wised up now, and we were never again going to become involved in another stupid war. But he said, “Oh, no no! You watch Vietnam! There is going to be another war. You mark my words!” That was the first time that I think that I ever had heard anyone say the word “Vietnam.” And I vividly recall that moment. I can remember where we were and what he said, to this day.

That must have been in the fall of 1966. By that next spring, that nameless Yalie was proving that he had been as good as his word, because the country of Vietnam was starting to headline most evening news programs. There still was a legal draft in place as a legacy from WWII, so we were beginning to see on many nights the riveting image of helicopters landing half a world away so dying boys that we might have known in high school could be loaded into them while the long grass around them blew in the wash from the helicopters’ blades. Omigod, there was an actual war going on! We had no idea why that war was happening, and it never occurred to anyone in authority that it might perhaps be a good idea to help America’s youth build some sort of patriotic sense around this new war. Not until it was very much too late. The war in Vietnam was right there in our living rooms, it was killing our own friends and brothers, and it made no sense to us at all!

For the supersized and pampered Baby Boom generation, the Vietnam War landed smack on our heads like Defcon One. Conditions were perfect for this situation to become downright explosive. If there had been some actual threat to our country; or if there had not still been a draft, so only volunteers were being harmed; or if the Baby Boom generation were not so young and frisky; and also if it were not a generation more than three times the size of the Silent Generation conceived in poverty that had come right before it; then perhaps young America’s overall reaction to the Vietnam War might not have been so explosive. And also, I think, if the Vietnam War had not been happening in every living room, our reaction might not have been so extreme. But by the summer of 1967, Vietnam death counts and fresh videos of our own dying friends and brothers headed each night’s evening news. And almost right away, crowds of angry and chanting teenagers began to march in the streets.

Transistor radios were another problem. Now we could carry our music with us. And our music was transformed from rock ‘n roll and the Beatles shyly wanting to hold our hand to full-blown war rage so fast that it made your head spin. By mid-1967, we were hearing Country Joe and the Fish singing “… and it’s 1, 2, 3, what’re we fighting for? Don’t ask me, I don’t give a damn. Next stop is Vietnam! And it’s 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates. Well, there ain’t no time to wonder why. Whoopee! we’re all gonna die!” By the start of 1968, war protests had taken over most college campuses, and that included my own. Smith College closed early in the Spring of 1968. We didn’t even hold a graduation.

Yet despite all of that, as early as the summer of 1967, there was a glimmer of change in the thinking of many young Americans. Our frame-verse is evidence of that change. It’s an invitation song about the 1967 “Summer of Love” in San Francisco, which was a gathering of young people who were already beginning to reject the very idea of wars, and they also were rejecting even the idea of protesting any wars. They were rejecting as well America’s entire culture of wealth and plenty existing side by side with and shockingly carelessness of America’s pockets of poverty; and they were appalled, too, by America’s racist past that still dominated the southern states. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his brethren had to march there for their personal freedom, even while the Vietnam War was at its height.

The Boomer generation was beginning to call for a whole new society to be built from the ground up in the United States, and one that was based on nothing but mutual love and peaceful understanding. There are newspaper photos from this period that show young people sticking flowers into the barrels of the rifles of young soldiers who were headed for Vietnam. And of course, there are all those pictures of Dr. King’s marches and his speeches. All of this was happening simultaneously, and it  was fertile ground for the always-failed nuttiness of Marxism to take root in America; but most of these young people were too unfocused for any kind of unified movement ever to begin. More and more of them instead were becoming hippies and druggies, individually turning on and tuning in and dropping out. The San Francisco Summer of Love led to Woodstock two years later; after which, Vietnam soon wound down. And soon thereafter, most of the Boomer generation grew up, sobered up, and began their adult lives. Although San Francisco really never has managed to get over that 1967 Summer of Love. And nor, I think, has Roman Christianity.

Almost everyone who emails me with spiritual-crisis questions, to this day, is a member of that gigantic Baby Boom generation. Oh, once in a while I will hear from someone in her thirties or forties who has lost a pet, or from someone in his late twenties who wonders if there really is a God. But those are much less common crisis questions. No, as I think about it now, I am realizing that the Vietnam War that caused the brief but violent Sixties youthquake and shook loose forever the Baby Boomers’ trust in every governmental institution, basically began the fall of my whole generation’s trust in every other once-sacred institution as well. And that especially includes Roman Christianity.

What the Vietnam War really did was to give to the Baby Boom generation at a very impressionable age not just the freedom to question authority. Even more importantly, it delegated to each Baby Boomer as an individual, and for the first time in human history, something that was a lot more crucial. It gave to every Baby Boomer the clear responsibility to question all authority! That is what the “new explanation” mentioned in our frame verse is. That is why the Baby Boom generation in the United States became a New Man because of the Vietnam War. It freed most of us forever from a belief that any organized government might ever be able to do anything really right.

I can remember how that felt when it hit me, when I myself first realized what a gigantic and altogether profoundly stupid mistake the entire Vietnam War venture had been. Fifty-eight thousand American boys and men my age died in Vietnam for absolutely nothing! And seventy-five thousand more were disabled and had their whole lives’ dreams destroyed. Pause here and roll those gigantic numbers around in your mind for a moment. And nearly all of them had been drafted into that war, so it is not as if they went to Vietnam by some patriotic choice. I can recall watching all of this gradually dawn on the members of my generation around me. So many young lives destroyed, and all for nothing! We saw then that the governmental emperor truly has no clothes at all. Never again will we be so stupidly trusting! Nor will we ever again be fooled.       

Of course, I had already been primed by Jesus to give up on Roman Christianity, but my doing that was made far easier by this great, profound Vietnam War lesson. Governments of every description are composed of fallible, flawed, and often variously stupid, self-involved, and in some ways perhaps almost venal people. And that includes the people who govern religions as well. Most of those who email me now with spiritual questions are Baby Boomers, and it is remarkable that so many of them frame their first question nearly identically! They say some version of, “I can’t take the church anymore, but I still love Jesus. So, what do I do?”

And wonderfully, Jesus has had His answers ready for them for two thousand years in the pages of His Gospels. I can send them PDFs of my books to read, and then I can directly answer their more specific questions, and by now the old Roman religion that does not remotely teach what Jesus taught is falling away. While, more and more, I see people teaching, promoting, and living Jesus’s teachings, even when many of those doing the teaching are claiming Jesus’s teachings to be their own. Jesus really loves that! His original Way is being revived again in so many places, and by so many people, and it begins to feel more and more like the spontaneous people’s movement based in love for all of humankind that those first fed-up young Baby Boomers wanted to begin long ago in San Francisco as their horrified initial reaction to the Vietnam War. Perhaps this is the way that Jesus’s Way always from long ago was supposed to begin?

Meanwhile, the shop where I now have my nails done is staffed by friendly young Vietnamese ladies. They are lovely, and they speak good English, although they chat together in their native tongue. They seem to bear us no ill will for having destroyed their country with shells and napalm and then abandoned it to the Vietcong. Of course, I tip those girls especially well! And I really think that I ought to apologize to them. But I never can find the words.       

For those who come to San Francisco,
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
If you come to San Francisco,
Summertime will be a love-in there.

If you come to San Francisco,
Summertime will be a love-in there!
– Scott McKenzie (1939-2012) & John Phillips (1935-2001), from “San Francisco” (1967)


(Many photos are from

His Way?

And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I’ll say it clear. I’ll state My case, of which I’m certain.
I’ve lived a life that’s full! I traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this, I did it My Way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do, and saw it through without exemption.
I planned each charted course, each careful step along the byway.
And more, much more than this, I did it My Way.

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew, when I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out!
I faced it all, and I stood tall, and did it My Way.
Paul Anka, Giles Thibaut (1927-2000), Claude Francois (1939-1978), from “My Way” (1968)

My dear ones, msny of us will recognize “My Way” as the signature song of the beloved and now transitioned singer and actor, Frank Sinatra. Ah, but the personal pronouns are capitalized! So, are we saying here that it also might be Jesus’s signature song? Well, yes, perhaps it might as well be sung by Jesus. If we were writing a kind of pop opera about the life of Jesus, we could imagine our Hero, after He has sung a song about His retreat into the wilderness to commune with God at the start of His ministry (MT 4), and then He might tell us musically that God wants us to love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind, and call for us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves because in that consists the whole Law and the Prophets (MT 22:36-40); and then after He has confidently sung the Sermon on the Mount (MT 7-9); and then in the end, as He is preparing for His ordeal and death on the cross so He can then rise from the dead, our Hero might well sing for us a song that is very much like our frame verse for today. Don’t you think?

Or in fact, might this even be our own life’s signature song, yours and mine? After all, each of us is the shining hero of our own glorious and well-lived life! Each of us does the best that we can with the cards that we have been dealt, and with the decisions that we each have made, whether those decisions were all carefully considered, or whether a few of them were made in the desperate heat of the unexpected moment. And each of us is going to feel in retrospect that we have done some inadvertent harm to others, and perhaps that we have fallen short of some carefully thought out and well-aimed goals; and of course, we all are going to have regrets. And we will all feel the need nevertheless to stand tall and speak well for ourselves at the end of our lives, in spite of everything. Each of us is going to want to feel as we approach our transition that we have tried to live in the best way we could.

But, have we lived our lives in our own way? And what does our claiming now that we have lived in our own way even mean? What, really, is a well-lived life? Are we even meant to live in our own way, or is there some other, greater, and more objective standard by which we are being called now to live, each one of us, our own best lives? And if we can find and hold to that ultimate standard, can we live our own lives with the fewest regrets? This is not a trick question, although I will admit that it does sound like one.

When I was meeting with Jesus in the summer of 2022 to talk about creating a website for Him, and then one night He told me His genuine story, I was stunned to hear that His was such a human story! Here it is again, And I urge you to read it again, since I wrote it as a blog post only two months after I had first heard it from Jesus. He told me that He wants people to have His true story made available to them now. Because it turns out that just as the Roman Christian religion is not Jesus’s religion at all, so the Roman Christian Jesus is not  remotely who Jesus actually is. But in neither case does the genuine Jesus seem to be fighting the Roman version. He doesn’t seem to care about the fact that the Roman Christianity that has dominated the world for the past seventeen hundred years is peddling an erroneous version of Jesus’s teachings, and also of Jesus Himself. If you prefer Roman Christianity and the Roman Jesus, then Jesus does not seem to mind at all if you prefer the Roman versions of each to the true versions. He just intends that eventually, the truth about who He is and who He always has been will prevail.

It did amaze me at first to hear Jesus say that He once had been a regular human being. And He seemed to be so glad to be saying it now! As if it had been a secret that had felt too heavy to carry and had been too long kept. It is easy for us to think of Jesus as, hey, He is just God anyway, right? So everything is just plain easy for Him? But in fact, when Jesus was born on earth as Jesus, it was the first and probably the final time that anyone ever  has been born from out of the Godhead Level that way. It took Him what was apparently four thousand earth-years after His last earth-lifetime as a regular person to convince the Councils whose approvals were necessary to even allow Him to be born again from out of the Godhead Collective, and He was born knowing only what His goal was, and not really in detail how He was going to accomplish that goal. So, just as you or I might have done, as extremely bright as Jesus is, once He was here again, He had to figure it all out as He went along.

Jesus told me as we sat there on the riverbank two summers ago, feeding His fish, that frankly, people in general with all their selfishness and their petty cruelties had never made much sense to Him, anyway. Thomas tells me that he himself barely remembers the last earth-lifetime that they shared six thousand years ago, but he does recall how abnormal his younger brother who was reborn as Jesus always was, how preternaturally loving, and how unable his brother had been to fight. He simply could not fight at all, not even in His own defense, so as his city’s general, Thomas had been forced to assign soldiers to protect Him. And here Jesus was, four thousand years later, only love and peace to the very marrow of the bones of his new material body, and born out of the Godhead this time, so He was physically protected by invisible archangels. But Jesus still was pretty perplexed by people! So, until He was thirty in His lifetime as Jesus, He was glad to humbly study people from his basically invisible viewpoint as a simple village carpenter, in an effort to comprehend them well enough to know what words might best move them. And He prayed. He deeply communed with God. Jesus was building for Himself His own Way, so He could then share that Way with all of humankind.  

My childhood experience of light was a great gift to me from Thomas for several reasons. Not only did I know from the age of eight that there is something behind the curtain, but also I took it as a comforting working hypothesis that what was behind that curtain was God. And in addition, I began at the age of eleven to read the Bible every night, from cover to cover and over and over. I read it once; then I would read the New Testament again, and then just the Gospels an extra time; and then I would start in again with Genesis. I kept up that routine until I was fifty years old. After that, I have concentrated on just the Gospels, so by now I can almost recite by rote the whole life and the teachings of Jesus. So I know how fallibly human Jesus still was when He was born from out of the Godhead two thousand years ago. Was He loving back then? Oh yes! But He still was human enough to have His moments. He could crankily curse forever an innocent fig tree for being out of season when Jesus happened to be walking by it and wanting a snack (see MK 11:12-14), and He could spew pure venom at the clergymen that He despised, calling them a brood of vipers (see MT 3:7). Two thousand years ago, Jesus was already divine; but also, He was still human, with His own little array of forgivable human flaws. But the Jesus of today that you will encounter in the astral plane when you meet Him after you transition home truly is God, and only God, quite literally. After He has spent another seventeen hundred years healing what were hundreds of millions of victims of Roman Christianity, this Jesus who once long ago was as human as you and I are is now so divinely powerful, and so beautiful! There is nothing fallibly human left in Him at all. I cannot imagine the Jesus of today ever feeling or showing impatience with anyone or anything, or ever cursing any living thing!

And so, Jesus created His Way when He was last on earth, and He gave it to us as a set of teachings that live in the four Canonical Gospels. He had come back to earth with just an idea, which was that He wanted to teach all of humankind how to elevate ourselves to the Godhead level, just as He had done naturally. And by the time He was ready to leave this earth, He had created and shared His own Way, which perfectly fits what He had come to earth to do. He then charged His Disciples to go forth and spread His Way to all nations, just as He was preparing Himself to die on a cross and then rise from the dead in order to teach His one last great earth-lesson, which was that our lives, like His, truly are eternal! So before Jesus went to the cross, He said to his Disciples, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (MT 28: 18-20).

All right, so what then of you and me? What might perhaps be our own best Way, by which we each can live our own best earth-lives? Well, actually, perhaps Jesus’s Way, based on His teachings on forgiveness and love, might be our own strongest and truest Way as well? That made sense to me, so I said it to Thomas. As is usual for us as we work together, this frame verse was one that Thomas had found in my mind and proposed to me, and I thought that was why he had proposed it: I thought the whole point of this post was going to be that he and Jesus want Jesus’s Way to be the Way for each of us to live our own best lives. How easy and neat that would have been!

But just as I was about to write that, Thomas said, “Not so fast.” And I knew by the way he said it that it was really Jesus who was saying it to him. Often when we write about Jesus, these posts are a three-way collaboration. And apparently, Jesus doesn’t want us just to adopt His Way of living blindly, without thinking about it for ourselves. Thomas has just said, “He isn’t asking you to turn yourselves into more Jesuses, doing it only His Way. That is not why He came!”

Oh. Well, then what? What Jesus is asking of us is that we first learn to understand and live His teachings on forgiveness and love, that we truly make His  teachings our own as we begin to work to raise our own spiritual vibrations. It was to give us those core teachings that He came to earth to live that lifetime as Jesus, after all, and He wants each of us first to internalize those teachings. Oh, but then, my dear ones, Jesus wants us to know how very much He loves each of us for who we each are uniquely! He still wants us to live our own lives on earth as our own very deeply precious selves! And to be the very best examples of ourselves that we can be. I smile to think of that. A more extremely perfect you, and now radiant with forgiveness and love, will be you, truly doing you, in the very best way that you can!

I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried, I’ve had My fill, My share of losing.
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
To think I did all that, and may I say, not in a shy way.
Oh no, oh no, not Me! I did it My Way.

For what is a Man, what has He got? If not Himself, then He has naught!
To say the things He truly feels, and not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows. And did it My Way!
Paul Anka, Giles Thibaut (1927-2000), Claude Francois (1939-1978), from “My Way” (1968)


(Many photos are from

Going Home (Part Five)

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality. 

We slowly drove – He knew no haste
And I had put away
My labor and my leisure too,
For His Civility –

We passed the School, where Children strove
At Recess – in the Ring –
We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain –
We passed the Setting Sun – 

Or rather – He passed Us –
The Dews drew quivering and Chill –
For only Gossamer, my Gown –
My Tippet – only Tulle – 

We paused before a House that seemed
A Swelling of the Ground –
The Roof was scarcely visible –
The Cornice – in the Ground – 

Since then – ’tis Centuries – and yet
Feels shorter than the Day
I first surmised the Horses’ Heads
Were toward Eternity –
– Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), from “Because I Could Not Stop for Death” (1863)

Oh, how I loved this famous poem when I was a  child! I even was able to recite parts of it when I was maybe ten years old. I could so well envision that Victorian lady who had been about her prim, Victorian life when this mysterious carriage pulled by black horses with black plumes on their heads had stopped for her, so she had stepped up inside, as a lady back then would have obediently done, since ladies then had no control of their lives. When I was a child, this poem was my first interested realization that, of course, you would discover wherever you were going when you noticed wherever the horses’ heads were pointing. And I wondered then over all the things that she passed, the elements of her life that she was seeing from centuries after her death. A Victorian lady had imagined that eternity would be just an endless carriage ride.

But was that how death really was going to work? That was what this poem had made me wonder. I was then just a child, after all. There were two generations of my family ahead of me in line, and I had had that experience of light when I was eight years old, so I was not at all afraid of death, although having so lately seen that amazing light, I was plenty curious about it. Which must have been why this poem seized my mind so deeply when I was so young.  

By now, though, and quite wonderfully, we have had many reports from Miss Dickinson’s near-contemporaries about what her eternity had held in store for her, once she later disembarked from that funeral carriage. If you are still a bit hazy about the geography and the physics of the Greater Reality, perhaps your taking a moment now just to quickly skim through our past two weeks’ posts might help you to keep things straight as we follow some recent afterlife arrivals through all the gloriously dazzling things that there are to do for fun in our eternal lives once we have shed these material bodies. And then we finally, joyously, will arrive back to our infinitely wonderful eternal home!

We are assuming, of course, that those who are dying on earth have closely followed their deathbed visitors straight home. And they have had their post-death nap that lasted for an earth-day or two; and their life review, during which they forgave everyone, and especially themselves; and also their wonderful welcome-home party, during which they discovered that even some of their enemies during this most recent earth-lifetime were actually beloved eternal friends just playing those parts, to aid them in their spiritual learning. They might have needed to spend a couple of earth-months of non-time in the spiritual healing gardens. If they wanted a post-death meeting with, and also a blessing from Jesus Himself, of course they have met with Jesus in His Level Three glade beside the river and had that happen for them as well. Many of us spend as much as a year or two of post-death non-time in these semi-serious, semi-joyous formalities, and in trying to send messages back to our loved ones on earth, to assure them that indeed we have survived.

But, then what? Well, once we are at home and reacclimated, we are spiritually healed and feeling great and at peace, we have spent time with our oldest and dearest friends and family from our most recent lifetimes, and we are settled in and used again to a home base somewhere that makes us feel grounded in eternity, there soon is a cheerily expectant “Okay, what’s next?” kind of feeling that settles in for us. And there is so much there that we can do for fun! Let’s first consider our overall situation:

  • Nearly Everyone Returns to the Greater Reality Vibrating Somewhere at Collective Levels Three Through Five. Those are the three Summerland collective levels, and for most of us, the lower vibrational half of that range is where we spend endless ages of incarnations! As you know, we always can go lower than wherever we are vibrating; we just have trouble going higher. So nearly all of us, when we go home, will be able to do a lot of traveling around the Level Three and perhaps some of the lowest-vibration Level Four attractions. But in trying to hit some of those lower Level Four or higher hotspots, unless we have a friend who can come with us and can shield us with their personal higher-vibration auras, we will be so beaten up by the higher vibrations at the upper-Level-Four level that we will have to turn back. So, if we assume that for now, we cannot go above Level Three, what is there for us to do for fun?
  • We Can Ski, Snowboard, Swim, Boat, Hike, Climb, and Otherwise Enjoy Vigorous Outdoor Lives. Mikey Morgan, who is an upper Sixth Level Being, tells us that he still comes down to the Third Level and he enjoys snowboarding on occasion. And since the snow isn’t cold and our astral bodies cannot be damaged, he says that he can now snowboard like an Olympian!
  • There is a Mental Hotline at the Third Level That Announces What Performances are Now About to Happen. At the turn of the twentieth century, everyone was hungry to see and hear great orchestras perform. And perform they did! You would simply put out your intention to hear Mozart or Tchaikovsky or whatever, and whenever an orchestra would be playing that composer’s music anywhere in the world, you would know it. You would think yourself there, and instantly you would be in an open-air coliseum in the Greater Reality over Paris or Moscow or Kiev or somewhere, sitting front-row center as the orchestra started to play. As it played, not only would you hear it more beautifully than you ever heard it on the material plane, but also you would see the music in clouds of colors over the performers.
  • Many Transitioned Earth-Performers are Performing at the Third Level. We don’t know about every recently-deceased star who is performing, but I imagine that a great many people do perform at least occasionally. The names most commonly mentioned are Frank Sinatra, John Lennon, Early Elvis, and Las Vegas Elvis. Reportedly, Elvis is a higher-level being, but he has resolved to continue to perform on Level Three for so long as anyone wants to see him perform. And again, same process: you mentally put out your intention to see some performer, and the next time he or she performs anywhere, you are made aware so you can be front row center.
  • There Seems to be a Vibrant Level Three Amateur Performance Scene. Apparently, a lot of people who never performed on earth are performing there in plays and as singers and dancers, and they enjoy doing that. You can, too! They are taught by people who have taught some of the greats on earth, and their performances are well-attended. Children born as talented prodigies likely first learned their skills this way.
  • We Can Take Instrumental Lessons from Some of the Greats. The thing is that with our vastly augmented minds, we can learn skills far more easily there than we ever could have learned them here! Many of those who are being born in the early part of this century were likely transitioning into the afterlife maybe a century and  a half ago, too poor ever to have learned to play the piano or the violin or the cello back then, but very eager when they transitioned home to learn to play those instruments, and to learn to play from Mozart! They are being born again now, and they are the children who now are piano and violin prodigies. My Aunt Ruth was a gifted seamstress on earth who made her own clothes, and she dressed like royalty. Once recently when I was speaking with my mother through a medium, she showed me my Aunt Ruth teaching a fairly large sewing class using mind-controlled crystal sewing machines.  
  • There are Dress-Up Play Villages. We don’t know how many of these there are, but we know of at least two. I suspect that there soon will be more. The first two that we have become aware of are the Wild West village and the Dickens village. If you feel like playing at being a character in a western movie or in a Dickens novel, you simply think yourself into the appropriate village, you mentally clothe yourself appropriately, and you go to it! I think there soon will be villages for some other novel series as well. Harry Potter, anyone?
  • We Can Do Library Research. The cities are few, and they contain mainly public buildings, including libraries. All the libraries contain mainly scrolls, and their scrolls are reportedly duplicated so you can do your own research on your own background in the library nearest you. Many people ask me if they will be able to research their past lives in the afterlife. Well, of course you can! Just climb those great stone steps of the library in your nearest city and ask a friendly librarian to help you get started.
  • Travel to the Afterlives of Ancient Peoples. Since there is no time and there is infinite space in Level Three of the Greater Reality, apparently you can find every aspect of the earth’s past still happening now, just by thinking yourself there. In browsing one of the many old books that I bought during the nineteen-seventies, I found an account by someone who had visited the afterlife of the American plains Indians. It was an active plains encampment surrounded by thousands of buffalo. While he was there and conversing by mind with a chieftain, the sky opened, and a sixth-level Being appeared, carrying a woman, He deposited her in a teepee, then left the teepee, nodded to the chieftain, and disappeared the same way that he had arrived. The chieftain explained that sometimes when people die with extreme spiritual damage, these Beings will bring them here to be healed, “since my people are especially strong spiritually.” A few of the things on my post-death to-do list are to travel to the ancient Egyptian afterlife and watch the Pyramids being built, and to travel to Philadelphia in 1776. And what about sitting on that hillside and actually hearing the Sermon on the Mount? (Note that conversations being held by mind are in a universal language.)
  • Travel to the Edge of the Material Universe. Not only can we travel by the power of our minds anywhere we might like to go in the material world, invisibly; but we also have the ability to travel to the edge of the material universe by mind in an instant. And some people do that, just to say that they have been there; although they generally ask a higher-vibration friend to accompany them. And since there is nothing there to see, they will just float around for a bit and then come back.
  • Travel to Plant, Animal, and even Mineral Minds. There are far-distant planets in the physical universe where the life is not recognized by us as intelligent, and yet it is quite intelligent. I have  been taken by Thomas to visit three such planets while I was lucid-dreaming, to try out inhabiting the different life-forms on each. On one, I tried out being pond-scum. That felt meh. On the second, I was a creature very like a horse, running with its herd, which felt great! On the third, I tried to think myself inside of and actually tried to become what seemed to be a piece of reddish sandstone, but I couldn’t stay inside it. The thing was moving S-o-o  V-e-r-y  S-l-o-o-w-l-y.
  • Travel to Level Two. In the whole Greater Reality, the only accessible negativity at all seems to be on Level Two, the second aggregate level, the level just above the punishment level that Jesus called “the Outer Darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (see Mt 8:12; 22:13; 25:30). Visiting that Second Level is really the only dangerous thing that you can do in the entire Greater Reality. It seems to be populated by lowlifes of various sorts who may be up to doing nefarious things: think of that cantina described as a hive of scum and villainy in the original Star Wars movie. I once knew someone who was just a normal person living on earth, who astral traveled as a hobby, and he was fascinated by the Second Level’s lawlessness. But he got into some kind of trouble there, and he never was heard from on earth again.

Well, there you have it. An eternity of endless entertainment awaits us all, and my goodness, this is only what we can know about from here! And you can do all of it without traveling any higher than Level Three in vibration! So, why would you want to bother with vibrating higher? Because there is even more to do, and everything is even vastly more beautiful, the higher in vibration you are able to go. Believe it or not! Finally, my dear ones, to answer the question that I have been teasing you with: Why does this eternity full of endless fun, perfect joy, and boundless happiness exist? It turns out that YOU, and ONLY YOU, are the reason why anything at all exists! The earth. The Greater Reality. Anything at all. In a lifetime of seeking, I never have been able to find any other reason. It is impossible for you to comprehend how very much you in particular are loved.


(This is the fifth of five blog posts which together help to explain the death process, how the greater reality works, and what our eternal life is like.)


(Many photos are from

Going Home (Part Four)

Bless this house, O Lord we pray; make it safe by night and day.
Bless these walls, so firm and stout, keeping want and trouble out.
Bless the roof and chimneys tall, let thy peace lie over all;
Bless this door, that it may prove ever open to joy and love.

Bless these windows shining bright, letting in God’s heav’nly light;
Bless the hearth a’blazing there, with smoke ascending like a prayer;
Bless the folk who dwell within. Keep them pure and free from sin;
Bless us all that we may be fit, O Lord, to dwell with thee.
Bless us all that one
day we may dwell, O Lord, with thee!
Helen Taylor (dates unknown), “Bless This House” (1927).

It is difficult for you to conceive of, or in any way to possibly imagine how incredibly different is the greater reality that we enter at death, when we compare it to this sad, pale, and puny material universe that is all that we know. Here, this little matter-based reality is all around us, and we think of it as something real, something that seems to be even grand and amazing. But the greater reality that we enter at death is at least, oh, fifty, or perhaps it is even a hundred times the relative size of this whole material universe. Think of that! And much of the astral reality that we return to at death is dazzling in its beauty, beyond wonderful in all its heart-stopping details, just so far beyond anything that we ever have dreamed of in all our wildest imaginings. So, to begin our tour, please first pause here and re-read last week’s post. We are about to paint for you on a canvas that is so much bigger and grander than anything that you ever before have imagined, and in colors that you cannot conceive of in your wildest dreams. It will be easier for you to stretch enough to put your mind around it if we can begin from where we left off last week.  

So, have you reread last week’s post? All right, then let us here further define what we can know about our greater reality from this earthly viewpoint. We must warn you in advance that what we know now is not nearly as much as we would love to know! Not surprising, of course, given the size of it all, and given our necessarily limited perspective from here. A few astral travelers out of the body have written about the little bits that they have seen, enough so I think that we can be sure about what we know in general terms. But even just the sheer size of it means that all of it is still a great unknown, just as most of the earth was a great unknown when Christopher Columbus first set bravely out in the earth-year 1492. But there is a first time for everything, isn’t there? And here is what we do think we know:

  • Travel and Creation in the Astral Realities are Mostly or Entirely by Mind. To enter the astral plane is to enter a universe exclusively of the mind, and the higher we can go in vibration, the more completely and obviously that is true. We merge at death with the sixty percent or more of our minds that we had left behind here when we were born on earth; and with that added consciousness power regained, we soon can travel even unimaginably long distances instantly, or we can materialize at once whatever objects we might miss from our earth-lives to furnish our new astral homes. So, while there are some cities in the astral with grand municipal buildings, most people in the afterlife and in the general astral plane live very widely scattered, since they can be anywhere so easily and right away.
  • We Have No Need for Money. My dear mother-in-law lived through the Great Depression on earth, so she really knew how to “pinch a penny twice,” as she used to say. The first thing that she was eager to tell me through a medium after she died at the age of ninety-four was, “You can have whatever you want here, and you don’t need money!” The astral hierarchy, to the extent that there is one, seems to be of our degree of goodness and saintliness on earth, so we find a story in the literature from the nineteenth century of a man who had devoted his earth-life to helping others, and this man rejected the astral mansion of gold that he had been given in the afterlife as too grand and uncomfortable. He preferred to mind-build for himself a cozy thatched cottage to live in instead.
  • Levels Three and Above are Lit and Warmed by God’s Love Alone. There seems to be no starlit universe with planets to be seen at any of the fifty to a hundred or more astral sublevels which are perhaps each the size of this whole material universe, but instead there seem to be just endless vistas of unimaginable size and height and depth created by mind, where the only light and warmth is God’s love. So of course, compared to the earth, it all feels vast and beautiful, and up through about collective level five it seems to be amazingly solid and uncrowded! But although clearly it feels very different from that lowest material level, it all does still feel entirely real. Reportedly, none of it feels vague or artificial. You easily move up or down in vibration by mind simply by wanting to be somewhere else, and you are not aware of the change in vibration until you hit your own vibrational ceiling. Let’s say you are vibrating near the top of Level Four, and you try to move higher. Unless you are moving with a Level Five or higher friend who can shield you in his or her energy aura, then once you hit your own vibrational ceiling, you at once become aware of a sense of being terribly battered by that more intense energy. You simply cannot go higher than your own spiritual development allows, unless someone who is vibrating higher will come with you and shield you. But otherwise, you can travel anywhere, and at once! And of course, the higher you go, the brighter it is, when God’s love is the only light.

Of course, to yet again reinforce what is true, our silver energy cord which connected us to our earthly body has broken well before we entered the afterlife. During our earthly lives, it was easily possible for us to travel from the earth into what we think of as the “public” parts of the astral plane, those parts which are open to astral travelers from the earth-level, wearing astral bodies and with our silver cords still attached; and then to return to the earth again. And when this happens for us during awake out-of-body experiences or near-death-experiences, we will have some amazing and aberrant memories of those experiences! But if those who are astral-traveling during NDEs or OBEs might enter the afterlife area, even for an instant of time, their silver cord which keeps them attached to their material body back on earth will instantly snap, and their body then dies on earth. Death is always a one-way trip.

In fact, it may surprise you to learn that nearly all of us while we are living on earth will travel to the open-to-the-earth-level parts of the astral plane on many nights! And, why not? We might have no conscious awareness of it while we are living an earth-lifetime, but we still subconsciously think of the gigantic astral plane as our true eternal home. And one important fact about our minds is that they almost never need to sleep. About the only time that our minds ever sleep is shortly after our bodies die, when we first return to the afterlife. Then, we will generally have a good, deep sleep that typically lasts for an earth-day and -night, or even two, after which we will not need to sleep again until after we have just completed another earth-lifetime. But for now, during the phase of deep sleep that usually occurs before or around midnight on each earth-night of our lives and can last for a few hours, nearly all of us will leave our bodies for a while. Some of us will just hang around our bedroom, or perhaps around our house. But many of us will astral travel; and we might then meet with our deceased loved ones or with our spirit guides. We might do other things too, take classes and play tourist and so on. We will have no memory of any of these excursions unless our guides allow us to have such memories.

Since it is my beloved guide Thomas’s responsibility to help Jesus to maintain His divine-human balance, Thomas has been taking me along with him on his nightly excursions to visit Jesus in the astral plane ever since I was an infant. But Thomas never has let me remember anything about these experiences until early April of 2022, when for that one summer, he let me remember perhaps a dozen adventures that we took together to meet with Jesus by His astral river on Level Three of the astral plane, where Jesus greets an endless parade of Christians who have only just died. There Jesus personally welcomes home every person who has requested that Jesus welcome him or her home. Of course, Jesus Himself is not, and He never has been a Christian. That is the Roman Emperor Constantine’s religion. But Jesus deeply loves all Christians, just as He loves every one of us! And as the Roman religion dies at last, Jesus has asked Thomas and me to begin to prepare for Him a teaching website on earth. So far, Jesus has approved the name, and He has approved His new website’s content, such as it is, but we all know that this is just the beginning. He tells us that He wants us to do something to it now with AI. So we await His further instructions.

When I was spending all that time with Jesus in the astral plane two summers ago, and I was for a change very much aware of being there, I was mostly just raptly listening to Jesus. But I also learned quite a lot about what it is like to be on astral Level Three. For one amazing thing, the astral atmosphere is altogether different from what it is like to be outdoors anywhere on earth! The outside air does not move at all, for one thing. There is no weather, which makes it feel almost as if you are inside a building. And the very air that you breathe smells and feels like love; well, actually, it smells a lot like flowers, and it feels warm and moist and gentle on your astral body’s skin. This is even on the lowly third level, where the light is dimmer than it is on the material level, since there is no sun, and we are so far from Level Seven. It seems to be always perhaps just before sunrise, although when I would look at Jesus, He has a glow about Him so I saw Him clearly. The sky always looks bright, and it is full of those non-earth colors that are indescribable. And Jesus Himself has such a strong personal energy, even when He is remembering to tune it back for His companions by a lot, since if He does not tune it back, it is painful for normals to be anywhere near Him. His personal energy is uniquely just one strong, high, pure and absolutely overwhelming Note. Thomas tells me that after all Jesus’s additional service in healing people who have been damaged by Christianity over the past seventeen hundred years, Jesus now vibrates even higher than Level Seven, so of course He can go anywhere in the astral now that He likes, and even above the Godhead Level of this reality.

But for most people, the fact that we can travel instantly anywhere in the astral plane, but we cannot go higher than our own level of spiritual development will allow us to go, becomes such a great frustration for us! People will ask me why, when our astral lives are so perfect, why on earth do we ever choose to come back here again and be reborn into earth-bodies and suffer over again all this earthly stress and pain? Well, this is why. Until we have attained somewhere near the top of Level Five in spiritual development, at which point we can become spirit guides for people on earth and thereby continue to grow spiritually, until then we keep bumping up against that frustrating ceiling of painful buzzing if we ever try to travel to the higher, more beautiful and interesting places. And we cannot grow much, if at all, spiritually in the lower astral plane because there is nothing much there that is negative, so there is nothing to push against, nothing really in the afterlife or in the lower astral plane but God’s pure love.

So, reluctantly at first perhaps, we begin to get together with old friends and new, we choose our spirit guides for this next lifetime, and we start to meet regularly with sixth-level teachers to plan our next lifetime on earth. (Or even conceivably on a different planet, but I don’t know enough about that process to say much about it.) These planning meetings happen in conference rooms perhaps, or outside under great leafy trees, and they feature whiteboards and diagrams. My own planning for this present lifetime was done in a big paneled conference room that was windowless and lit by skylights. And I was allowed to recall bits of one meeting that Jesus and some formidable sixth-level Beings attended with Thomas and me.

Of course, one problem for anyone wanting another incarnation on earth nowadays is the more limited availability of suitable bodies. Thanks largely to modern elective abortions in Western countries, the available bodies in places where people would most like to live in order to be able to learn whatever it is that they most need to learn spiritually, the demand now much exceeds the supply. We prefer to reincarnate repeatedly into the same general culture, to avoid having to learn whole confusing new cultures each time that we return to earth. So we are competing now for fewer bodies that are about to be conceived and are likely to be taken to term; and we fret over choosing among them as to gender, location, possible defects or illnesses, genetics, and so on.

But, let’s say that you and those planning to be born to share this next lifetime with you make compelling appeals to the Powers for the right set of bodies at the right times and places, and you all get your go-ahead together. Now you all enter the afterlife pre-birth launch area, and you go through the process of being prepared to be born on earth. There are some descriptions in the literature of what this process entails, and apparently it does involve an actual shrinkage, the giving-up of most of your eternal mind into some sort of storage, and the attachment of the limited aspect of your mind that remains to the just-conceived zygote inside your mother-to-be’s material body on earth by its new silver cord. And while we generally do attach to and enter our newly-conceived body at the zygote stage or soon thereafter, we are generally out of our growing new body inside our mother’s uterus most of the time until the second, or even the third trimester.

It is important to understand that this new infant about to be born is a whole new being! It is not the same person who died on earth and entered the afterlife perhaps a hundred years ago, and then eventually decided to reincarnate in order to attempt to grow more spiritually in order to be able to explore higher astral levels. This new being will have a genetically different makeup, has different characteristics to allow for different kinds of learning, will have a different family and different experiences on earth, and might be of a different gender. There is in fact abundant evidence that each new incarnation is a whole new being altogether! Oh. Really? Oh dear. So then, why reincarnate at all? Good question. We will talk about the answer to that next week.

In the fifth and final segment of this series, we will answer your remaining questions.  We’ll talk about many of the glorious and very enjoyable things that there are for you to do in your busy eternal life in the astral plane. And is there anything that might go wrong? If there is, what might you do to fix it? What is likely to surprise you most? And we will try to answer what is really the most important question of all. Why do we get to enjoy our whole glorious eternal lives so much? Just, Why??   


(This is the fourth of five blog posts which together help to explain the death process, how the greater reality works, and what our eternal life is like.)


(Many photos are from