
Mainstream Science is Off the Rails

Posted by Roberta Grimes • June 28, 2014 • 4 Comments
Afterlife Research, Quantum Physics, The Source

I love popular science magazines. Scientific American is my favorite, but Discover, NewScientist, and Science News also origin_6760135001are immensely entertaining. I began reading popular science a couple of decades ago as I tried to puzzle out the physics of the realities into which we graduate at death. What I learned was that many of the peculiarities of physics in the greater reality can be nicely explained once you have even a nodding acquaintance with quantum physics. I learned a lot more as well. And sadly, the more I learned about the issues that torment mainstream scientists now, the more I began to see how in nearly every case I was able to offer insights and explanations that came from my study of the afterlife evidence. Mainstream science has been off the rails and into the weeds for the past century because it still refuses to consider all the implications of quantum physics.

The most important insight to come from quantum physics is one that mainstream physicists still ignore. What we think of as human consciousness is primary and pre-existing. The great Max Planck, who won the Nobel Prize in 1918 as the father of quantum physics, said it better than I can. In 1931 he said, ”I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

Dear friends, this was the greatest scientific discovery of the twentieth century. It might have been the greatest scientific discovery of all time. And even now, a full century later, mainstream scientists continue to ignore it.

The reason why the discovery that consciousness is primary still terrifies mainstream scientists so much that to this day they walk around with their fingers in their ears and humming loudly is a topic for another blog post. I have tried to understand something that makes no sense at all, and I think I can give you partial answers. But the fact that the discovery that consciousness is primary is being altogether ignored has meant that many mainstream scientists continue to spend their careers pursuing nonsense and getting nowhere. Meanwhile, the insights that could have come from their having pursued this extraordinary discovery are left to be supplied by a business attorney with a passion for studying the afterlife evidence.

At this point, when I read most articles in popular science magazines I find myself considering possible answers to what still are puzzling questions for scientists. Here are a few examples:

1)    Where does consciousness come from? Easy-peasy! It comes from nowhere – it is primary and pre-existing. Everything that we think of as real comes from consciousness. So all those scientists looking for the source of consciousness in the brain are, sadly, wasting their careers. Dr. Bruce Grayson of the University of Virginia is one of the few mainstream scientists who are pursuing the truth about consciousness, and he offers some fascinating insights into how the afterlife evidence supports Max Planck’s discovery. Here he is, well worth a watch, from the indispensable Zammit Friday Afterlife Report. Just scroll down.

2)    Do we have free will? Experiments have shown repeatedly that when people are asked to make spontaneous decisions to do something, their bodies begin to act very slightly before their brains register the decision to act. For scientists who are working in the weeds, this seems to indicate that we don’t have free will, or that our illusory free will might be the product of something they call background noise. This is another question that the afterlife evidence answers easily. Yes indeed, we do have free will. But many of the decisions affecting our bodies are made by what you might call our superconsciousness or oversoul, a part of our minds whose activity may not be detectable in our brains at all – or may look like “background noise.” Your oversoul decides to act and then directs your body to act, and only after it has initiated that action does it inform the portion of your mind that is active in your brain. If you can back off a bit and act as an observer, you will find that most of the things your body does in the course of a day – getting out of bed, picking up a fork, tying your shoe – seem to happen automatically, without your having to think through the steps that are necessary to make them happen. If you had to think about each separate component of many of the things you do, your active awareness would be able to think about little else. So your oversoul nicely supports you by taking over a lot of that burden.

 3)    How can the universe exist and be stable? From the moment of the initial big bang some 13.8 billion years ago through the breath that you are taking now, the continued existence of this universe has depended upon many variables whose tolerances are vanishingly tiny.  Having read a number of popular-science articles in this vein, I am sorry to tell you that from a mainstream scientific perspective it is a genuine miracle that you have survived long enough to read this sentence, and it is virtually certain that you will not survive long enough to finish this blog post. Yet I am unworried. You and I are fine! The Big Bang theory tells us that everything we think of as real expanded from the size of a pencil-dot to the size of the present matter-filled universe. And in the process, it consistently maintained perfection in every parameter, so it has resisted its own destruction for what is going on 14 billion years. Come on! How likely is that? It is impossible, to be frank, unless you accept Max Planck’s insight that consciousness is basic and you realize that this universe is something akin to a thought. Consciousness began that thought from nothing, and consciousness – like an infinitely powerful computer – still continues to tweak every relevant tolerance in nanoseconds. Again, the solution to a whole set of questions now driving scientists crazy is one that Max Planck gave them a century ago. If the universe were as raw and random as most scientists imagine it to be, I would suggest that you go and hug your sweetie right now and not waste your few remaining quanta of time before the universe collapses in reading the rest of my blog post. Of course, the universe is neither raw nor random, so please read on. You are eternally safe in everlasting arms

4)    Why are Mainstream Scientists so bollixed up in Studying Trivialities? As you read the popular science magazines, over and over you see scientists earnestly drilling down to study ever more tiny things while never considering the possibility that there might be a bigger picture. It’s like watching them study fire without considering the possibility that there could be something in the air that, you know, is involved with burning. Their latest delight is having found the Higgs Boson, a tiny speck that long has been postulated because subatomic particles are just whirling energy so there needed to be a way to give those vortices mass and allow them to interact with gravity. The Higgs does it! Except that still nobody knows how it does it.  Personally, I long have thought that gravity and certain other mystifying phenomena might involve the parts of the greater reality about which scientists still have no clue. I don’t know. I do know, though, that to try to study anything in the universe without attempting to understand the role of consciousness is a fool’s errand.

5)    How is it Possible That About 95% of the Universe is Invisible to Us? Here is the biggest scientific weirdness of all! Scientists now understand that nearly everything that exists in the universe doesn’t interact with light and cannot be studied by any means now available. They call it “dark” matter and energy. They know it has to be there because of the behavior of visible celestial bodies, and they calculate now that the whole universe’s energy and mass is less than 5% detectable matter. About 27% of the universe is dark matter, and 68% is dark energy. Dark matter and dark energy constitute about 95% of this universe! Mainstream scientists are stumped, so they scratch their heads and spend their time on other things. Let’s give them a suggestion. Of course, you and I can’t be certain about what dark matter and dark energy actually are, but we can guess. Exactly where we are but at higher rates of vibration on a consciousness-energy spectrum are at least seven levels of reality that each may be more vast than this material universe. If I were to guess, I would say that for those afterlife levels to constitute at least 90% of a greater reality that includes this universe would be about right. Wouldn’t it be a fine piece of irony if mainstream scientists’ obsession with materialism and atheism turned out to have gotten in the way of their discovering that the regions where the dead reside have been part of our universe all along?origin_4290962747

Max Planck was a visionary. We can prove now that he was right. And only when scientists stop ignoring the greatest discovery in human history are they going to be able to make sense of so many things that they find perplexing now. Planck said in 1944, “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”


photo credit: <a href=””>NASA Goddard Photo and Video</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>
photo credit: <a href=””>Dustpuppy72</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>cc</a>


Roberta Grimes
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4 thoughts on “Mainstream Science is Off the Rails

  1. “About 27% of the universe is dark matter, and 68% is dark energy. Dark matter and dark energy constitute about 95% of this universe! ”

    About 27% of my house is vaulted ceiling, and about 68% is carpeted. So, vaulted ceiling and carpets constitute about 95% of my house? Really?

    – Jeb

  2. Hi Jeb! I’m not sure I understand your question, but I’ll try to answer it ;-). Theoretically at least – keeping in mind that I have never seen your house – I imagine that there is a lot more to the place than carpeting and ceiling. Where the universe is concerned, there is just matter and energy, which makes the math easier. I haven’t done these calculations myself, but those who have studied the situation tell us with confidence that based upon what they understand to be true of the observable universe, 95% of the universe CANNOT be observed. It’s there, but we cannot study it in any way now known to humankind.

    Think about that. Ninety-five percent! How can they possibly imagine that they are getting a handle on anything at all when nearly everything that exists in the universe is – according to the physicists themselves – a mystery?

    Thanks for being here, Jeb!

  3. What a fascinating article! So glad you are making long-needed parallels between quantum science and afterlife studies. Humans can be so afraid of the unknown. We can be afraid of death and dying and we can be afraid of studying the implications of quantum theory. Thank you for “going boldly where we have not been before!”

    1. Hi Pavel! The beyond-glorious thing is that when you put it all together everything fits so perfectly. And its greatest fruit is the fact that when you really understand what is going on, you never again fear anything ;-).

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